Legalized Marriage Equality or a Resolution to the US National Debt???

We have a Democrat in the Presidential office…yet we still do not have national marriage equality.  At the time we are writing this, the US national debt is $15,630,722,222,420.64 increasing at $3.97 Billion a day since September 28, 2007.  Each citizen’s share is approximately $50,000.  So…as gays and lesbians…how do we vote? Do we vote for our party? Do we vote per issue? Do we vote for the person we think is most appropriate? Do we not vote at all???

The Presidential election is 6 months away, but what if we had to decide today.  If you could only pick one…which would you choose?

Would You Rather: Round 7

As of today, one of the following happens…would you rather have legalized, national marriage equality OR a resolution to the US national debt??? You can only pick one! 

Let us know in the comments below…and visit our other Would You Rather games in our Would You Rather section!



Spring 2012 Men’s Style For Your Soul Quick Picks!

Each year, fashion becomes a little more personal, a little more individualized and a little more, should we say, overwritten.  These days, everyone has an opinion about fashion and everyone seems to think they’re right.  But the wonderful thing about fashion and style is the ability to discover yourself through what makes you feel good about yourself and what seems to express your inner soul.  Years ago, long before Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen stole the market on homeless chic, we knew a girl who wore fifty bracelets on her arms with a gold Rolex…Vintage Blondie and The Smiths tees over long, Tibetan skirts…with Chuck Taylors cut off at the top.  Her hair, which always had some kind of feather or braid assemblage, fell in natural, blonde curls with pieces underneath highlighted with black and brown.  She…was…gorgeous.  Her sense of comfortable style which allowed herself to be free only released her soul and allowed others to see on the outside what she felt on the inside.  Happiness.

The fact that she could throw on a white silk blouse, black suit and pull all that wild hair back in a classy chignon made her all the more appealing and desirable.

In the past, women had better outlets than men to express their style…but today, men have options too! We’ve picked just a few of our favorite Spring items this year.

Above: Creative Recreation’s DEFEO Hunter Calico Wingtip…$75. Available at Creative Recreation.

Toddland’s Tennessee Wallet…Available at Toddland.(If you haven’t visited their site, you gotta go see all of their tees, sweatshirts, underpants and more! They also sell magic rocks and latch hook kits!

ANY of House of Holland’s underwear…All available online at House of Holland UK. (They have great women’s underwear too!)

Camouflage sport coats…available at J. Crew and Macy’s.

And floral shorts on men…lots of floral on men.  Get ready…this summer, men’s street fashion is going to look like Lana Del Rey ate men up and spit them out in cut off jean shorts, PBR tees and floral shirts crowned with longer, greasy, messy hair…we can’t wait! Lana…is the next huge style icon! Period.

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!


Would You Rather: Facebook? Twitter? Tumblr? YouTube? Instagam?

The world is consumed with social media.  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram,,, Grindr, LInkedIn…the list goes on and on and on.  Most people have accounts on either one or all of the social websites out on the webosphere.  We may even think there is something wrong with the random person who braggs, “I don’t have a Facebook account.” No Facebook account? How dare you? How will we ever find you? Oh well…tag us!

Would You Rather: Round 6

If you could only have 2 social media accounts, which 2, out of all of them out there, would you rather have? Please let us know in the comments below.  You don’t have to sign in to play, just post your comment and go!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Revenge Returns…”Doubt”…Raannt Rewind 4-18-12

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the beach…Revenge returned to ABC tonight, bringing along with it a picnic basket of surprises.  While this isn’t a spoiler alert, if you haven’t watched the show yet, don’t read our post until afterwards.  We wouldn’t want to ruin any of the surprises that were lacking from tonight’s episode.

As HUGE fans of Revenge, we love every second, but maybe we’ve become immune to the constant craziness that occurs on one small strip of the Hamptons.  We’ve waited 6 weeks to find out the conclusion of what happened after Daniel’s arrest.  While we’re not attorney’s we’re pretty sure, from our steep education of law via film and television, that most murderers are not granted a bond.  So…leave it to Victoria to have a master plan to get Daniel out of jail.  We seriously need this bitch on our side! If we hired them as our campaign managers we could secure the White House overnight!

And what about old Victoria…or Vicki, as we found out tonight she used to be called in her past, past life. How many past lives does she have, seriously? Madeleine Stowe is 53.  In real time, that means she had Charlotte(except that the actress Christa B. Allen is really 20) at 36 and Daniel at 29.  Meaning…Vicki had a lot of years before to have several past lives.  We can only imagine what else we’ll find out besides an affair with a starving, unsuccessful artist who just happens to be as good looking as actor Gerard Butler and live in a million dollar apartment.  And is he as shady as Victoria? He did scroll through her phone and take her number. Such a stalker.

Poor Mason Treadwell…For being the modern day, Truman Capote of New York, he is undeniably simple.  Throw him a good computer, a room in the West Wing and a couple of wine coolers and the old chap is putty in their hands.  By far one of the best scenes of the night is when he is manipulated into writing the blog The Treadwell Report while Victoria, Emily and Ashley coerce him with an already designed website.  Again…could we please get this bitch on our side to hire someone to design, set up and run our website? And of course, his first post goes viral…overnight…all thanks to Eric van der Woodsen.  Oh wait! We mean, poor boy Declan Porter.  We just can’t get past the similarity between Declan and Serena’s gay brother on Gossip Girl, except for his often fading Jersey accent…(can he please be the next murder to happen in the Hamptons…or at least a haircut.) Maybe his next role is on The Pauly D Project! Let’s hope!

And who is smarter…Victoria or Emily? As tonight proved, their are literally mirror images of each other’s souls.  We’re routing for the possibility of some parental unity.  Could Emily be the daughter Victoria gave up to have the riches of the Hamptons.  Did Victoria and Emily’s father live in a flophouse in the city until they both got rich and got out, unable to display their love for each other? Probably not, but anything’s possibly in Revenge.  Who the hell would think to have their own son beat senseless in jail? Smart move gal, even though we were hoping for a longer shower scene with Daniel, but then again, this isn’t Oz.  And where do you all find these ranshakety bars on the edge of town where sketchy dudes sit around drinking beer all day waiting to be called by mother’s in the Hampton’s to have their son assaulted in prison.

And that is why we love this show so very much….because it is absolutely unreal.  How the hell could Emily take that guy down in the ally.  And what did she mean whispering, “This is for Jack” and then “This is for Daniel”.  Pick a man, girl! Always one step ahead, we were again super impressed with her strategically placing Mason Treadwell in a position to secure her safety.

And what were the rest of our thoughts about the show? Hmmm…are they losing money in their budget because the fashions seemed much less island chic and much more Kohl’s off the rack…especially Emily’s sling-backs…oh my! And what is Charlotte going to do when those 10 pain pills she’s been abusing for over 6 weeks run out?  She’s got about as much gumption as a leap frog.  Oh wait! She’ll run into the city to that bar and buy some pills from that guy Emily beat up…wearing her wig!

Til next time…watch your back!

See all of our TV reviews in our section Raannt Rewind!



Would You Rather: Glee Fans…Lea and Cory OR Chris and Darren???

Yesterday we ran an article about pictures of Lea Michele and Cory Montieth questioning the authenticity of their off-screen romance.  It seems people either believe it is real or think it is a complete PR stunt.  We tend to want to believe the rumors.  But…to all our Glee fans out there, including us, it leaves an interesting question!


Would You Rather: Round 5

If you had to pick one of these onscreen Glee couples, Darren Criss and Chris Colfer OR Lea Michele and Cory Montieth, to have a real-life, non PR, lasting romance…which would you pick?

Leave your comments and answers below! And stay-tuned for another round of Would You Rather tomorrow plus our review of this week’s episode of Glee!

To see the pictures we posted of Lea and Cory, click HERE!

Love ya guys!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!



Gossip Girl-THE Rewind…”Salon of the Dead” 4-16-12

The story gets more in depth, maybe even somewhat cheesy at times, but we love these characters so damn much because they seem like our best friends who we catch up with once a week.  Why do we watch?  Duh…Because we have to

So…here’s what we thought about tonight’s show!

Blan…or Blair and Dan(ok, we were going to pick DLair or Blain, but since flan is a sweet custard and bland is defined as uninteresting, we thought Blan was a perfect fit!)… are finally starting to find their relationship rhythm and are ready to finally make their public debut.  (You have to admit, we could all take some socialite pointers from Queen B herself.  Schedule red carpet photo ops(or oops). Check!)  Of course, the likes of good vs. Brooklyn won’t mesh so smoothly.  The pair find themselves dancing the choppy tango, trying to decide which move will be best for their coming out relationship…so a Salon party it is – invite only!

It wouldn’t be the upper east side if the golden, parental, social couple wasn’t having trouble and this time it seems serious.  Our prediction is that we’ll see a divorce by the middle of next season.  Sorry Rufus, but its a little too late to try to make Brooklyn fit into the upper east side shoes. And while we’re at it, who fixes computer desk chairs?  We know times are hard, but really?! And the little father and son moment, sweet…but sooo Season 1 & 2.

Lily dear, we love your subtlety.  Especially your description of the Upper East Side – “clean sidewalks, Bergdorf Goodman, and people who’s job is to open doors”.  The Rufus part we can deal with out. Nobody needs a super, moral, sound board around when you have that much money, really!

And now…on to Serena.  After a couple of weeks as Gossip Girl, Serena seems to really be enjoying the GG powers.  But careful S, you keep giving away personal details and the fire of Lola will burn when you least expect it.  Lola’s on to you(which we kind of like!) and you don’t want to lose all that power…even though we want Ivy back.  She was hot and her voice was sexy.

And what else happens?  One of Diana’s secrets is finally revealed…GG style, disrupting the salon party.  Lola confirms her suspicions on who GG is and the best  public blow out between Diana and Chuck… Making it “more of a soap opera than salon” coming out party. We don’t want to ruin everything for you if you haven’t already seen it so we’ll leave it with our rating…


4/5 xo’s…Not bad, considering…

Til next week when we find out how many desk chairs Rufus will have to fix since he’s been cut off! And if you have any suggestions on the mixed name for Blair and Dan…other than Blan…by all mean, please comment!

Are GLEE’s Lea Michele and Cory Montieth a REAL Couple??? Gleemance Photos!

If you haven’t heard, Glee’s onscreen couple, Lea Michele and Cory Montieth, attended the Coachella music festival together this weekend.  This might not be much of a surprise to most Glee fans, who have been reading reports for weeks of an off-screen romance.  Come on! Who wouldn’t love for Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson to fall in love in real life.  When we first heard these stories, we didn’t believe it.  We’re addicted to Glee but this was just too good to be true.  What next? Darren Criss and Chris Colfer? God…we wish! No…we were just as skeptical as the rest.

In fact, after we Tweeted last night from our Boys of Raannt account, We have unseen pics of couple @msleamichele and @CoryMontieth weeks ago in NYC to be posted tomorrow at #glee our account blew up and we started having Glee fans from all over sending us direct messages and tweets.  One fan, like many others, even questioned the authenticity of their relationship Tweeting @theboysofraannt omg!! Cant believe theres still naive people that thinks they are a real couple PR staged pics @GLEETV.

We thought the same thing…until 3 weeks ago.  One of our very close friends happened to be in NYC for the weekend.  Before flying home on Sunday, March 25th, she and some friends were having brunch at The Jane(hotel). Halfway through her brunch, she looks up to notice Lea Michele and Cory Montieth walking in together and being seated, alone, in the restaurant.  When asked if they looked like a couple, she replied, “They looked very cozy.  They were obviously a couple and not trying to hide it.” And although the pictures aren’t amazing, taken on her iPhone between the elbows and arms of the other brunchers, we were happy enough to see the couple, looking like the rest of us on any Sunday.  Tired and hungry.

So…A real, life Hollywood couple or a PR stunt?  We hope they’re really in love.  It would make for a perfect ending, right?

What do you think? Fake…or real on Gleemance?

Stay tuned for more celeb pics from our friend’s iPhones, you’ll never guess who, and if you have any you’d like us to post please send them to  We’ll give you full credit and even interview you about seeing them!

Be Yourself. Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Make It Count! The BEST MOST IMPORTANT YouTube Video EVER!

If you only ever watch 1 YouTube video…this is the one to watch.  We watch YouTube videos all the time.  ALL the time! We’re constantly on the internet scavenging for new videos to watch and new people to inspire us under our motto of Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.  Filmmaker Casey Neistat has did just that! A New York City filmmaker, already highly accomplished, he and friend Max Joseph(who edited the film)went on an around the world tour in 10 days and video taped the whole thing woven together with inspirational quotes and incredible footage into the viral film Make It Count!

This is absolutely the coolest video ever and probably the most important video you will ever see…but just a warning.  It might inspire you to get your ass off your couch and actually start living your life before its over!

Check out all of Casey’s info including his Facebook Fan Page and his Website; probably one of the most down to Earth, genuine and easy to navigate websites we’ve ever visited!(And that’s saying alot!) It also has tons of his other videos which are just as entertaining.

Thank you Casey…you’re exactly what we need in a world filled with negativity.  You…are a warrior!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Perez Hilton…THE Look…Yesterday and Today!

You either love him or hate him.  But either way, he is the Oprah of pop culture.  If Oprah has the ability to pick future politicians…Perez Hilton has the intense ability to put his thumbprint on the next big icon of pop culture.  In the past, he’s been an easy target for counter attacks due to his varying “stylistic” looks, which are questionable, at best, of having any style at all.

But in the last year, those following Perez, via his blog or Twitter, have noticed a focus on gym time and an incredible dedication to improving his physical appearance.  For those that saw the premiere of his reinvented look at LOGO TV’s New Next Now Awards, Perez looked like some kind of over-tanned Ken doll, apparently making a statement…not just displaying fashion.  Well…we would have much rather that statement have been made in a white v-neck tee and a pair of rustic jeans and chucks.  It’s undeniable that Perez has questionable style and his outfit by The Blonds nods in the same direction.  Nonetheless, a little less tan…and Perez looks absolutely incredible. Handsome.  Masculine.  Happy.

More important than the outfit was the statement, found on his website, “We’ve worked soooo hard to get to where we are today, and we are feeling soooooooo good these days! YOU can do it too!  You can! Do it! Do it! Do it!!!!”

In a world saturated by obesity and unhealthy body issues, Perez is an example of healthy living, contributing positivity to pop culture…probably his best achievement yet.  We’re impressed Perez! And thank you…for encouraging us by being humble enough to admit your struggle…yet confident enough to show off your success.  That…is truly sexy!

We thought we’d take a look at Perez over the years and visit his many looks.  It’s obvious that today…he wears happy very well!

By the way…your hair looks the best its every looked!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid. Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Rihanna vs. Avicii – GRTGO!(Getting Ready To Go Out) Playlist!

The music we get ready to in our bathroom and bedroom is almost as important as the music spun by the DJ’s in the club! Every week we find new music to dance to while doing our hair and getting dressed, laughing our asses off, excited for the long night ahead.  Do you do the same thing? Check out our Getting Ready To Go Out Playlist every week to see what we’re dancing to in our bathroom!

This week, our DJ Raannt Bathroom Playlist pick is Rihanna vs. Avicii – Where Have You Been, Avicii?(Tesher Remix/Mashup/Bootleg)

Check out our other Getting Ready To Go Out Songs in our GRTGO Playlist!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!