Oh Lort…The SEXY List is Back!

We can’t even show our faces for this one because we’re sooooo embarrassed for a couple of gals here in Indy.  So, here’s the story. And you have to read it all the way through because it directly ties back to our annual SEXY List of Indy’s most amazing, most powerful, most beautiful, most desired and most confident.  The SEXY List bitches…and we pick the REAL people who deserve these positions, not just who kissed enough ass to a bartender or who knows an editor of a magazine or a newspaper.  Nope…if you end up on our list…you deserve it.  Except for one individual.

Last week one of our dear friends was celebrating her birthday.  We’d like to say that she had been celebrating it up and had an amazing week, but needless to say, she, an always extremely grateful person, was a little down on her luck and needed some cheering up.  Imagine her surprise when during her birthday party she received a text from two old gal pals, neither of which she interacts with anymore, including a picture they had made with her face on the body of a KKK klansman.  Now…we’ve been told by the artist herself that there’s two sides to every story and that we need to stay out of it because it’s between her and our friend, but when have we become so immune to the world around us that we think it’s ok to do that to someone??? It’s harassment.  It’s bullying.  It’s disgusting and it’s sick.

How many of you think this is funny? Do you think this behavior is ok? Should we be worried that people who we eat and dance with might actually want to lynch us or bully us into suicide? Further…what the fuck are two grown thirty plus year old women doing photo-shopping harassing pictures??? Do you have nothing better to do?

Here’s our dilemma; one of the artists has been on our SEXY list for the last two years.  We can’t tolerate this behavior.  We can’t condone it.  One of our friends commented and said, “I’ll be talking to her about it but I won’t be turning my back on her.” Well of course not…how dare we actually confront atrocities such as bullying.  Why would you want to be friends with a sick individual like that…no matter the background story.

Now let’s revisit our definition of sexy:

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, humility, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.
used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”

So you see, when we’re told that our SEXY list is a sham and that we just pick our friends, even though tons of the people who have been on the list we haven’t previously met, we’re in total disbelief because we put a lot of thought into our list, as well as take nominations and suggestions from others.

Our question to you…what categories would you like to see this year? Would you just like to see people or would you also like to see establishments?  Any suggestions on categories?  Let us know and we’ll help give you the best SEXY List ever…which will be announced at a special end of the year party at Lounge 54 attached to Brewstone!

Get ready, because we’ve been working on the list all year and we have twice as many categories as last year.

One last thing…The way you treat others really tells the world more about yourself. So…

Be Yourself. Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Til Tomorrow…

If you’d like to see last years 2011 SEXY List Click HERE!

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