Indiana’s UNSEXIEST Man: Representative Eric Turner…Author of the Bill Banning Same-Sex Marriage

As states across the country are legalizing same-sex marriage, Indiana is quite possibly becoming the least intellectual and loving state as they move towards a constitutional amendment which would ban same-sex marriage permanently defining marriage as being between a man and a woman.  At the forefront of this ban…Indiana Republican Representative Eric Turner, who authored the bill.   A recent Indiana poll found that 48% of voters were in favor of this ban while 45% were opposed.

The Advocate, in a recent article, stated “Rep. Eric Turner, author of the amendment, recently told Indiana radio station WIBC that he’s not sure when he’ll resubmit the amendment, but he believes it will pass, and that when it goes before voters, they will approve it. Maine, Maryland, and Washington State, which approved marriage equality on Election Day, and Minnesota, which rejected an anti-equality amendment, are more liberal than Indiana, he said.

In an effort to help people actually familiarize themselves with the faces behind the names, we will be posting pictures weekly of those behind the efforts to make Indiana one of the most backward states in the country.

In case you just associate Mr. Turner with anti-gay rights, let’s not forget he’s also leading the campaign to make Indiana one of the most restrictive states for abortion as well, literally taking away women’s rights claiming that new amendments would allow women to lie about incest or being raped in order to obtain abortions.

What…a gentleman.  We should be soooooo proud to have him represented our state!

Stay tuned weekly as we list those individuals in support of this bill on our UN-SEXY List.

But let’s not make this personal, right? Except…it’s very personal!

If you’d like to show your support for same-sex marriage in Indiana or Ban Eric Turner…check out our tees in our shop HERE! 20% of all proceeds will go towards same-sex support in Indiana!

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