Bonjour Punk Monsieur! We’ll Take All of You! Style for the Modernist!

punk monsier bow tie_raanntYou just have to go and look at the Punk Monsieur website to really understand what we mean by modernist style, but the folks over at this eccentric brand have mixed modern ideas with past hints of 70’s glamour, 80’s glamm rock, grunge and punk and even a little bit of old style sophistication.  OK, they probably didn’t plan any of it that way, but we love what their doing and think their entire collection is fantastic.  All of their bow ties and ties are so unique that they’re definite conversation pieces and attention grabbers.  Let’s be very clear: these are accessories for men who have incredible taste but also want to get noticed, as witness by the gold tie above.

punk monsier red bow tie_raanntAnd they’re having a great sale right now too, so go and check them out and buy up a few of their things.  We’re thinking New Years and the holidays are the perfect time for Punk Monsieur!

Check out all of our daily style reviews in our Style section!

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