Andrej Pejic – THE Role Model

If you know of our obsession with fashion and models, especially the lives behind the camera and runway, and our obsession with Jean-Paul Gaultier, in part due to our dear comrade Velvet D’Amour(check out our interview) making fashion history by walking in his show, then you’ll understand why we’re picking Andrej Pejic as our first model to be hosted in The Role Model.  Andrej walked in Gaultier’s men’s and women’s fashion shows in January 2011.  He again walked in both shows for MICHALSKY in July of 2011…and we have loved him ever since. Loved is even putting it mildly.  Obsessed.  Adoring.  Blushing.

Andrej Pejic, who won the Beyond Style award earlier in the week at LOGO TV’s New Now Next Awards, is a 20 year old, Australian androgynous male model who defies boundaries and is a pioneer in today’s fashion frontier.  While to many,  his androgyny is new and confusing, to others it is a renaissance of previous ideas of Marlene Dietrich and Calvin Klein…pumped up to the volume of fashion frenzy.

Andrej Pejic is the future of fashion.

Too controversial for most US conservative minds, in May of 2011, bookstores Borders and Barnes and Noble, covered his cover of Dossier Journal with a sleeve so shoppers wouldn’t be offended if confused and mistake the picture for a topless women.  Hey folks…Borders is gone…Andrej is still here!

Andrej was born in Bosnia, fled with his mother to Serbia to live in a refugee camp and moved to Melbourne as political refugees when he was 8 years old.  Today he finds himself walking runways and hyping up controversy in bookstores on the verge of their demise.  Not bad for 20 years old.  Needless to say, we feel Andrej is here to stay and has a lot more to do.  After all, let’s not forget the powerful scene in The Devil Wears Prada in which Miranda Priestly explains to Andy what the color blue represents, not only to the fashion world, but the world at large.

Andrej is today’s blue.

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

We will be posting our favorite models of the day in our new section THE Role Model.  Please check back and enjoy!




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