To the Class of 2012…THE Best Advice!

To the Class of 2012…WARNING! You never think you’ll grow old.  Not really.  But you do! You think you’ll be with your friends forever, driving around, singing, dancing, laughing.  But then one day you wake up and notice that small lines are growing around your eyes.  You haven’t talked to that best friend in months and you need to call and catch up.  But you have to make some business calls and pick up dinner so that call will have to wait.  And wait.  And wait.  And then you wake up and realize, somehow, a lot of years have gone by and its time for a reunion.  Life just happens…

We’ve changed all that in our lives.  Every day we live our lives like we’re 18 again, making sure we stay in the moment, dancing, singing, laughing and enjoying life like its our last day.  Our advice…show up for the audition.  Anything you want in your life you can have.  Anything you want to achieve, you can make it happen.  YOU are the one who dictates the outcome of your life.  YOU are the one that will either come back to your high school reunion as a manager of McDonalds or a movie star.  It’s your choice.  Show up for the audition of life!

When the song, Everybody’s Free(To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Lurhmann, came out in 1999, we were way too young to appreciate the honesty of the words, but 13 years later, we know them to be true.  Listen carefully and walk on with pride in your step and dreams in your heart.  Congratulations!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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