the SEXY list…

the SEXY list…
1. Gold Jewelry
2. The Ashera…the world’s most expensive cat
3. Brittany Mason’s Billboards in Las Vegas Airport
4. Candis Cayne
5. Hott Butts with Dimples
6. Gay Porn Star Chris Porter
7. Cassandra Cass of Trantasia and Wild Things
8. Dope Couture Clothing Line…
9. Race Car Driver Danica Patrick
10. Eat, Pray, Love…the movie with Julia Robets
11. Stereo Love
12. Elin Woods
13. Happy Town…the television show
14. White Lilies for Mother’s Day
15. “If This Isn’t Love” by Jennifer Hudson
16. The hard beats of Venezuela by Mark Van Dale
17. Gorgeous Maria Roman of Trantasia and Wild Things
18. Mike Ruiz, the silver foxx photographer extraordinaire…
19. Midnight Sun…the new book by Stephenie Meyer
20. the NEW Nightmare on Elm Street 2010
21. Gold and White Nike’s
22. Porn Star Rob Romoni…
23. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
24. Tyra Sanchez…the winner of Rupaul’s Drag Race II
25. The Vertu Boucheron Python Cell Phone
26. The Vertu Solid Gold Cell Phone
27. The Winner by David Baldacci
28. Velvet D’Amour…the first plus sized model to ever walk couture runway
29. Flesh Mondays with the boys of raannt at Landsharks!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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