As Spring Awakening Music Festival grows in popularity, stage production, musical acts and strong presence in the electronic music festival realm; it for sure breaths the PLUR vibes that many festivals stride for. Over the years, SAMF has worked in developing the ideal setting for it’s infamous festival. Trying different locations, evolving festival layouts, stage productions, and as it grows, it’s soul, implements the harsh lessons learned along the way to provide it’s beloved fans a greater and better experience.

For it’s 2018 edition, the SAMF & React Presents team worked over time to bring incredible, world renown DJs to their newly and hugely upgraded stages. They worked on prepping for the anticipated 100,000 attendees throughout it’s three day festivities and brought along extra city security to maintain a safe environment, in and outside, the festival grounds.

Now here’s where the PLUR vibes level up… The crowd was nothing but respectful of each other, helpful to one another, kind to indifference, and welcoming to unfamiliarities. Proud festival goers carried their flags representing their country or state, LGBTQ flags roam the grounds in celebration of music and PRIDE month, and SAMF set an example of respect for each others bodies and personal boundaries by teaming up with OurMusicMyBody. An organization dedicated to educate music lovers how to celebrate music respectfully.
Three strong days of PLUR in your heart and soul leaves us waiting for more, joking with our squads on what we did and when we’ll do it again, counting the days to the next festival (North Coast Music Festival?); And I hope, that just like the way we danced in harmony, we breath PEACE during our stressful weekdays ahead, LOVE those closest to us, bring UNITY to those who are different from us and, above all, RESPECT ourselves the way we want others to respect us.
Here here Spring Awakening, the 2018 edition was a loving success! Check out my FULL Spring Awakening Music Festival experience below: