Morgan Stewart Catches Us Up on a New Season of E!’s #ubersexy #RichKids of Beverly Hills


They’re back!!! Pop the Dom and pull forth your best selfies because the new season of E!’s #RichKids of Beverly Hills is “on fire!” as the killer and #ubersexy Morgan Stewart puts it! Morgan took some time off from building her empire and filming the second season of #RichKids of Beverly Hills to chat with us about the new season, what we should expect and what’s next for her! Check out what this jet setting blonde-bombshell has to say and catch the season premiere on E! Sunday August 3rd 10/9c:


Introduce yourself in 5 words or less.
Loud, passionate, funny, real and unfiltered.

How has #RichKids of Beverly Hills changed your life?
It really hasn’t changed my life that drastically. Aside from the casual “Can we please take a picture?” and the sudden burst of interest in my social media, life is still pretty much the same except with better hair.

How will this season of #RichKids of Beverly Hills be different from the first one?
The first season was very much introductory to who we were as individuals. The season we get down to the nitty gritty and really expose some powerful and personal things about ourselves.


How do you define sexy?
Could you imagine if I said the key to sexy is confidence? Would you have not rolled your eyes and turned the page so fast it hurt? I know, I figured. I define sexy as being able to pull off a red lip no matter where you are!

What is the sexiest Club? Hotel? Brand? Thing to buy?
We’re really into sexy aren’t we! Sexist thing to buy would definitely be the perfect fitting jeans. Sexiest brand would be Celine. Sexiest hotel would be Hotel du Cap. Sexiest club would be Hyde circa 2006.

How has your website/blog change since #RichKids of Beverly Hills?
It really has just exploded. I have found a new passion for it and making sure everything about it is absolutely perfect. It really has turned into a business for me the way I always hoped it would, while still making people giggle!


What is something about the new season fans will be surprised about?
How raw and real and deep we get. This season is ON FIRE. Don’t miss is August 3 at 10pm on E!

What do you want people to remember you by?
How well dressed I am.


What’s next for Morgan Stewart?
Using both my first and last name makes me feel really official, so thank you for that! I don’t want to focus on a “what’s next” just yet. I want to continue to put forth my energy on what I set out to do before the show aired, which is turning Boobs and Loubs into a serious force to be reckoned with.

What are your three simple luxuries?
Coca Cola, a face mask and a manicure.


Stay tuned for the 2nd season premiere of one of our favorite shows, E!’s #RichKids of Beverly Hills August 3rd at 10pm on E!

You’ll be sure to see why we call it #ubersexy, #indulgent, #realitygold and one of our #simpleluxury

Check out all of our Interviews in our Interview section, including the entire cast of #RichKids of Beverly Hills

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WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.


*Images provided by E!

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