Lady Gaga’s Manifesto of Mother Monster…Video for a Millenium!!!

For the last month, we’ve gone back and forth over the Britney vs. Gaga battle, but since the release of her video, Lady Gaga has been the standout winner! Seriously, this video will one day be comparable to the likes of Thriller, Vogue and other music genius’ who are willing to take risks and push the boundaries and limits. Not to mention we love the many references to Madonna. We at the raannt offices don’t believe Gaga sits in a room somewhere, meditating and defining a new religion of Gaga-ism. Quite the contrary. We think she’s probably sitting back in a comfy chair somewhere, laughing with her friends and dreaming up ways to be as strange as possible. And we’re all the audience to this incredible performance artist! Props Miss Gaga…your video looks amazing as does your body. Our favorite moments…4:11, 5:17 and 6:00. And although the beginning is outstanding, the 3 seconds at 3:57 define Miss Gaga as absolute rock star royalty!


Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Photo by Nick Knight
Video borrowed from VEVO on YouTube

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