Jonica *Blu* Booth from Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club Chicago Gives Good Advice…An Interview

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This ‘Blu’ bombshell has us hooked! Not just by her unique style and killer hair, but with her personality and her total bad-ness! Over the last few weeks we’ve been getting to know Jonica ‘Blu’ as one of the cast members of Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club Chicago and now we get the chance to learn a bit more about her! Check out what this ‘Blu’ beauty has to say about her experience on the show, the badness and the other girls and don’t forget to catch her and the other Bad-Girls every Tuesday 8/7c on Oxygen!

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Introduce yourself in five words or less.
I’m Jonica ‘BLU1x’ reppin’ the STL (shout out St.Louis).

What makes you a good member of the Bad Girls Club?
I’m just me. I don’t have to do all that extra bs that’s expected by a bad girl, however my presence doesn’t go unrecognized and my kindness doesn’t get mistaken for me being a punk. I get my respect as a bad girl and keep it pushin’. I feel I’ll definitely change the meaning of it (what a bad girl is).

Define a Bad Girl.
A Bad Girl to me is someone who’s humble and lets their actions and presence speak for them. Beautiful inside and out, not afraid to stand up for what they believe in and ready for whatever at all times. A bad girl to me is myself, Jonica ‘BLU’!

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What makes the Bad Girls Club – Chicago season better than seasons past?
The life coach who really played a major role in the growth of all of us. Although everyone’s issues weren’t fixed, I think everyone took something she said that will forever stick with them. Another thing is the parent’s weekend really was great because people got to see where others really came from. Your history answers a lot of questions about ones present life! The last thing I feel makes our season better is us (the group). As individuals we all have something that someone can relate to and/or see themselves being like.

How do you define sexy?
Sexy is defined by ambition and personality. The fact that you’re eye candy should be a bonus. Someone’s swag plays a major role. You can be attractive and still NOT be sexy. To be sexy is in your walk, talk, dreams, goals, and accomplishments. To be smart is to be sexy!

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What’s the sexiest club? City? Hotel? Place to kiss?
Sexiest Club: Liv
Sexiest City: Miami
Sexiest Hotel: Armani in Dubai
Sexiest place to kiss: Blu’s bed

Describe each Bad Girl Chicago with just one word:Slim- Soft
Jada- Interesting
Aysia- Sweetheart
Britt – Rebel
Loren- Genuine
Redd- Comedian

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What’s the baddest thing you’ve done?
The baddest thing I’ve done was take my case off my iphone. I guess I was feeling untouchable that day. Like my iPhone was crack proof or something. You got to be a thug to not protect your iPhone. I’m just saying.

What do you want people to remember you by?
I want people to remember me by the advice I give.

What are your three simple luxuries?
Three simple luxuries are my Family, my Dimple, and my small boobs because I really don’t HAVE to wear a bra!


Bad Girls Club

Tune into Bad Girls Club Chicago on Oxygen Tuesdays 8/7c


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