Janis Ian “At Seventeen”…Is About Most of Us.

Janis Ian isn’t just a character in one of our favorite movies, she’s actually a singer.  When I was much younger, my mother would dance around the kitchen, a daisy behind her ear and sing softly the words of Janis Ian’s infamous song “At seventeen”.  I’m not sure at five or six I understood the words, but as I grew up, the words resonated with my individuality and my ability to never fit circles into squares.  In a way, I was that girl at seventeen.  In a way, we all were…and some of us still are…

Below we’ve posted the video of her singing At Seventeen way back when as well as her singing the song four years ago.  She is just as haunting and beautiful as she was in 1975 when she won a Grammy for “At Seventeen”.  If you’re already a lover of this song, please close your eyes and think back to when you first heard it.  If you’ve never heard it before, and you’re much younger, embrace the words and let them resonate even today.


Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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