Is Phillip Phillips the Next Dave Matthews or Just a Copy…Official Raging Fire Video

phil phillips sexy_raannt

We love Phillip Phillips.  We love Dave Matthewsmore.  Well, maybe at least we thought we did until last week when we saw Phil play his new hit Raging Fire live on American Idol.  For so long, we had been comparing the two, really comparing Phillip to Dave as a “cover” that we never really gave him credit for his own work.  He sounds like Dave.  He plays like Dave.  He even dresses a little bit like Dave and dances a little bit like him when he plays.  But the reality is that Phillip Phillips is an amazing artist in his own right.  We’re super excited to see what he has in store.  If it’s anything like Dave, then he has quite a career ahead of him!

Check out the video performance of his cover of Dave Matthews’ The Stone and his own Raging Fire, available now!


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