Indy’s SEXIEST Power Couples…

Photo Credit: Claire Buffie

For our first post on our new blog we wanted to go back to our roots…our SEXY lists! And as we sat around brainstorming different ideas we discussed how in the last two years we had been witness to the marriage between the social, professional, political and familial relationships weaving between Indianapolis’ many different backdrops. For that reason, we thought it would be interesting to list the six couples in the Indianapolis area who WE believed were the SEXIEST Power Couples. We started with approximately 20 couples and narrowed them down based on their diversity and currently being at the top of their game We had discussed having creative photographs taken of each couple, focusing on what we believed made them sexy or powerful, but instead, thought it would be more interesting to have them submit photographs which were their favorites. All of the couples we chose are down to Earth, productive, approachable, endearing, inspiring and yes…sexy. Couples, when together ignite passion and seem unstoppable, and as individuals, interesting and intricate. Most were surprised they were picked and told us they didn’t feel they were “power couples”, but in five to ten years, these will definitely be the couples leading our city and showing that above all else…love does prevail!

Brian and Katie Stam Irk

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Brian and Katie (Stam) Irk. Brian is a personal trainer. Katie is a public speaker and Vice President of Brand Awareness at Australian Gold. (Katie is also Miss America 2009)
2. How long have you been together?
5 & 1/2 years
3. How did you meet?
In college at University of Indianapolis in the Communication Department. We were both studying television broadcasting.
4. What did you do on your first date?
Brian’s apartment. He cooked an italian dinner.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Super chic dinner at 45 Degrees on Mass Ave. Romantic stroll downtown on the canal. Dessert and movie back at home.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Bill and Hillary Clinton. We both have established careers, have great connections throughout our respective industries and both have a strong foundation on public service and leadership.
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Free time. As newlyweds we are still working on time management and we have found the best way to resolve that issue is 1. Be completely honest with each other when you need more free time or need more of the other person. And 2. Always be considerate of each others needs.
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Faith. Love. Understanding.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
a. Hands down…our 11 day honeymoon to St Martin in the Caribbean. We had the most gorgeous 9 bedroom villa on a private beach all to ourselves.
b. Sunday’s usually are our only day off so you can typically find us home enjoying each other’s company.
c. Saturday nights we spend with friends if we are at home and not working. Couples game night has become a tradition.
d. “The Luckiest” the song I sang to Brian during our first dance or “Unforgettable” the theme of our lives together.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Bobby and Sarah Cooper. Bobby owns a salon in Broad Ripple. They have two gorgeous daughters and know everything sexy about Indy!

Pat and Elizabeth Lechleiter Kelly

1. What are your names? What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Patrick Kelly: Student at IU School of Dentistry
Elizabeth Kelly: Department Manager: Men’s Sportswear/The Rail (Nordstrom @ The Fashion Mall)
(*Just a sidenote. Possibly they were “Born This Way”. Pat’s parents, Tim and Becky, are the magical, medical duo who have led people into recovery at Fairbanks Treatment Center for years. His father Tim is the Medial Director and one of the leading Addictionologists in the country. Elizabeth’s father, John Lechleiter, is the current President and Chief Executive Officer of Eli Lilly.)

2. How long have you been together?
We met our freshman year at Brebeuf, 98-99′. We started dating at the end of that year = 13 yrs!
3. How did you meet?
Elizabeth asked me to dance at freshman orientation but I said no b/c I had a girlfriend from junior high. We then had several classes throughout the year and finally got together at the end of the year party at a friends house (specifically behind the pool house (air high five)). *Pat would like us to clarify that this was no more than a goodnight kiss…in all honesty!
4. What did you do on your first date?
Since she was 14 and I was 15 her dad dropped her off at my house with a friend and we watched a movie. My dad drove them home. Probably not a 10.0 on the sexy scale.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
We live in Broadripple so we like to walk into the village when the weather is good, find a place to eat (preferably outside or with open windows), grab a bite and a drink, maybe meet some friends/family for a drink, and then walk home along the canal. We also have day dates that usually involve physical activity like biking down the tow path/green way to down town or running around the canal/monon in B.Rip.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
I’d like to think we are like Charlie and Harriette from “So I Married An Axe Murderer”, in the sense that we can have a good time joking and flirting while managing our daily lives (reference montage in butcher shop to the tune of “rush” by Big Audio Dynamite II).
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
We have similar tastes in a lot of things so most of our arguments are luckily small; usually just the little decisions like what to eat and were to go. I get after Elizabeth about being on time b/c she takes her sweet time getting ready for any occasion, but it’s always worth it!
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Friendship: we do things not just as a couple but as friends.
Space: we let each other run our own show and encourage interests that aren’t necessarily our own.
Trust: kind of goes with the first two but when you can dissolve that insecurity that goes along with most relationships and know that you have a support that will never go away, you can really concentrate on each other and ensure that everyone is happy.

9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Sexiest Vacation? Honeymoon: Paris, Geneva, Chamonix, Cote de Azur, Hilton Head: it never ended (thx parents!)
Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Go to church, Take Willis (our Boston Terrier) for a run on the canal, and end it all with a drink, and something from the grill in a set of chairs outside in our back yard, Willis in lap.
Sexiest Saturday night? reference sexiest date, question 5, We also like to entertain at our Bripple Bungalow with friends and family!
Sexiest song? We like to listen to “The Equalizer” off of the album So This Is Goodbye by Junior Boys while we are getting ready to go out and get our party on!

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
I’d have to say that I think having a project like Raannt and doing interviews/reviews and designing a creative/fun website with your partner is pretty “sexy”, so I just put Peter and Alex up near the top of the list. Our parents are also inspirational couples. They each have successful careers and are committed to great organizations that help people. They raised beautiful families and still find time for each other. If we end up 1/2 like them we will be pretty “sexy” ourselves!

Ron Miner and Gabby Love

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Ron Miner aka DJ Indiana Jones- Founder/CEO of Crush Entertainment, DJ, Promoter, Cultural Activist
Gabrielle Love aka DJ Gabby Love- DJ, Model, Horseback Riding Instructor/Trainer

2. How long have you been together?
Almost 2 Years, since July 2009
3. How did you meet?
Through mutual friends- when I (Gabby) realized I wanted to pursue and learn how to DJ, I approached (actually begged) Ron multiple times to teach me. He finally decided to teach me in March of 2009. Our friendship quickly grew and soon after we realized the feelings we had were far greater than just being friends
4. What did you do on your first date?
Flew down to Miami for a gig of Ron’s. We stayed in the penthouse suite at The Foutainebleau Hotel in South Beach. It was epic
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Sexiest date for us would be having a nice lunch or dinner downtown then heading to a Colt or Pacer game
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Jay-Z and Beyonce w/ a splash of David Bowie and Iman
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
There really isn’t one issue we argue most about and we really don’t argue very often. When we do argue though the key for us to resolve it is by not holding a grudge and being able to talk about issues open and honestly.
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
First and foremost, we developed a very strong friendship before the thought of a relationship even occurred to us. Having that strong friendship first was a key factor in the success of our relationship. To this day we are still each others closest friend and confidant.
Secondly, we don’t hold grudges and always talk about any problems/issues we have within the relationship and in our lives. Having an open line of communication between us is crucial, since we are not only in a love relationship but also have a working relationship as DJs
We are huge goofballs and super nerds. We can always make each other laugh and can find fun in almost any situation.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Sexiest Vacation- we are both so crazy busy all the time that anytime we can take a vacation, we make it sexy. We are going to the south of France this Fall. That will be a super sexy vacation
Sexiest Sunday- strolling through the grounds of the IMA and dinner in Broad Ripple
Sexiest Saturday- Stereo Love at Room 929
Sexiest Song- ‘Adore’ by Prince

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Slater Hogan and Erin Polley… Next to Peter and Alex, of course

Sam Cronk and Steve Turner

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Sam Cronk – Hair Stylist at Full Circle Hair Studio & Steve Turner – Captain with Indianapolis Metro PD
2. How long have you been together?
6 years
3. How did you meet?
On a Thursday night at Greg’s Nightclub August 11, 2005.
4. What did you do on your first date?
Dinner at Bravo Cucina Italian Restaurant in Castleton
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Dinner at an amazing restaurant like Season’s 52 followed by a Broadway Musical at The Murat Theatre.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Bonnie & Clyde
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Laundry or cleaning the house in general….Hired a maid!
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Trust, Communication & Friends
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Vacation—Maui, Sunday afternoon—Walk from the house to Mass Ave stopping off at Hoaglin To-Go for brunch then lazily walk around downtown Indy stopping by a few patios (Mesh/Metro/45 Degrees, etc) on The Ave., Saturday evening—dinner for just 2 at a R. Bistro or Recess followed by evening at Talbott Street (or other club) with good friends ,song—Kylie Minogue-All The Lovers.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
This was a tough one…..sooo, we guess Dallas and Karen Clark.

Jason and Tawny Jenkins

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.

Jason Jenkins Birthday June 10 Gemini
Subterra Lounge & Tiki Bob’s Cantina, Owner
Tawntilia Jenkins Nickname Tawny Birthday August 10
High Maintenance Salon & Nail Parlour, Owner
Also…Indianapolis 50th Anniversary Playboy Bunny(2010)
Indianapolis Playboy Girls of Golf Winner (2010)
Playboy Cyber Girl of the Week Jan. 17th 2010
A+ College Girls feature October 2010 Featuring Tawny and Erin Heidrich

2. How long have you been together?
We met 8 1/2 years ago. I was 21 & Jason was 28.
3. How did you meet?
One night my girlfriends and I went out with some guy friends that had a limo and Jason owned the Limo
Company back then. As soon a I got in the limo, I fell in love with
Jason at first sight. I knew we were soul mates. I was like “who is that guy?” we casually talked that night. The next weekend we all went out again In the limo, & we exchanged numbers. We went out the next weekend on our first date.

4. What did you do on your first date?
He picked me up, we went to Charbonos Restaraunt for dinner, then he brought me home.
We’ve been together every since. and if your wondering, we didn’t have sex on our first date. I made him wait a couple months. I’m a good girl.

5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Getting all sexy, going to Dinner downtown @ Ruth Chris Or 45
degrees, Getting a VIP room at Subterra Lounge with some Champagne, Dancing, and a suite at the Omni.

6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
I’m not sure if we are a lot alike but we admire the love and loyalty Tim McGraw & Faith Hill have for Each other. It seems like they truly love each other and have a healthy relationship. They both work hard at their jobs and still balance family life very well. They seem normal and down to earth at the same time. That’s how we try to live our lives.
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Well, we don’t argue or fight very often, but if we do its probably over something really small and stupid. Jason-“its
usually when Tawny has PMS and wants me to do something around the house like Clean the garage.” Tawny-“I don’t like fighting and feel bad after, so I say I’m sorry and try to make things right really quickly.” I’m really sensitive and don’t like for people to be mad at me. I’m a happy person. I’m glad we don’t really ever have issues to fight about.

8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Our relationship works because we believe in being Faithful and 100% committed to each other.
We love each other unconditionally and are very loyal to each other. Tawny-“I cant imagine not growing old with
Jason or spending the rest of my life without him. Jason is an amazing Stepfather. Jaylen was 5 months old when
we met. So they have a very close bond with each other.” anyone that meets Jaylen instantly falls in
love with him. you can ask anyone that knows Jaylen. He is so special and loving. He always gets high honor roll
and good conduct awards. He has always been very helpful with the special needs kids at school and he told us when
he gets older he wants a job working with special needs kids. He must get that from his nanny (Tawny’s mom)
because she was a special needs teacher for the severe mentally Handicap for ten years. Tawny and Jason- ” We also have amazing, crazy, fun, sex. That’s the key to any successful relationship. We won”t go into details about our sex life, but it’s just that good.”

9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
sexiest Vacation- anywhere tropical, warm, and sunny on the beach relaxing. But the Playboy Mansion was definitely
super sexy. and Vegas is always sexy.
sexiest Sunday afternoon- Sunday Funday from our bedroom. our favorite
sexiest Saturday night- the 3 D’s…Dinner, Dancing, and Doing it.
sexiest song- King Of Leon- Sex On Fire
But we also like all of Usher’s songs. they are all sexy. Or Trey Songz and Tim McGraw

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Ron Miner and Gabby Love. we love, love, love our Ronnie and Gabby.

Melissa Elrod and Bryan Schmidt
Our Personal Favorites for SEXIEST Power Couple!!!

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Melissa Elrod and Bryan Schmidt
Job Titles: Melissa: Doctor Of Optometry Student Class of 2012, Master of Public Health 2008, Optometry Intern for Lanter Eye Care & Laser Surgery, Brand Ambassador for All State Promotions, Inc.
Bryan: Event Promotions Director for Image First: event management company & Account Executive for Cellucom Group: wireless distributor throughout the state of Indiana. Veteran of the United States Marine Corps.
2. How long have you been together?
We have been dating since August 13, 2008.
3. How did you meet?
We met at Champps Northside on a Wednesday night. My friend Tiffany saw Bryan and approached him saying “You’re hot, Are you single? You have to meet my friend.” while I was chatting with other friends across the patio deck without any idea of what she said to Bryan. Later on in the evening, he saw me talking to Tiffany and came over to
introduce himself. I thought that he was friends Tiffany. We immediately had a connection and talked the rest of the night. The next day when Bryan called I asked “How do you know my friend Tiffany?” Bryan answered “Who’s Tiffany? I had never met her before until last night.” Turns out, Tiffany played matchmaker and just had an inkling that we needed to meet.

4. What did you do on your first date?
For our first date we went to The Bodies Exhibit downtown and then had sushi at Forty-Five Degrees on Mass Ave.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Something unique and completely different than what you’ve done in
the past…..and an extra dirty vodka martini with three blue cheese
stuffed olives would help.

6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Mr. & Mrs Smith because we have separate lives when we are not
together, but when we are together, it’s explosive (minus the trying
to kill each other part).

7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
The issue we argue about the most is what movie/tv show to watch. Bryan prefers war and drama movies and 60 minutes, Dateline, 48 Hours Mystery, but Melissa prefers comedies and romance movies and Sex & the City and Top Chef. We resolve it by agreeing on watching Entourage or Real Housewives together or switching who gets to choose the movie
each time.

8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
#1 we can’t tell you…it’s a secret. #2 We balance each otherout. #3 We don’t take anything too seriously.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
As a couple: our sexiest vacation was to Charleston, SC: wine tasting @ Middleton Place plantation, skydiving, southern cuisine,cigar & wine tasting shops, relaxing on the beaches of Isle of Palms, hot summer nights, walking around and taking in all the beauty and history together.
our sexiest Sunday afternoon is every Sunday duh! but if we had to choose it would be sleeping in together and then riding our bikes from downtown to Broadripple for a late brunch in Brip.
our sexiest Saturday night was when we went to see the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra play the music of Led Zeppelin on the Lawn at White River State Park, laying on blankets outside, watching the sunset and
listening to great music.
our sexiest song is “You f***ing me makes me bilingual” by Jose Nunez.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Michael & Malori Wampler: Michael is the owner/president of MJW Financial LLC and Malori is a physical therapist. They are a talented, well traveled, and beautiful couple of Indianapolis.

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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