Gay Love, Relationship and Sex Advice!


In the past several months, we have received tons of emails and messages from followers asking us advice on love, relationships and sex.  These messages include questions about infidelity, open relationships, marriage equality, coming out, how to have a successful relationship, porn, sex toys, insecurities, staying erect in sex, loss of sex drive, trust issues and on and on.  We’ve found that an overwhelming amount of people have the same questions regarding matters of sex and love.  While we’ve continued to answer these questions personally, we thought it would be helpful to more people for us to address these issues on video via our YouTube channel.  Recently, we uploaded two advice videos; one pertaining to anxiety and coming out and the other about dating a porn star or stripper.  Check out the link to these videos below and make sure to subscribe to our channel! Send any advice questions to!

Follow us on our social sites and click on our YouTube icon to view all of our videos!

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