Flashback Fridays! Bizarre Love Triangle


New Order: Substance.  At some point I probably should have started charting how many times I listened to this album.  At least a few hundred.  Maybe even a thousand.  For me, it was the quintessential album of adolescence.  While listening to it I loved, I laughed, I cried, I drove all over the US, got drunk, broke a few laws, maybe a few hearts and yet…kept rewinding the tape.  Hands down the best song on the album was/is Bizarre Love Triangle.  I’m not sure what made it so great but no matter what group defined you in high school, everyone knew and loved this song.


What songs defined you? What songs remind you of the good times…and the bad times from the past? What are your flashback favorites?  Let us know and we’ll throw them up here.  Every Friday we’ll be picking a Flashback song so check back in! And make sure to check in with us for daily music reviews and interviews in our DJ Raannt music section!

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