Fashion’s Night Out 2012: Indianapolis

Tomorrow marks the first official Indianapolis Fashion’s Night Out, brought to our city by Pattern Indy – a young fashion magazine with experienced minds and incredible taste. The one night fashion extravaganza will have related events throughout the city and will allow fashion lovers to experience and express fashion in all forms.

Follow the hash tags #FNO and #FNOindy on twitter and all your social media outlets to check out what we, @theboysofraannt, will be up to.  Rely on us to be your source of social sexiness, style, and fashion by fashion moments as we’ll experience the top 4 events of the night!

You can also be part of the fun! First if your city is hosting a Fashion’s Night Out make sure you attend and support the events.  Hash tag your pictures and tweets with #FNO so that everyone can see them and RT all the ones you like… Don’t forget to have your camera flash on and RT the Tweets and Tweetpics you like the most from us @theboysofraannt. (Please follow us individually: Alex at @alxprp and Peter at @mrpemo for more hilarious Tweets!)

Thank you Pattern Indy and SocialClub19 for putting together a great night! Indy get ready…because fashion is coming your way!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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