The Bitch Is Back!!!

Last night, having no events to attend and just wanting to hang out with our crew, Demi and Cole, we headed over to Greg’s for awhile. When low and behold, who did we run into but Miss Austria Andrews, from Nashville Tennessee, with Zori Zannell and Strawbella Be’Agoddess, both looking absolutely, ranntt worthy, stunningly fierce and raging! Austria is an old friend and it was great to see her again, along with her sexies. You can see her this weekend at Talbott Street. Word straight from her mouth is that she plans to call Indy her home again very soon…Hmmm…wonder where she’ll be “playing”! If you have never see Miss Austria perform before…go out and see her…She is absolutely amazing, the body beautiful!!! So excited to have her back in town! We’ve missed you!
And down the street Greg’s will be hosting The Bitches With Balls Meet The Sluts With Nuts…”an annual employee turn-a-bout drag show, with the performers and employees donating ALL tips to the DEFA(Direct Emergency Financial Assistance) Fund via Indiana AIDS Walk 2009! Sounds like a rather awe-inspiring means to choke up some much needed cash! (Later in the week, we’re going to be doing a piece on “Change4Change”, to help raise funds for local Aids Service Organization, formed by local legend Vicci Laine.
We’ve been e-mailing Vicci back and forth for the last several days and are so excited to begin working with her. She truly seems like the goddess we have heard she was by so many people!!! (She has also included us on the judges panel for a pageant in December…can’t wait!!!)
If they gay scene is not exactly what you had in mind…we have a few suggestions tonight! First, since it’s such a drizzly, stay in bed all night kind of night, couple it up, head down to Blu, which has really turned things around to the positive in the last few months, and drink and dance all night!!! Of course, we would never want you to drink and drive, so don’t be cheap and take a cab over to The Conrad and do it up right! If Broad Ripple is more your speed, we DEFINITELY suggest you head over to Midtown or The Upper Room to start, and make your way down to the new and improved Landsharks.
But of course we think visiting Talbott to see Austria, as well as guests Ashley Kruiz and Mokha Montrese, with shows at 9:30, 11 and 1, is the most raannt worthy choice!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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