RuPaul’s All Stars Drag Race Episode 1 RuCap!

Did you guys catch the premiere episode of RuPaul’s All Stars Drag Race??? If not, here’s a RuCap…uh, a recap!

First of all, bitter, bitter Pandora Boxx. Poor thing.  If you hadn’t worried so much about being paired up with Mimi Imfurst who has thinned out incredibly and proven herself with her hilarious “Stop It. You People Leave Mitt Alone” video(see below), you might have had a chance to stick around and even possibly win.  But, unfortunately, your bitterness won, proving that once a bitter queen, always a bitter queen, so we must bid you Auf wiedersehen…oh wait! Wrong show.  Anyway, we were kinda sad that the pairing up happened anyway because we would have liked to have seen what would have occurred if Pandora’s bitterness towards Mimi hadn’t owned the show.  Actually, we were hoping Mimi would pick up Chad Michaels and throw her over her shoulder in their lip sync for your life.  Cher would have let that bitch have it! Sorry to see you go girls…we actually love you both and are sure you have a huge career ahead of you.  Needless to say, it’s a little bit like the Big Brother house…no one remembers. See ya at the reunion! (If you haven’t seen Pandora’s YouTube videos check them out HERE! They are hilarious…as is Mimi Imfurst’s Romney parody of Chris Crocker’s Leave Britney alone video!)

How perfect was it that Alexis Mateo and Yara Sofia got teamed up??? Do either of them understand what the other one is saying.  And how long can they use that excuse that they didn’t understand the assignment? Bitch, this isn’t 3rd grade.  But we are huge fans of both girls and we have to say that Alexis, although she didn’t need to lose any weight, shed quite a bit and looks incredible, almost fishy. Werk!

Chad Michaels and Shannel looked so incredible through the whole show but they did completely miss the point of the photo shoot.  The judges were absolutely right…they’re almost too posed and perfect.  Trash it up a little bit girls…This ain’t a Vegas showroom and you girls aren’t Elizabeth Berkley and Gina Gershon in Showgirls!!!

Oh…we are SUCH huge Shannel and Chad fans we have to tease them a little bit!

Tammie Brown and Nina Flowers.  All Stars.  They are literally in a world of their own.  Tammie is that old, kind of character actor breed that never leaves the theater.  But if you watched her in the Untucked episode, she almost lost her balls running around the room calling everyone out.  What the hell was that?  She’s nuts and we love it!

Congrats to Latrice and Manila on their first win of the season.  It was especially nice to see after the horrible tragedy of Milan losing her boyfriend Sahara Davenport.  Even though she’s such a bitch, isn’t there a part of all of us that are rooting for her to make it to the top for that reason alone? And the bitch looked fierce when she walked in.  The modern day Cruella De Vil! And we think she’s fabulous!

Which leaves us with Raven and JuJubee.  Actually…we think they should have won! Their picture with the eyeglass was amazeballs! And they looked incredible on the runway.

Needless to say, it’ll be a good season with lots of surprises, starting with the elimination of not just one, but two all stars! (Mimi Imfurst is an All Star??? We mean…yes, yes…All Stars, darling!)

Til Next time, RuEnergize and Don’t RuPologize and

Keep up with all of our recaps every week and read our interviews with the cast of the All Stars HERE!

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