Running for the dream…


June has been a great month for us and we have received lots of great attention for our blog. Thanks to all of the club owners and promoters who have been so open to us coming to you with our ideas and suggestions and making Indy an even greater place. We would also like to think all of the readers who have supported us and continued to read our blog on a regular basis. It has been interesting how many readers have come up to us supporting our blog and wishing we would write on a more regular basis. With all of this wonderful attention, we thought it would be amazing if every month we could pick one specific fund raising endeavor in Indianapolis that readers could learn more about and hopefully support. While we think many charities and philanthropic attempts in Indianapolis are awesome, we thought it would be interesting to bring attention to someone who is raising money on a smaller level. Every month, we will highlight someone locally who is making a difference in the lives of others.

For July, we have chosen Christi Thompson. Christi is a local runner and health enthusiast who completed the Chicago Marathon last year for the first time. This year, Christi is raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and specifically for Ethan, a young boy in Avon, who is battling Cystic Fibrosis, as described on Cristi’s website, which we have added to our links. Christi will be running the Chicago Marathon again this year, with the goal of running with an even better time than last year, but also running for this little boy’s dream of helping him to continue his fight against Cystic Fibrosis.

We have known Christi for some time and have always enjoyed her passion for health and fitness and now her determination to use this passion to help others. We have so many people reading our blog on a daily basis that if each reader only donated a small amount, Christi would reach her goal quickly. Consider, as we have, to take the money it would cost to go out one night a month and donate it to a worthy cause, it would make a great difference in the lives of others.

Once again, we appreciate all of the support we have received from owners and promoters who have welcomed us and all of the friends and readers, even those people we didn’t previously know and have recently met, who have supported us.

Eyes open, we’re watching!

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