Guess Who??? the NOT sexy list!!!! Teaser!

This ain’t our first time at the rodeo! When we started our venture, we coined the phrase “Eyes Open, We’re Watching”, but some people have apparently forgotten our motto. Maybe it’s that Indy doesn’t really know what to do with us; after all we’ve interviewed dozens of international celebrities and have several A-list interviews on the way, we speak daily to supermodels, Grammy winning artists, actors and television stars. Our wedding is going to be a who’s who of pop culture celebutante. And never once have we done this in a callous or arrogant way. If you’ve done business with us, you know we are humble, professional and true to our word. And rarely have we taken any payout for what we do(which is about to change), so you know, unlike others, what we review and support is the truth and straight from our hearts! But for some reason people are afraid of us. Obviously, there are a few people who think we’re dumb and trivial and assume we’ll just lay down. Are you kidding? We’ve been schooled by the best. And while we’re in talks with a major television company about a reality show simply titled The Boyz and have retained the services of an entertainment attorney, one thing is certain…from the boys of raannt…expect the unexpected!

All week we’ve been giving clues to our message “Indy will never be SEXY because…” And maybe you still don’t know what we’re implying. On Monday, we’ll give a detailed report on what needs to change before this city has a chance. First, we wanted to give our readers and “fans” a chance to play a game of Guess Who, to see if you know exactly what is keeping this town from being sexy.

While you’re putting your thoughts together from the clues below, please listen to the video message we’d like to send out to our three anti-sexy constituents…


Here are your three clues to the top three reasons why Indy will never be sexy!




an excerpt from an email we received today.

Hi Peter and Alex,

Hope all is well. When I went to your blog today, I noticed the link to (mystery publication) on the right rail. We appreciate the link, but raannt’s content doesn’t jive with the content (mystery publication) produces. I’m hoping you can remove it.


Interestingly enough…the very same person who sent the email had previously spotlighted us positively in the publication, requested and had a meeting with us to write a column for said publication, gave us 3 assignments(which we completed) for said publication and NOW we don’t JIVE with what they produce? Hmmmm…sounds personal. And not very sexy! Since our presentation of interview types and posts has been the same even months before they requested us, we can only wonder what’s changed?

Like we said…RODEO!

If you’d like to make a guess we’ll be giving out some prizes to those with the correct answers. Comment below to play the game!

Have a great weekend!

Eyes open…We’re Watching!

Mike Ruiz…Getting Better with Age!!!

Mike Ruiz. Fashion and celebrity photographer on the level of famed Annie Lebowitz. Model. Actor. Judge on America’s Next Top Model and RuPaul’s Drag Race. Director. Reality television star on LOGO’s The A-List: New York. And of course, sex symbol. His website MIKE RUIZ PHOTOGRAPHY is a self-proclaimed dissertation on the art of all that is beautiful and sexy. And although this man wears many hats and has a job title more suiting of “Pop Star Icon”, one thing is certain. He has earned his way to the top. And now, looking down, with his illustrious eyes and hidden, sensual smirk, he’s realized…that it only gets so much better with age.

1. You have been a model, actor, photographer, judge and now reality television star. If asked to define your career title, what would you say?
Pop Culture Consultant/ Creative Director/ Executive Producer

2. How did your career as a photographer begin?
I got a camera as a gift in 1993.

3. It seems that there isn’t anyone you haven’t photographed. Who has been your single favorite person to photograph? Who haven’t you interviewed that you would still love to interview?
I love them all. It’s really impossible to single anyone out. I’d love to work with Cher.

4. Can you explain to us the movement called “the Q scene” of which you support.
I’m not sure exactly what that means but according to my Wikipedia page, I am a prominent member and supporter of it. I’m guessing that it means that I support many organizations whose goals are the betterment of the LGBT community.

5. What makes someone sexy?
What makes someone sexy is confidence (and ripped abs!!!)

6. What is the sexiest city in the world?

7. Sexiest hotel in the world?

The Lake Palace in Udaipur, India.

8. Sexiest place to photograph?

Anywhere in India.

9. Sexiest place to kiss?
On the lips!

10. You were recently a member of LOGO television’s The A List: New York. What was the best and worst experience of being part of this cast?
It was all good. I wouldn’t have done it if I thought there would be anything bad about doing it.

11. When traveling, what are five things you always have in your bag?

Kiehls Silkgroom, Kiehls Cross Terrain UV Protector, Kiehls Photo-Age Corrector, my Canon 5D, my iPad.

12. You are in a serious relationship and have a family. Tell us about your partner and your family.

Martin is an amazing human being and father. He has 2 beautiful children that I adore.

13. In many of your photographs, the Kathy Griffin portraits for example, your subjects look sexier and more gorgeous than they have ever looked before. What is your secret to bringing out the best qualities in your subjects.

It’s a combination of many things but it boils down to being a manifestation of my ideals and fanatasies.

14. You are an incredibly sexy man. What are three secrets you would tell men so they look sexy and confident every day?
Eat well, get’s 8 hours of sleep and choose to love life.

15. What about the same advice for women?
All the same stuff and a push up bra!

16. If you could only listen to three CD’s or musicians for the rest of your life, who would you listen to?

Booty Luv. Rupaul introduced me to them and I can’t do cardio without listening to them on my iPod.

17. Does it get better with age?
It get’s SOOOOO much better with age. I have never been so at peace with who I am and it allows me to be available in ways that held me back when I was younger.

18. What are three things that we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

That I have 7 or 8 injuries ranging from shattered disks to a dislocated shoulder.

Thanks buddy!

AND for all of our exciting news, updates and stirrings…

Please Follow us on Twitter HERE
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Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

All photographs by Mike Ruiz courtesy of Mike Ruiz.

Lady Gaga’s Manifesto of Mother Monster…Video for a Millenium!!!

For the last month, we’ve gone back and forth over the Britney vs. Gaga battle, but since the release of her video, Lady Gaga has been the standout winner! Seriously, this video will one day be comparable to the likes of Thriller, Vogue and other music genius’ who are willing to take risks and push the boundaries and limits. Not to mention we love the many references to Madonna. We at the raannt offices don’t believe Gaga sits in a room somewhere, meditating and defining a new religion of Gaga-ism. Quite the contrary. We think she’s probably sitting back in a comfy chair somewhere, laughing with her friends and dreaming up ways to be as strange as possible. And we’re all the audience to this incredible performance artist! Props Miss Gaga…your video looks amazing as does your body. Our favorite moments…4:11, 5:17 and 6:00. And although the beginning is outstanding, the 3 seconds at 3:57 define Miss Gaga as absolute rock star royalty!


Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Photo by Nick Knight
Video borrowed from VEVO on YouTube

RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 3…Q & A With the Girls!!!

We have loved RuPaul’s Drag Race since it first hit the air! We have had the privilege of interviewing contestants such as Ongina and Drag Race Season 2 winner Tyra Sanchez! And each season just gets better and better. This season the prize package is even dreamier with a $75,000 cash prize, lifetime supply of Kryolan makeup and the headlining role in the LOGO/Absolut sponsored Drag Race Tour. So in preparing to dig our heels deep into another season, we thought it would be fun to contact our friends over at LOGO TV and ask the girls from this season a few questions! We also asked Jason, the gorgeous Pit Crew boy a few questions too! Now that the season is well under way and we all know these queens a little bit better, let’s find out exactly what they think is HOT!!!

1. Paris Hilton coin the phrase “that’s hot” and Christian Soriano coin the phrase “that’s fierce,” when you get famous, what would your phrase be and what would it mean?

2. If you were up to lip-sync for your life, what is something you would do that no other contestant has done before?

3. What is your #1 beauty tip that you would give to a real women to improve their look?


1. 2011 is the Year of the ‘Loo – Halleloo, that is! I’ve been saying this for years and it makes me super happy to see how it’s been embraced by everyone from fans of the show from Johnny Weir to even Kimora Lee Simmons! HALLELOO is an accent word that gives that extra “oomph” to a moment similar to “werq” and “okay.” It just makes me feel good to say it. “The Los Angeles Times” included it in its Top 10 Most Memorable Words from Reality TV … smack dab between “Prostitution Whore” and “GTL”!

2. I’ve been on the lip sync chopping block in the first episode of seasons 2 and 3, so some may think they’ve seen every trick that Shangela has to give, but when the stage lights dim and there’s no one but you, Ru and the judges, some of the most creative moments on stage can happen completely unplanned. So if I’m ever in the bottom two again, get ready for an unforgettable experience, baby because in that moment, you really do feel like it’s live or die.

3. I love real women. They tell me that I came out of one (shout out, Mama Deb). I think women are beautiful, naturally. So, if you can believe this coming from a drag queen, my message is less is more. My mom is a military veteran. She never wore much makeup, if any at all, and I think she’s one of the most beautiful people in the whole world. Beauty comes from inside and is measured by how much you love yourself, and how much you share that love with others.


1. I am definitely a product of my surroundings and my way of speaking and some of the things I say have often been influenced by the club circuit that I belong to. One of the phrases that really stuck was “Pay It”. It’s basically an abbreviation of “Pay it no mind”. For example, “I have a hangover from going out last night and I start work in 30 min. Oh pay it, I’m gonna call out.” You can also use it like this: “She walked right passed me and didn’t even say hi, she paid it.”

2. If I had to lip sync, I’d probably get on top of the judges table and crawl on similar to how JLo did in the “I’m Glad” video which had a “Flashdance” theme. So hot!

3. For most women, I think, it’s extremely important to really learn how to do the best eye make up for their eye shape. I’ve worked in retail cosmetics and a lot of women don’t know how to bring out their eyes. That or they only know one technique, which a lot of the times, isn’t even the right one for them. Take the time to learn about your eye shape and which technique will give you that mesmerizing gaze. You’d be surprised at how you can captivate someone by just looking into their eyes! Very powerful.


1. My phrase would be “BE A LADY” because no matter what situation we are thrown in or what struggle we are faced with, we must always remember to have class and appreciate who we are as entertainers as well as human beings.

2. I would grab a micro phone as sing the song myself. Show them what true talent is.

3. I would have to say to them to make sure that their face is BLENDED and everything is the right color for the skin tone. BLEND BLEND BLEND!


1. God, there are so many! I’m not really into any one specifically. I
could have an entire glossary of “isms”! guess you’re just going to
have to keep watching to find a favorite rajaism!

2. If I had to lip synch for my life I’d probably be the first queen to distract the other queen by using my bionic legs and do a full helicopter move above her head and land in the splits! yup! That’s what I would do for sure!

3. I think women can always use a pair of false lashes! Anything that frames the eyes can have an alluring effect including sexy birkhas.






1. MODED! The perfect response to a situation, person, place or thing that is completely the opposite of what you planned or expected especially when everyone, but you notices first.




1. “Stinky Dinky Poo.” It would mean what you are wearing (hair,outfit,perfume,makeup,etc) is not cute at all and honestly, it’s really stinky dinky poo!!!! Why’s everything got to be hot or fierce? Why can’t we say it stinks like dinky poo!

2. I would TURN THE PARTY and perform my heart out! I would never attack another queen. That is TACKY and unprofessional! I am confident in myself and don’t need to try and destroy the other girl’s chance of staying by attacking them!

3. I would say start out with an amazing base foundation. It’s just like a house. You have to have a good base to build on and if you get a really good base foundation, it can change your look completely!


1. What do you mean when I get famous? I am already famous! I’m a contestant on the international hit reality television show, “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” I’m at Gaga fame status. Ha! My phrase would be “Gag!,” but you got to first give a fierce snap before you say it! Try it! {snap} GAG! Didn’t that feel good?

2. I’m going to have to one-up Mimi Imfurst’s picking up India. So in my lip-sync for my life, I’m going to cook a seven-course meal on stage for the judges while lip-syncing to the song “Eat It” by Weird Al Yankovic!

3. Asian genes! Don’t got none? Well, give your children a chance and reproduce with a hot Asian dude!


1. It would be “the jig is up.” I always use this when I discover something or when something is revealed to me. It is so much fun to say it and I got all my friends saying it too!

2. If I lip-sync for my life, I will actually Lip-sync. I will not do a crazy stuff like a circus person or fight or try to get the attention from a judge. I will actually lip-sync.

3. Take care of your SMILE. A beautiful smile belongs with a beautiful person. You can tell a lot form a person just looking at the smile.


1. “GET YOUR LIFE!” Means go for it, bitch!

2. I would get the judges to form a chorus line with me!



1. How did they get picked for the pit crew?

2. What are the 2 things that set apart a drag superstar from any other drag queen?


1. My “Pit Crew” story is quite a lengthy one, but I was teaching a hip hop dance class in Hollywood and one of the students in the class was a friend of a talent producer on the show. She found me on Facebook and asked if I would be interested in auditioning for the show. I was a little puzzled when I got the call because I was familiar with the show, but I had never seen or heard of the Pit Crew before, but nonetheless, I was thrilled that she took the time to seek me out so I agreed. She put me in contact with the talent producer and I went in for the audition. The funny thing is that we had to reschedule the audition several times due to other obligations and on the last day I finally made it in. I had no idea what to expect. The audition consisted of me dancing full out in my skivvies for the camera which I had no problem doing. It was just so different from any other audition I had ever gone on. Weeks passed and I totally forgot I had even auditioned then BAM! I get a random call from the producers saying I was booked! True Story. The rest is history.

2. The difference between someone who is a drag queen and someone who is a drag superstar is an obvious one. Anyone can learn the tricks of the trade and acquire the tools to become a drag queen. But what I’ve learned from watching these talented ladies is that it takes passion , heart, sheer genius, talent and HUGE roll of duct tape to be a Drag Superstar! But seriously, a drag superstar is flawless in her reality. From the way she carries herself, to the presence she commands on stage a drag superstar is anything but average. The beauty they emanate and the jaw dropping star power they ooze effortlessly cannot be taught or learned. They just have “IT” . For a drag superstar it’s not about just playing “dress up ” it’s about living the persona and committing 200% . That’s the true difference.

Well…there you have it! Next up is our interview with world renown photographer and often special guest judge on Rupaul’s Drag Race, Mike Ruiz!

Til then, Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Shocked and Smacked by Superstar Kimberly Cole!!!

Watch out! There’s a new bitch in town and her name is Kimberly Cole! We first read about her on the pages of Perez Hilton as he blasted her music video for her single “Smack You” on the What’s Hot section of his blog Perez! Later we heard that she had opened for Katy Perry and LMFAO. We didn’t know anything about her so we started following her on Twitter and found that she had almost 1.3 Million followers on Twitter. To put that in perspective, that’s well over twice as many as Playboy Legend Hugh Hefner, 13 times as many as singer Mike Posner, about 30 times as many followers as Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and just a few less than Paula Abdul. Needless to say…someone out there was well aware of the talents of Kimberly Cole. She has been highlighted not only on but also The Huffington Post, Seventeen Magazine, Billboard, MTV, and Her single “Smack You” from her new album BAD GIRLS CLUB reached #4 on Billboard’s Dance Chart. After finding out all of these background facts AND finding out that on top of all of this she roller skates in her shows, we had to find out more about this gorgeous, singsation that is about to explode all over your world and take names!

1. Who is Kimberly Cole?
A passionate, feisty, sensitive pop recording artist.

2. Tell us about your roller skating talent, how it began and how you incorporate it into your performances?
I began skating when I was four years old and for some reason became obsessed with it and became a champion! It taught me how to train my body physically and mentally! As an artist and a dancer it’s really fun to shock people and do choreography and tricks on skates!

3. How long does it typically take you to learn/practice/choreograph a dance routine with roller skates?
Not long!! I have the best dancers and world champion skaters I work with so we knock it out pretty fast! Tricia Miranda is my choreographer and is my creative soulmate and always comes up with something fierce!!

4. What made you passionate music and desire to be a performer? Who do you identify as your influences?
I have been a performer as long as I can remember! I would dance and sing around the house all the time. I’m sure I was quite annoying! Mariah was the first cd I ever had and would pretend to be just as good as her! Lol!

5. What was it like to open and work with Katy Perry?
Amazing! I love her!

6. New Years Eve is one of the biggest nights of the year and you’ll be spending it with music super stars at the Paramount Studios… When the ball drops, will you be kissing someone special?
That’s a secret!! Ha!!

7. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
MJ, Adele, and Damien Rice

8. Perez Hilton loves your new hit single Smack You and compares you to Pop sensation Rihanna, stating that she should have come out with music like yours! What do you say to such compliment?
Best compliment ever! I love Perez and Rihanna!!!

9. Your music has been featured in a number of TV shows. What shows has your music been featured and how does it feel to hear your music on television?
There has been a lot of them and it feels amazing to have a song you created set the mood and help tell a story! My favorite was Dollhouse featuring my song Superstar because the song was such an important part of the story line!

10. Now that your music and you have hit the silver screen, will we be seeing more acting from you?
For sure! I love acting!

11. Who are some artists you would like to see yourself collaborating with in the near future?
Drake and I love Bruno Mars

12. Before going on stage, are there any “rituals” you like to do to get you ready for the show?
A lot of stretching and laughing with my team!!

13. What are three things you must have in your green room?
Cherry Diet Dr Pepper, peanut butter crackers, and Sour Patch Kids!!

14. The boys of raannt are crazy lovers of red bulls, sugar free to be exact. What is your favorite drink of choice?
For sure Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper!!!

15. What is a book you would recommend to a good friend? What is the last book you read and a book you are currently reading, if any?
Omg!!! I need to read more!! Let me get back to you on that one lol!!

16. What is the first CD you ever bought and what is the first concert you ever attended? Did they have any affect on who you are today as a performer?
Mariah Carey was the first CD I ever got! I lived for her!! I actually never went to a concert when I was little!

17. Of all the places you’ve been to and stayed, what is the sexiest city, hotel, and club?
Miami is def the hottest place!! I just came back from an appearance at Louis @ The Gansevoort Hotel and it was way sexy! 😉

18. How do you define sexy?
Confidence is everything!!!

19. What’s next for Kimberly Cole?
So much! A new album, a tour and lots of creative treats!!

20. What do you find sexy on a guy: boxers, briefs, a jockstrap, or nothing at all?
All of the above!! Lol!!

She can “Smack” This…Anytime!!!
For more information visit her website at The Official Kimberly Cole Music site!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

All photographs by Denise Mijares with approval by Kimberly Cole.

The SEXIEST…Britney or Gaga???

Today was the release of Lady Gaga’s new single “Born this Way” which will be on her new album of the same name released later this year on May 23rd. This comes almost a month to the day after Britney Spears released her new single “Hold it Against Me” which will be part of her new album “Femme Fatale” being released on March 29th of this year.

Yesterday, Britney tweeted a Twitter “press conference”, answering questions for her fans. When asked what she thought about Lady Gaga and Global warming Britney replied, “Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she’s a really interesting artist.” Hmmm…..we wonder exactly what she means by that or do still waters really run that deep.

On our end Alex is on Team Britney while Peter is battling for Team Gaga! Here are their new songs from Vevo on YouTube. Listen and you be the judge!



Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

The SEXY List…The BEST OF INDY 2010!!!!

It’s that time again when we gather our notes from the last year and sit down and decide who deserves the honor of the “BEST OF INDY 2010”!!! During the past year, we’ve watched closely to make sure that we are constantly giving good recommendations to people on the best places to eat, party and relax. We’ve even gone so far as noting small differences from one place to the next that really help to make the whole experience for the patron all the better. We’ve gone incognito to several parties or clubs and we’ve even caused some drama just to see how it was handled. We’ve learned that small things, such as the way a door person treats you to willingness for servers to go the extra mile, really do make a difference. Some may question our tactics or think we are too harsh or too kind in our reviews, but be sure of one thing…nothing, NOTHING we do is by mistake. It is all for the greater cause of giving our readers and listeners the greatest experience possible in Indianapolis and helping to make this city as exciting and enjoyable as possible. So now, we give you the SEXY list…the BEST OF INDY 2010!

Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Bars and Restaurants
Best Overall Restaurant(Food, Atmosphere, Staff and Experience):Bazbeaux Broadripple
Best New Restaurant: Northside Social
Best Old Restaurant: Bella Vita
Best Chain Restaurant: The Cheesecake Factory
Best Steakhouse: Flemings
Best Pizza: Bazbeaux…Plain Cheese Pizza and a Greek Salad.
Best Salad: When Eddie Met Salad
Best Mac N’ Cheese: Usual Suspects
Best Sandwich: The Popeye at Bazbeaux
Best Pretzels: The Mellow Mushroom
Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Milkshake: Milk Barn at The Indiana State Fair
Best Ice Cream: Cinnamon Bun at Bub’s in Carmel
Best Sushi Roll: The Playboy Roll at Naked Chopstix(Way too sexy for us!!!)
Best French Fries: Denny’s
Best Late Night Fare: Steak and Shake
Best Lunch Under $10: Moveable Feast
Best Lunch Over $50: Capitol Grill at The Conrad(and you’ll feel like you’re in downtown Manhattan)
Best Overall Staff: When Eddie Met Salad
Best Restaurant Atmosphere: Mo’s
Best Restaurant View: The roof at Dunaway’s in the summer to see the sunset
Best Trendy Idea Fun for a Night: Tastings
Best Restaurant on a Summer Night: Taste

Best Overall Bar: Room 929
Best New Bar: Room 929
Best Lounge Bar: Hyde
Best Old Bar: Blu
Best Bar for a Scotch and Soda and a cigarette: Bella Vita
Best Martini Bar: 45 Degrees(Hands Down!)
Best Bar to hear an International DJ: Talbott Street
Best College Bar: Brothers(Fall and Winter) Rock Lobster(Summer)
Best Gay Bar: Talbott Street
Best VIP Section: Blu or Midtown Grill
Best Outside Bar in the Summer: Midtown Grill
Best Bar Name: Ball & Bisquit
Best Dive Bar: The Alley Cat
Best Door Service: Blu
Best Friday Night: Room 929, Blu or Gregg’s
Best Saturday Night: Bartini’s, Hyde or Talbott Street
Best Sunday Night: Bella Vita(summer)or drag shows at Talbott Street
Best Monday Night: Flesh at Landsharks
Best Tuesday Night: Chinese Take Out and RedBox!
Best Wednesday Night: Moe’s in Noblesville, Landsharks or The Casbah (ALWAYS starting at Champps in the summer!)
Best Thursday Night: The Jazz Kitchen or The Ten
Best Summer Bar: Champps on Wednesday nights and Bella Vita on Sundays
Best Winter Bar: Room 929 or Hyde

Living Conditions: Best Places to Live
Best Street: Forest Drive
Best House: Four houses on the Southeast corner of 80th and Keystone
Best Apartment: Grande Reserve at Geist
Best Party House: Chad Folk and Bianka Krausch
Best House Pool: Richard and Donna Deer
Best Bachelor’s House: Jose Vitto
Best Condo’s: Three Story Building at 9th and College or Beaumont on the Green

Just the Facts, Maam: The Best of News, Television and Radio
Best Local News: Fox 59 Morning News
Best Overall Newscaster: Angela Ganote(Severe and Sexy at the same time!)
Best Weather Person: Jim O’Brien (Almost too cute to be taken serious, but always accurate!)
Best Local Television Show: IndyStyle (Andi Hauser makes boring crap hilarious and suspenseful to watch)
Best New Television Anchor/Personality: Andi Hauser…from quivering coffee cup to hilarious comments…the best!
Best Radio Show: The Scotty Show on RadioNOW
Best Radio Voice: Laura Steele on Q95
Best Radio Humor: Scotty Davis on RadioNOW
Best New Radio Personality: Rachel Bogle on RadioNOW
Best News Story of 2010: Bisard The Drunk Cop Case…Come ON!!!!
Best Individual Radio or Television Show: Stop the Music…End Bullying. Rachel and Scotty from The Scotty Show
Best Article or Column in a print newspaper: The Burning Question in Metromix
Best Online Magazine or Newspaper: Fashion Wrap Up

The Happenings: Parties, Openings and Events
Best Charity Party: Bianka Krausch and Chad Folk’s Annual GP Moto Party(Charity Race Party)
Best Opening Gala: Party at the Factory:Andy Warhol Gala at the Indianapolis Museum of Art…Everyone Dressed Mod!!!
Best Bar Opening: Bartini’s
Best Ongoing Summer Event: Rehab Sundays at The Palms at Bella Vita
Best Overall Ongoing Event: Fantasy 500 Party
Best One Night Event: Studs in Stiletto’s for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at 45 Degrees! 1st Place to Danny Beers
Best Festival and Parade: Gay Pride Day…Of Course!(Especially DJ and Eggs with DJ Deanne at 45 Degrees in the morning
Best Sporting Event: Caroline Symmes Memorial Celebrity Softball Challenge at Victory Field for the Children’s Wish Fund
(And just for the record…we want to play in this next year)
Best International DJ: DJ Chuck Love at Blu and DJ Chi Chi LaRue at Talbott Street

Nametags: The People
Best Local Performer: Jennie Devoe
Best Female Impersonator: Asia LaBouche
Best Local DJ who is about to be International: DJ Gabby Love
Best DJ to watch for in 2011: DJ Stewbot
Best DJ who can play and bring International talent: DJ Slater Hogan
Best DJ to hear all your faves: Fred Lockett
Best Scene Photographer: Miguel Jones
Best Bar Owner: Bill Pritt(45 Degrees)
Best Bar Employee No Longer in the Biz: Katelin Reeves(Blu/Hyde)
Best Bar Employee Still in the Biz: Dustin Worrell(Blu)
Best Server: Michell at Bazbeaux in Broadripple
Best Bartender: Big John at Landsharks
Best Door Person: Olivia at Hyde
Best Daily Service with a Smile in a Thankless Job: Jeremy and Frank at Thorton’s on 82nd Street

The Rest of the Best
Best New Building in Indy: J.W. Marriott
Best Place to Makeout: 48th Floor of the Chase Tower
Best Local Commercial: Reka’s Steak and Shake Commercials
Best Place to have an Event: Historic Ambassador House and Heritage Gardens(Fashion Wrap Up Launch Party)
Best Coffee Bar: Hot Chocolate Bar at Thortons with little marshmallows and whip cream…all for free!
Best Center for Performing Arts: The Palladium in Carmel
Best Fountain Soda’s w/ crushed ice: BP Connect on 116th and Cumberland.
Best Place to Get Your Hair Did and Be Treated Like a Queen at the Same Time: Salon 01 in Carmel (Ask for Angela, Tessie, Stephanie or Laura)
Best Dog Hotel…For the Day or For the Week: Camp Cheeney Creek in Fishers(Ask for Tonya the owner and she’ll give you personalized service and VIP treatment…as well as your pup or kitten!)
Best Place to People Watch: The Fashion Mall on a Sunday or The Vogue on a Wednesday
Best Free Christmas Show: The John Deere Drive in Noblesville
Best Drive: 37 North to Anderson to gamble at Hoosier Park
Best place to get lost: Between Carmel and Zionsville
Best place to get found: Coming March 1st!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching(And we’ll REALLY be watching as you can expect more up to date and gripping reviews!)

See ya in 2011!!!!!

The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.

used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”

We are often criticized for picking people for our lists who are our friends or who we have strong feelings. While that may be true, there is a certain reason we are drawn to these people. Sexiness. In combining the 2010 list this year, we made a definite attempt to step outside of our social box and include people we truly felt fit the description of each category. Let it be known that there was not much discussion on any of the winners. Each person who slid into each category is literally at the top of their game and there was no need for discussion because they were absolute standouts. Some of these people are our close friends while others we hardly know. But one thing is absolutely certain…they deserve to be exactly where they landed! And make sure to carefully read the last three…they are above all else…the sexiest!

The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

Sexiest Men’s Body: Jared Rutan
Sexiest Woman’s Body: Gracia Salazar
Sexiest Mother: Sky Block
Sexiest Father: Ryan Maxfield
Sexiest Engaged Couple: Bridget Reid and Chad Schieler
Sexiest Married Couple: Jenny and Bryan Cook
Sexiest Overall Couple: Melissa Elrod and Schmidt
Sexiest DJ: Gabby Love
Sexiest Bar Proprietor: Vivian Farris
Sexiest Attorney: Carol Townsend
Sexiest Police Officer: Mike Leepper
Sexiest Performer: Jennie Devoe
Sexiest Sense of Humor: Heather Dill
Sexiest Educator: Wendy Jo Meyer
Sexiest Men’s Style: Scott Evans
Sexiest Women’s Style: Erin Polley
Sexiest Voice/Accent: Astra Klegere
Sexiest Newcomer to Indianapolis: Mikey V.
Sexiest Executive Assistant: Abe Arregui
Sexiest Foreigner: Patricia Vitto
Sexiest Gay: Zac Lehman
Sexiest Radio/Television Personality: Rachel Bogle and Scotty Davis
Sexiest Fashion Designer: Nikki Blaine
Sexiest Flirt: Mark Bayles
Sexiest Print/Magazine Columnist: Leslie Bailey
Sexiest Social Reviewer/Gossip Columnists: Peter Monn and Alex Paredes…The boys of raannt

Sexiest Face to Watch in 2011: Courtney Stiehl

Sexiest Man in Indianapolis 2010: Chris Rutledge
Sexiest Woman in Indianapolis 2010: Mary Galouzis

See you in 2011!!!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Zoe Inspired!!! The Secret Life of a Personal Stylist!

The first time we saw her, standing across the room from us at a charity auction, looking 8 feet tall in enormous heels, leggings, a severe black jacket and a little hat, we knew we wanted to meet her. We saw her for the second time, surrounded by an entourage of personal assistants, seated front row for the fashion show at the launch of the online fashion magazine Fashion Wrap Up…and we knew we needed to meet her. So we posted something about her being a “mystery” lady in the world of local fashion in our gossip column on IndyScene and she quickly responded. Since then, it’s been late night phone calls until 5am, her becoming the personal stylist to the boys of raannt and the constant flow of creative energy and advice inspiring all of us through our friendship to help us become stronger and more stylish. Just last weekend, Zoe participated in Model Wars in Chicago and took home the prize of second place. She is constantly planning fresher and more creative fashion outlets in her shows and styling to keep her at the top of her game. Let one thing be very clear…Zoe is very demanding. She knows what she wants and she does not apologize. She is constantly reinventing herself and challenging those around her to rise to her level. But what we have seen, that she allows very few to see, is a small fracture of simplicity, compassion, authenticity and kindness that allow even her feelings to be hurt every once in a while, which she wears on her sleeve as a reminder to push harder. Because at the end of the day, after the stockings are shed and the chains and little hats are put away, once the makeup is removed and she is simply Zoe, she is reminded that she is a woman like any other woman, which is what she brings to her styling every day. The goal to make every person…feel as utterly beautiful as she feels inside each and every day. And for that we are immensely grateful for the one and only Zoe Renee Ashely Huse…

1. Tell us the background story on Zoe Renee Ashley Huse?
I am 28…a Total Aries-Sassy, Creative, Bossy, Fun and Loving…A Workaholic-I average 90hrs a week between My Fashion Businesses and My Full Time Job! A Huge Animal Lover I currently have 8 and would love to have more. Hot Pink and Neon Green are my two Favorite Colors and With Me What You See is What you Get.

2. What first inspired you to enter the world of fashion styling?
Hmmm! I have always had my own look and had a small following of people even in High School that always wanted to borrow my clothes. I would have a check list of who borrowed what and when, and check them in and out.
My Senior Year of High School I decided to go Into Fashion as a Career. I had always seemed to follow Fashion and Finally realized it was my one and only calling. I never looked back. I went to college and got an Associates in Fashion and Minored in Business. When I graduated I worked at a number of Retail Places including a Little Jewelry Place where I got some Buying Experience. I decided about 5 years ago to start my own business as a personal shopper and it kind of morphed into fashion styling as they go hand in hand. People liked what they saw and decided to hire me to style photo shoots and fashion shows and eventually produce them. Its kind of Blown Up from There…

3. What was your style like at age 10? 15? 21?
10: I have always Loved Big Sunglasses and mixing prints and patterns even at 10 years old. Keep it mind it was the 80s so that was totally acceptable! I also was a fan of Hats then.

15:Is When I started Vintage Shopping. Some Cool Plaid pants, Leather Pants, Leopard, Pleather, Sky High Heels, Tight Vintage Tshirts. I was kind of a Diva. I refused to wear the same thing Twice so if I wore it Once you Never Saw it Again! I remember my Two Favorite Stores being Wet Seal and Goodwill & Value Village.

21: I went through a Huge Bandana Phase, Vintage Tshirts, Lots of Jewelry, Bright Colors and Prints, High Heels, Bell Bottom Pants and Jeans, Vintage Clothing from the 60’s & 70’s, Anything Glittery, Ties, Clutches.

4. Who do you believe are the three greatest designers of all time?
Alexander McQueen, Dolce & Gabbana, DIOR
A Mix of these Three & a Little Gwen Steffani would be My Dream Wardrobe

5. Who is a fashion designer every stylist should admire, but you really don’t appreciate their work?
I think Every “Designer” has an affect on a stylist for the Wearable art they create.
I can’t think of a specific designer who’s work I don’t appreciate as a whole. Of course there are pieces I don’t love, but I know of all the blood, sweat and tears that go into their work and appreciate that in itself.

6. If you could sit in the front row of any designers fashion show, who would it be?
Can I only Pick One?
Oh There are just so Many…..
“Every” Designer showing at New York, L.A. and Paris Fashion Week
I could just get a sleeping bag and camp out show after show after show and be completly content
But if I had to Pick Alexander McQueen and Betsy Johnson for the Show they put On

7. What are your thoughts on Rachel Zoe as a stylist?
After reading her story of how she came to be where she is, I have a higher regard for her than I have had in the past.
I don’t think her taste level is where it should be for her position in the fashion world…but I have only seen a small part of her styling.
I also Don’t agree at all with her LOVE OF FUR* Faux Fur Yes! Real Fur HELL NO!

8. What are three components every successful stylist should have?
1. The Eye to see what others don’t
3. DRIVE & Ambition

9. What male and female celebrity has the best current style?
Female: Gwen Steffani
Male: Johnny Depp and Kanye West

10. Who are two people whose style will be remembered historically and why do you think they contribute to the world of fashion?
I can’t just pick two……Every Decade has One or Two HUGE FASHION ICONS! People that we always ahead of the times and mixed it up in just the right way that they were a piece of walking art from Coco Chanel & Audrey Hepburn to Marilyn Monroe & Jackie Kennedy to Edie Sedgwick to Madonna & Lady Gaga-Just off the Top of my Head

11. Who are two people in Indianapolis that have great style and why did you pick them?
Eutemia Stockman- She always looks classy and fashionable as well as expensive. I have never seen that girl not put together from head to toe. She can wear a $2 shirt and make it look like it costs $200.

Fly Won- She is the Thrifting Queen and can Put together the coolest outfits. I love her accessories and she always has the most Unique and Funky Creative Outfits.

12. At 28, your business incorporates several different aspects including styling, shopping, closet design and organization, jewelry design and marketing for small businesses. What does it take to be successful as a young business woman?
I am building a Fashion Empire, Not just a Business. This is my Name, my Life, My Career. One thing you will learn about me Very Quickly is I dont do Anything SMALL*it gets 150% from me or I dont do it at all! I would say determination, being a workaholic and having some huge goals are three things I have found equal success. I wouldn’t say my life revolves around Fashion but instead Creativity and that is is a huge part of all the aspects of my business.
I take this Business very seriously. Who needs Sleep when you have Fashion?

13. Define SEXY…
I think Sexy is all about The Essence you Give off, its more a Confidence to me then A Look.

14. What are three movies that inspire you or contribute to who you are?

The Notebook, The Little Mermaid and All the Sex in the City TV SHOWs & Movies

15. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
Anything by the Beatles!
My favorite songs are I am the Walrus & Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

16. Sexiest city, club, store and restaurant in the world?
Sexiest Store:Agent Provocateur, City:Paris. I have yet to be in the Sexiest Club But I would have to say a Classy Strip Club & Restaurant Anywhere a HOT Naked Man is laying on the table with a delicious Pizza On his Body [Similiar to a Naked Sushi Woman but a Man with Pizza]

17. The holidays are here! Be specific and tell us the perfect sexy gift for a man and the perfect sexy gift for a woman?
A Sexy Gift for a Woman-Her Man giving her a Candlelit, Full Body Massage with Oils and Then Whip Cream, he will be wearing nothing but a Red Jock Strap and a Santa Hat

A Sexy Gift for Him-A boudoir photoshoot of her in some very skimpy Agent Provocateur Lingerie on the bottom, and nothing on the Top, a Garder Belt and some Red Manolo Blahnik High Heels

18. This week you will be participating in Model Wars. Tell us about Model Wars and about your participation in this event. Model Wars is a Contest of 30 Designers between The Midwest
Indianapolis, Milwalkee, Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis Against Each Other! Its not just a Fashion Show but a Play and Fashion Show Together. The Most Unique and Creative Concept Wins $10,000 in Cash and Prizes and the Title of Winner. They will also eventually compete against New York.
My part in the Show is I am producing and styling my team of 27 people including 2 Make Up Artists, 2 Hair Dressers, 8 Models, 4 Designers and some Extras that aren’t models but will be participating in the Play part of the show.

19. Where do you see Zoe Renee in 5 years? 10 years?
I have a very set 6 year goal of being a multi millionaire and being in the same place Rachel Zoe
is at this moment. Up to 10 years I can only see the Business getting even bigger and styling Celebrities and Producing & Styling
Fashion Shows at Fashion Weeks in L.A., NY and Paris. I also see myself owning a boutique with my Jewelry and possibly some
of my designs and maybe some of friends I have accumulated over the years. I also see myself having a child or two by 10 years
from now.
Living in California preferably San Francisco and keeping a home here in Indiana as it will always be Home.

20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Depends on the Situation: Jockstraps and Nothing at all in the Bedroom and Boxers when walking around the house. Briefs for Photo Shoots.

Thanks Zoe!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!