Mystery…Five Clubs…One Night…Boom!

Tonight…the boys of raannt will be headed out on a little “club crawl” to review what we believe are the best five places to go on a Friday night! Tomorrow we’ll be giving you the answers but in the meantime we thought it might be fun to play a little game. Based on the picture above and the four pictures below, can you accurately name the five clubs we’ll be going to…in the correct order that we’ll be going there? If you can, email us at and leave us your answer and some love and the first correct answer we receive will win a rather…sexy surprise! All answers must be in by 1am tonight!

And if you see us out, introduce yourself to us and have your picture taken with us! If you tag us on Facebook in your pictures taken…you might win a little surprise as well! And we’ll be with camera as well so if we ask you for your picture that must mean something…

Can’t wait to see you all out…good luck!

Hmmmm…wonder where we’ll be…

Eyes Open, We’re Watching

There Is NO Fashion In Indianapolis!!!

…at least that’s what we were told last weekend by someone who had once held a vested interest in the fashion community in Indianapolis. And maybe we shouldn’t take cultural critiques from an experience we had while standing in a bar at 2am on a Saturday night, but it posed an interesting question. Is there any fashion in Indianapolis?

It has been almost 2 months since we posted our article Indianapolis “Press” Week…A Review of Midwest Fashion Week’s Last Night , sadly one of our most viewed post since our website started, even topping interviews with international superstar MYA, fashion editor and Project Runway judge Nina Garcia and CEO of PR firm Peoples Revolution and star of MTV’s The Hills, The City and Kell on Earth Kelly Cutrone; all three fashion and style icons of their own worth.

So, let’s dissect this a little bit, shall we. How does one define whether or not a city “has fashion”? Since the internet is where we go today for ALL of our educational needs, let’s borrow the definition of fashion by Wikipedia. Fashion, a general term for a currently popular style or practice, especially in clothing, foot wear or accessories. Therefore, that would imply that for Indianapolis to “have fashion”, it would need to have it’s own popular style or trend which would be identifiable to Indianapolis. But we think that’s a bit too broad. We believe we’re really talking about Indianapolis being fashionable, aware of style and attempting to move forward in regards to these issues.

Photo courtesy of Erin Finn

Twenty years ago the fashion industry in Indianapolis was known for really only two names; Bill Blass and Alpha Blackburn. Helen Wells was still the talent agency of choice but there were many of agencies as well. There was still a bevy of local models with only a few getting most of the work, such as Erin Finn. But, there was also an undercurrent of local fashions shows by designers and artists such as Stephen Garstang, who produced shows at The Patio and the likes, utilizing music and style to enable a subculture of hopeful artists who all dreamed they would one day make it big. Sound a little bit like Indianapolis today?

Yes and No. Today, we still have Helen Wells, Bill Blass and Alpha Blackburn, but we also have so much more. We have incredible new designers, photographers, stylists, models and producers all hoping to either make it big or at least live their passion. We were criticized horribly for our interpretation of Midwest Fashion Week. Well get over it! We were treated rudely as were many of our friends in the fashion community. And like it or not, we are a substantial part of the fashion community here in Indianapolis. Not only are we attempting to attend and support every fashion show or production, made difficult by the vast amount of fashion shows as of late, but we are also bringing international interviews of fashion icons to our city as well as being invited to fashion and style events all over the country. And we don’t mean this in any way arrogantly. We are simply stating this so that everyone will understand that when we critique something in Indianapolis it is because we only hope to raise the bar and make it as great as possible; something everyone else here is apparently afraid to do…except for us.

In speaking to Althea Harper, finalist for Project Runway, as well as the host of the Midwest Fashion Week After Party, we asked her if she felt Indianapolis designers should be held at any less of a standard because they aren’t showing in New York, Paris or other cities and she stated that she believed they should be held to the same standards if they ever wanted to be taken seriously, explaining that she didn’t believe it was any easier for her to put together a well designed show just because she was living in New York City. Some local designers are showing in other cities such as Arlinda Norris, head designer of powerhouse design firm R.LYNDA, who showed recently at Atlanta Fashion Week. Nikki Blaine recently had her work in swag bags at The Academy Awards and Bloomington streetwear prince Dope Couture is literally changing the face of national streetwear, even having his designs worn by hip hop and rap stars.

And that’s just the beginning. Just over a year ago, we saw the origin of The Indianapolis Fashion Collective who states their mission is “to Empower, Unite, Showcase and Grow the best of Central Indiana’s Fashion Industry talent.”
In the same year, Christy Pastore started her international online fashion magazine Fashion Wrap Up to unbelievable number of worldwide fans. Indiana’s very own Brittany Mason walked in six shows at New York’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and has done international campaigns all over the world. We have several local style blogs such as Haute in the Heartland and The Adventures of Lesalina, not to mention several other blogs and online fashion magazines getting their early start. M Renee Al-Eryani, owner and creator of Curat Handcrafted Soaps is beginning to be noticed on a national level. Truen Jaimes, creative director of House of 5th, is taking his brand and distributing internationally. Other models in Indianapolis have gone on to greater fame and are leaving every day. We have more stylists in Indianapolis now than ever before, led by Nikki Sutton, Zoe Renee Huse and our recent favorite pick DaNisha Greene who literally stole the show at the Roc Da Mic event created by showmaster producer Carolos Kirk. Other Streetwear designers and companies, such as Kaitlin Elyse of T.Party Clothing and the brand new BB40, are bringing a new culture of fashion to Indianapolis that most are taking for granted. And we have educational outlets and internships such as The Art Institute of Indianapolis and Harrison College, something Indiana didn’t have 10 years ago.

Magazine Cover/Photo Courtesy of Fashion Wrap Up

And the list goes on and on and on. The fashion industry in Indianapolis has grown so much in the last few years we can’t even list everyone who belongs on this list. Of course, we have some other favorites, such as photographer Polina Oscherov and brother and sister style team Ian and Erika Stikeleather who in 10 years may be running the fashion industry of Indianapolis. Models Shaunna-Marie Hill, Emily Nyberg, Steve Sebree, Taylor Holden and Alexis Farley. And who will be next? Well, hopefully all of the above as we’re huge fans…but what about photographer Robin Marchant from Ball State who has played such a sublime role in Indianapolis’ Fashion Scene? Could she be the next huge thing out of Indiana? We think so. Emily Nyberg and Alexis Farley will most definitely be names to remember. And remember DaNisha Greene…we’re putting our money on her. Not to mention some of the students we saw at The Midwest Fashion Week Student Show which absolutely blew us away!

So yes…Indianapolis does have fashion. Tons of it! The reality is that the person who told us that had absolutely NO idea what they were talking about, which is why we wished them good luck on their new endeavor and went on our way. We believe in the fashion industry in Indianapolis, but we don’t believe in how it’s run. Some of the mainstays who want to dictate how things should be run need to move out of the way or become more supportive to ALL of the fashion in Indianapolis. And you know who you are. We aren’t talking about the Helen Wells’ or the Alpha Blackburns who have continue year after year to endorse this community. We’re talking about the ones who want it their way or no way. Well…as good ole Bob Dylan once said, the times they are a-changin! There is so much fashion in Indianapolis right now we can’t even keep track of it! And this chaos that has begun will one day settle down, weed itself out and we will emerge as a town to be reckoned with seriously.

Photo Courtesy of Shaunna-Marie Hill

Our style is individualized as well. Our closet could literally be split down the middle, one half dedicated to Diesel and Joe’s Jeans while the other side is filled to the brim with Broadripple Vintage and Rag-a-Rama. Our house is littered with every style magazine from Vogue to Elle to GQ, Details and Arena. We interview people who know iconic style such as Nina Garcia and we adore models who have individual style, such as Velvet D’Amour and Dita Von Teese! We know fashion. We know style. We have our own, even if it’s off the rack or hidden in the backpack of a cowboy. Everyone has their own style. And that’s what makes it fun. Fashion is supposed to be seriously fun! Do what you want. Buy what you want. Make what you want. As RuPaul says, “We’re born naked and all the rest is drag!” The only thing Indianapolis doesn’t have, like us, is the ability to support one another in their differences and come together to make everyone’s dreams come true.

Isn’t there enough room in Indianapolis for every designer, photographer, blogger, stylist, columnist, hairstylist and model to be fulfilled? We think so…and we’re not going anywhere soon! So watch out! Because next time we might not be so nice and we might just have to call out a few fools!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Baring It All with Heather McDonald!!!

When reading this random tweet on Twitter “I’ve been at the little league field with back to back games since 10:30 AM & still here-happy Mother’s day 2 me!”, you might not realize those are the words of one of the funniest women in the country. Closer examination brings us into the world of Heather McDonald. Besides writing, producing and starring as a regular “round table” comedienne on the award winning television show Chelsea Lately, she is also on a running tour of performances around the country, presenting her stand-up routine to sold out crowds. Not bad for a wife and mother of three who consistently channels the voices of Sarah Palin, Drew Barrymore, Celine Dion or our favorite, Geri Jewel from The Facts of Life. Every night, we literally wait for the moment when something Heather randomly quips makes even Chelsea Handler laugh and lose her train of thought; a talent which she has perfected well! And while we continue to wait, reading her new national bestseller You’ll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again, we thought we’d reach out and find a little bit more about the funny girl next door under the Amy Winehouse wig…and in front of the Kardashian butt!

1. How would your define yourself using 10 words or less?
A tall hot hilarious brunette married mother of 3!

2. If you weren’t a comedienne, what would you be doing?
Selling residential real estate because I’ve done that on and off for almost 20 years.

3. A teenager comes to you and tells you they want to be a comedienne. What advice would you give them to help them be successful?
I would first say only be a comedienne if people tell you are funny. If they do and you love when you’re telling a story and people are laughing start to write every funny thing you say and think down. Then look into taking improvisation or stand up comedy classes and get up there and do it.

4. You’re a regular member of the Chelsea Lately round table. How do you typically prepare for each show and how do you keep your material fresh?
First I think of what is my point of view and make sure it is different than Chelsea’s then I type a few jokes down for each topic. As I’m getting my hair and make up done I go over them with my make up artist and based on what she laughs at. I choose to say those jokes first.

5. What would we, the boys of raannt, have to do; bribe, threaten, strip, screw…to get on the round table? How is it decided who is a new member?
It is very rare that we have anyone new on because Chelsea really likes having regulars on because of the relationships and chemistry we have with each other. But I would say keep doing what you are doing.

6. Where did the “Heather Long Boobs McDonald” nickname come from?

I was wearing a low cut dress in a sketch and Chelsea called me Long Boobs and it got such a big laugh she kept saying it and caught on. I do not have long boobs.

7. What’s your favorite thing about being on the round table?

Being myself and getting my hair and make up done.

8 You recently released your book “You’ll Never Blue Ball in this Town Again.” Tell us about your book.
It is about all the guys I did not have sex with in LA during the 90s. The main reason being I was virgin until I was 27.

There are a lot of very embarrassing funny dating stories.

9. What is your favorite and least favorite book you have ever read?
Besides Chelsea’s books my other favorite book was Mackenzie’s Phillips autobiography about how she was having a consensual sexual relationship with her father in her 20s for over 10 years. I mean it doesn’t get more juicy than that.

10. Since you’re now a New York Times Bestseller List honoree, what would be two other awards you would like to earn?
I would like to get an Emmy for playing a mom in a hit sitcom and I’d like an Oscar for best supporting actress because comediennes only win Oscars if they are for supporting roles never for best actress.

11. You worked closely with the Kardashians in this book. What was their role in it and how was your experience working with them?
I did not work with them. They are just my friends who loved the book and gave me a quote for the back. However, I’d love to work with them one day designing clothes for flat butts for girls like me.

12. Who are your two favorite celebrities to impersonate. Who have you wanted to impersonate but found too difficult?

My two favorites are Drew Barrymore and Celine Dion. Everyone thinks I do Cher and I can but only when she sings not when she talks.

13. You have been married for over 10 years. What is the secret to a successful marriage?

I got married in the Catholic church and therefore made a promise to God. I plan on going to heaven so therefore I’ve stayed married. No seriously, we do stuff on our own away from our kids and we never let any fight last too long.

14 The bio on your website states you “reside in the San Fernando Valley next door to her parents just in case they run out of milk, Chardonnay or need one of her dad’s Vicodin.” Which one happens most often?
I run out of Chardonnay a lot but my always has a chilled bottle waiting and she loves to drink it with me.

15. Name the sexiest city? Hotel? Movie? Place to kiss? Place to get drunk?

The sexiest city is Cabo. Movie is Unfaithful, Kiss is in the rain (I’ve yet to do that) get drunk in any pool.

16. Let’s play fuck, marry, kill. Chelsea, Chuy and Brad Wollack?

I’d fuck Chelsea because she’s completely bare down there so it wouldn’t be too bad. I’d marry Brad because his parents have their winery and I’d have to kill Chuy, sorry.

17. Give us quick thoughts on the following: Jenna Jameson, the death of Osama Bin Laden, Amy Fisher’s porn career and gay marriage.
Jenna: Amazing mother of twin boys, Osama: I’m having sexual fantasies about the Navy Seal who shot him, Gay Marriage: I want it to be legal everywhere also I love weddings and feel I have a lot of gay invites in my future.

18. If you were going to start your own line of Heather McDonald Chardonnay, since you’re such a huge fan, what would it be called and what would make it so special? How much would you charge?
It would be called Impressions because I do a lot of impressions and it will make an impression at your table. It’s special because it’s buttery. I would charge around 11 dollars.

19. What would you like to be doing in 10 years?
Being on television even more either as myself or playing a comedic role in a funny show.

20. What do you find sexy on a man: boxers, briefs, jockstrap, or nothing at all?
I find boxers sexy because I like the excitement that it might slip out at any moment.

For more information on Heather McDonald, her New York Times bestselling book or her tour dates, contact her website!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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*Photographs thanks to Heather McDonald and Eva Magdalenski and Alex Spieller of Anderson Group Public Relations

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

SHHH…It’s a Secret!!! We’re Shutting Down!!!

As If!!!

You’re probably shaking your head. Who’d care?
Quit lying…you would!

But to go on, we want your help! We have lined up several interviews, already performed some sneak reviews and started two more SEXY lists…but we want suggestions from you! Maybe you know of someone you think we should interview or a SEXY list we should complete? Comment below or shoot us an email at and let us know you’re ideas! (Only serious responses thank you as intentionally cruel or bullying remarks will be added to our famed burn book)

Tomorrow we will be posting our review of the Roc Da Mic Fashion Show, as well as post our Five Fashion Fave People around Indy!!!

AND…If you haven’t already read our newest raannt interview on Chris Stedman you MUST check it out!!!! Probably our best interview to date! Chris Stedman…Just a Little Above Average!

Who knows…we might even start giving out a few prizes for the best SEXY list idea…like one of our original I MADE THE SEXY LIST tees we just sent out to all of our celebrity interviewees…or VIP sections, or hmmmm….the mind wonders!

Much Love!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Chris Stedman…Just A Little Above Average

Photo Credit Erin Williams

We had initially titled this interview: Chris Stedman…The Prince of Secular Humanism Discusses His Evolving Worldview, Eboo Patel, Teen Suicide and His Love of Britney Spears. But after hours of looking at his pictures and editing the facts, it just didn’t seem right. At the cost of gaining more views or getting more people to read our blog, just in the name of a sensational, attention-grabbing title, we couldn’t do it. It just didn’t fit. Chris never called himself the Prince of Secular Humanism…we did! He’s considerably more humble than to pat his own back let alone identify himself as royalty of religious discussion. In fact, when we spoke with him initially about secular humanism and referred to him as an “expert”, he laughed and corrected us, pointing us to at least five other authors and speakers on the subject.

But after a few months of knowing him we have absolutely no problem complimenting or heralding the young man who could very well be accepting his Noble Peace Prize within the next ten years. And unless you know of him already and have simply come to this interview to find out more about the guy you already love, than you’ve probably never even heard of him. So what is it exactly that makes Chris so interesting?

For starters, he is the Interfaith and Community Service Fellow at Harvard University and the Managing Director of State of Formation at The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue. He writes and runs his own blog NonProphet Status,writes for the internationally famous blog The Huffington Post, and is the youngest panelist for The Washington Post on Faith. He is also writing a book which will be published in 2012 by Beacon Press. But Besides being a writer, an educator and a highly requested national speaker, what exactly does he do?

Stolen from his blog’s About the Author section, “Chris is an atheist / secular humanist working to foster positive and productive dialogue between faith communities and the nonreligious.” Are you getting the picture yet? To steal yet again from his blog, guest blogger, Walker Bristol, Freshman Representative of the Tufts’ Freethought Society states, “Humanism, as a philosophy, is dedicated to the betterment of the global community as a whole and seeks to dispel discrimination and unfounded bias. Behind Humanist philanthropic efforts and community service projects is a unique commitment to action untainted by goals of conversion or self-promotion.”

And Chris, this 24 year old, tattooed, gaged eared, skinny jean wearing, symbol of sexiness is utilizing academia, pop culture and kindness to bridge the gap between secular and religious identity. When we initially approached him for this interview, stating we wanted to find out more about him because he seemed so interesting, he laughed and said “I’d say that I’m just like anyone else — in fact, I don’t actually handle praise all that well because I see myself as really average, and I live a very average life. I talk about my story not because I think that I’m particularly special, but because I think that everyone has a story to tell, that sharing these stories will make the world a more loving and compassionate place, and that one of the best ways to invite others to talk about their experiences is to share your own. When we exchange stories with one another, I think we discover that we’re not really all that ‘special’ — which is to say, we’re all special, in our own way. But we stop thinking of ourselves as the most important person in the world, and that gives us empathy for other people.

Photo Credit Meadville Lombard Theological School

1. What does it mean to be the “Interfaith and Community Service Fellow” for the Humanist Chaplaincy for Harvard University?
My role at the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard is really the first of its kind – it’s a position within an atheist / humanist organization specifically devoted to promoting interfaith cooperation and planning community service. I’m so lucky to have this job, because it marries three of my biggest professional (and personal) interests: building interfaith understanding, cultivating humanist community, and advancing social justice work. My fourth biggest interest is writing, and that’s where my blogging work comes in.

2. At 11, you entered the Evangelical Church and now define yourself as an atheist. What inspired this conversion?
It’s a long story, which is why I’m writing a book about it! But I’ll give you a hint: my conversion to Christianity came shortly after I began to recognize that the world is an imbalanced place – I started reading books like Roots, Hiroshima, The Diary of Anne Frank, and so on – and I was looking for a way to make sense of all of the injustice and suffering in the world. The only folks I heard talking about justice, and about improving the world, were Christians. My conversion also coincided with my parents’ divorce, and church created a community of support that essentially substituted the support I had gotten from my family. So when I began to critically evaluate my conversion later when questioning my faith, I realized that Christianity had never felt like a first language to begin with; that it had been a package deal, but that a belief in God wasn’t true to my roots.

Photo Credit Deanna Mandarino

3. Why is it important for people of religion and atheism to work together? What would you like our readers to learn from your work?

We live in a world sharply divided by religious identity – perhaps most of all along lines of religious and secular identity. Looking at the shouting match in popular discourse, between the so-called “New Atheists” and the “Religious Right,” the idea of identifying common ground between atheists and the religious might seem impossible. But truth be told, there are a lot of shared values we can all rally behind, and I think it is especially important for atheists and the religious to combat the significant misconceptions that exist on either side and attempt to foster understanding and cooperation to work toward resolving the most important issues of our time like poverty, global climate change, HIV/AIDS, and so on.
4. What does it mean to be a “secular humanist”?
There are many different definitions of “humanism,” but in my mind a humanist is anyone – religious or not – who maintains a worldview grounded in reason and guided by compassionate action. I put “secular” before “humanist” to signify that my worldview is specifically naturalistic and nonreligious. To borrow from the title of a recent book by the Humanist Chaplain at Harvard, Greg Epstein: in short, a secular humanist is someone who believes he or she can be good without God, and who strives to live this way. I prefer “secular humanist” to “atheist” because it suggests something about my values, rather than the mere fact that I do not believe in any gods.

Photo Credit faith and fashion

5. How does being gay contribute to your belief system towards religion?
It’s funny; at various points in my life, I would’ve answered this in very different ways. Hell, I’ll probably answer it differently two months from now. But, right now, I credit the recognition I had at 11 years old that I am queer with setting the course for the work I do now. Being a member of a marginalized community helps me empathize with experiences and worldviews that are different from my own, and I believe that has made me more compassionate. At one point in my life, being gay might’ve contributed to the bitterness I had toward religion and the religious, but now being gay means being deeply and personally invested in active religious pluralism, or the idea that we all – religious or not – need to work to understand one another better. We’re all “other” to someone, and I’d like to see that change.

6. What does being gay mean to you today?
Being queer to me means being a border-crosser and a translator. We occupy liminal spaces in American society and around the world, so we need to know how to navigate fraught intercultural issues, as most of our actions are, in a sense, intercultural exchanges. I think this makes us especially adept at bridging divides – or, at least, it has directly contributed to my sense of feeling empowered to do so.

Photo Credit Natalie Parys

7. If there was a God, what would God be like?
Honestly, I’m not willing to say that I’m absolutely, positively, 100% sure there is no god. However, if there is a god (and that’s a big “if”), I believe that god is an uninvolved one – one that exists, possibly created the world, but has since been mostly “hands-off.” And if such a god exists – and I do see it as a possibility – then I think it really doesn’t matter. If an uninvolved god is out there, it doesn’t concern me one bit. These days, I’m a lot more interested in what is happening in the world around me than whether or not a god exists; about whether people have the things they need to live happily and peacefully. And the kind of god I certainly can’t fathom is one who would condemn people who honestly tried to live and learn the best they could to an eternity of suffering; so if I’m wrong and there actually is a benevolent, loving god, I will welcome being proven wrong with humility and with curious wonder. And maybe a long laugh and a beer.

8. One of the first things we noticed about you was your interesting and eclectic style. How does your style reflect your belief system?
Well, my tattoos each reflect various stages in my evolving worldview… It’s a cheesy metaphor, but I often liken my tattoos to a scrapbook. It’s the best documentation I’ve got of how I’ve matured in my adult life, and I wouldn’t change any of them. As for my general style; I’ve always experimented with different attire, but from a young age I was interested in expressing myself visually. The style I’ve got now is… well, let’s just be honest, I dress like a stereotypical hipster (as my friends all love to point out). I’ve been dressing this way since the end of college, and so far I’ve managed to carry it over into my professional career. You’d be surprised what you can get away with if you just add a tie! But honestly, one of the reasons I love my style is that I really do feel that it reflects who I am at this point in my life, and I hope that it suggests that I don’t have too many pretensions about what I do.

I’ve tried to “dress professionally” but it just isn’t me; I always expected my tattoos and my style to be a professional hindrance, but I’ve honestly been amazed by how it has helped me connect with people in my work. I think a lot of people don’t expect someone who looks like me – tattoos galore, including an almost-finished sleeve, stretched earlobes and a nose ring, skinny jeans and concert t-shirts – to be talking about interfaith cooperation. But I think it’s such an important issue and that everyone needs to care about it, so I hope my style helps some people who might not have cared before to see it as important, and to see that they too have a place in this movement – that it’s not just for older folks and religious people.

Photo Credit Erin Williams

9. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
Wow; after questions about the existence of god, my sexuality, and other so-called “difficult subjects,” this is far and away the hardest question yet! In fact, I think we’ll know the answer to the god question before I can narrow my favorite albums down. Every year, I write a blog post detailing my 50 favorite albums of the year, and it always takes me weeks. But I’ll just go with something “old,” something “new,” and something from my youth. Old: Tom Waits’ Swordfishtrombones. New: Sufjan Stevens’ Illinois. Nostalgic picks: Garbage’s Version 2.0 or The Fugees’ The Score. Also, I recently got really into an amazing gay artist named John Grant – pick up his debut, Queen of Denmark, if you haven’t heard it yet. It’ll change your life.

10. What are your three favorite fiction and non-fiction books?
Everything by Flannery O’Connor – I’m obsessed. I have one tattoo for her, and others planned. Also, Acts of Faith by my mentor, Interfaith Youth Core founder Eboo Patel, played a very formative role in the work I do now – in fact, describing my reaction to it is essentially the climax of the narrative in my book. (How nerdy is that?!) Finally, my current boss, Greg Epstein, has a really fantastic book for anyone looking to explore humanism called Good Without God.

Photo Credit Adrienne Baker, IFYC

11. How do you define “sexy”?
Oh man. Superficially, I go weak in the knees for a subtle but intoxicating cologne, a scruffy face, … and skinny jeans! But more than anything (cliché alert!) I find confidence, creativity, empathy and humility sexy. People who just see the world in a different way – in a way that forces me to challenge my approach and my perspective – there’s nothing sexier than that. Same goes for an open heart; not just a posture of “caring for others,” but people who genuinely experience heartbreak because of the suffering in the world. Okay, that sounds pretty cheesy and dumb, doesn’t it? Also, it’s probably kind of bullshit: at the end of the day, James Franco is just flat-out sexy, regardless of whether he cares about the world’s suffering or not.

12. What is the most important issue on the gay agenda today?

Full inclusion and protection for transgender individuals. For too long, trans folks have been marginalized, ostracized, and largely ignored by the so-called “LGBT agenda.” Every month at least one transgender individual is killed in a hate crime in America – a fact largely ignored by the media. With the increased attention on gay and lesbian suicides this year, we must not forget about the emotional and physical violence that trans folks experience. It’s crazy to me how pervasive transphobia is, even within our community. I’m certainly not an innocent party in this respect, but I’m working on it.

Photo Credit Ky Dickens

13. What are three things you wouldn’t do no matter how much money you were offered?

I’ve come to a point in my life where it’s difficult for me to say that there are things I would never do, because over the years I’ve done many things I once thought I wouldn’t. I’ve come to recognize that it’s quite difficult to predict what you might do in any given situation until you’re actually confronted with the choice, and that sometimes we make the wrong choice. That said, I’d like to believe there are some choices I could never be compelled to make, and they’re the big ones: murder, rape, genocide, etc. At the end of the day, you have to be willing to be morally inflexible on certain things, and physically harming another person is one of those things. Emotionally harming is where it gets a bit more complicated, eh?

14. What would your friends say is your greatest weakness?
I’m not sure they’d know where to begin! I’ve got my vices, to be sure, but I think my friends might highlight the way I can get distracted by things that shouldn’t matter – how I can fixate on things beyond my control. I think I have a difficult time “letting go” when something is unsolvable; I like to imagine that nothing is insurmountable if you just persevere and push hard enough. This difficulty to relent to the forces beyond my control has caused me a lot of pain in my life, but it has also helped me overcome obstacles that I thought I could not. So it’s good and it’s bad, but I’m learning to harness it more for good and be more aware of when it is having a harmful effect.

Photo Credit James Croft

15. If you were to die tomorrow, what three things would flash in your mind?

I’m not sure; I think I’d be too distracted by my impending death! But I’m sure I’d think immediately of my family, and of the love I have for them. When everything is said and done, my family is what matters most to me, so I’m sure my thoughts would turn to them.

16. What are three movies that have greatly impacted you?
Dancer in the Dark, Dogma, and Saved! The first always makes me cry, and the others make me laugh and think – they tackle complex issues concerning religion with levity, heart, humor and humanity.

17. When Chris, the Harvard intellect, is put away, what are some trivial things that we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

Ha! Let’s see; my vanity is probably obvious in my hipster clichés. What else? Well, okay, so I really love Britney Spears. It’s weird; I never really cared about her when I was younger, which is unusual since I came of age in the era of Britney. But when I was a senior in college, Britney began to unravel, and I took notice. Now I won’t liken her to Sylvia Plath or Virginia Woolf, but I did see something in Britney’s public undoing that made me pause. Here was the real person beneath the façade; the animal behind the android. She had been tamed and domesticated her whole life, and she tried to liberate herself. The sad thing is that she didn’t know how to do it well, and she became quite unwell. Now she’s gotten her public image together and her career seems to be doing quite well, but I still see a caged animal when I look at her. I don’t know if I’m just projecting my love for tragic figures on to her, but I see some sadness in her. Or, at least, some boredom. So I root for her, you know? I want her to do well, and to be happy. There’s no way to know if she is, but I hope that the fact that even when she is “promoting” a new album she’s hardly in the public eye, means that she has the space she needs. Because I’m just tired of seeing her cry in interviews! Honestly, her 2007 album Blackout is probably the greatest pop album ever released, and I rock out to that like nothing else when no one is around. That said, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga could stop recording music and I’d be perfectly happy, so I guess I don’t fall for pop trappings every time. But my love for Britney is forever, ha.

18. You are currently working on a book. Tell us about your book which is due out in 2012.

My book is part memoir, part call for greater dialogue and collaboration between the religious and the nonreligious. I use my personal story of growing up irreligious, becoming a Born Again Christian and realizing I was gay, eventually leaving the faith and becoming very anti-religious, and then eventually becoming a passionate advocate for pluralism and interfaith engagement, because I think, like sociologist Marshall Ganz, that stories are the most effective way to communicate ideas and values. Still, it’s weird to be writing a memoir – especially at 23 years old! – because you open up your experiences for public scrutiny. But I’m learning to get used to it, and I’m doing it because I think mine is an underrepresented perspective. But ultimately, I don’t want my work to be about me – my biggest hope is that my story will prompt other people to share theirs. I don’t want to tell my story simply to make it known; I want to initiate a dialogue on religious and nonreligious identity and engagement in America.

Photo Credit Nat DeLuca

19. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Ha! Oh my. Um, well… I wear skinny jeans nearly every day, so it’s certainly not the first of those options. I’ll leave it at that; a gay atheist has to keep some mystery, eh?

Thanks Buddy!!! We Love Ya!!!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken and used, with a link to our original interview, without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

Gregory Gorgeous is Living Like No One Is Watching!

We have spent hours upon hours watching YouTube videos, following our favorites and waiting for them to post their next video. Hell, we even started our own YouTube channel! One night we came across Gregory Gorgeous’ videos on his channel and we were instantly entranced. If you’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos you realize quickly that these “personalities” either have it…or they don’t. With over 13 million upload views and over 3.3 million channel views, Gregory Gorgeous definitely has it. But what exactly is it that makes us drawn to some YouTubers more than others. For us, his absolute sincerity, beauty, candor and especially his sense of humor made us hungry for more and by early the next day we had watched every single video. We started by watching a video on haters and we immediately fell in love with his confidence and the strong message he sent to his viewers as he almost relished in the fact that he was able to live the life he wanted, unabashed, while “haters” wrote nasty and vile comments, leaving him only to assume that they were intimidated by him. God, this was awesome! Where did this kid come from? We knew instantly he was going to one day be starring in national ad campaigns for makeup companies an fashion houses as well as starring in indie films; possibly even having his own television reality show. After five years of YouTube videos, he is currently starring in the web-based, YouTube, reality series The Avenue, produced by Fisher/Morris productions. After hours and hours of watching his videos, two things are very, very clear. One, he is absolutely infectious and contagious! We just can’t get enough. Coining the phrase, “You know what I mean?”, we find ourselves laughing about things he has said and wishing he was one of our best friends, hanging out and driving around with us. (Yes Greg, that is an invitation!) The second thing that is certain is that he is absolutely “Gorgeous”, with or without makeup. As we watched his makeup tutorial videos, we could not believe how good he looked made up, holding his favorite purse and walking in his favorite pair of shoes. But as we watched some of his older videos, we turned to each other and laughed. “He’s a really, cute guy!” One thing is sure, he exudes confidence and is self-assured in who he is, making his viewers stronger, wishing they too had the same kind of confidence. And there is much more to come from Gregory Gorgeous. Because, as he says at the end of the season finale of The Avenue, “All I know for sure is that this isn’t the end of my story. It’s just the beginning. The beginning of another chapter.”


We fell in love with you from the first video we saw of you. What compliments do you typically receive from people?

Well people often offer compliments regarding my makeup. I do spend quite a bit of time on my makeup so I always really appreciate compliments about that.

On your videos, you have stated that you get some negative comments from people. What do you do with this negativity and does it ever affect you?
There are always going to be haters honestly, I try not to let it get to me. It’s always interesting to see what people are going to say about the videos that I post and I appreciate their interest and opinions. I never let it affect me though, it’s part of being a YouTube personality.

What do you believe are three things it takes to have a successful YouTube following?
I think that the best advice I could give someone is to stay true to yourself, talk with your audience, and have fun! That is what I have done and it’s been an amazing experience overall.

Currently you’re working on a reality series on YouTube called “The Avenue”? Can you tell us about this project and where people can find it.
The Avenue is a project I was approached about almost a year ago. It’s an online reality-based TV show that follows me and four other girls around Toronto. There’s a lot of drama but it also shows my fans what I do everyday. You can catch the first season at

If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
Oh that’s tough… I would have to say: Spice Girls, Britney Spears, and 50 Cent: Get Rich or Die Tryin’!

What are your three favorite television shows, magazines and fashion designers? Movies?

The Game, America’s Next Top Model, Wendy Williams
Vanity Fair, Vogue, Glamour
Alexander McQueen, Balamari, DSquared
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Titanic, Mean Girls

If you’re here for a greater and deeper purpose, what do you think it is?
I think that ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to help people with their self esteem. Life is too short to worry about what everyone else thinks about you. I really want everyone to live like no one is watching.

What are three specific makeup items you will never throw away and are “musts” for you?

Oh God how do I pick just three… Well if I had to choose I would pick foundation, mascara, and bronzer.
Who do you believe are the three most beautiful women alive? Who are the three most beautiful women of all time?
Megan Fox
Gwen Stefani
Sofia Vergara

All time:
Marilyn Monroe
Farrah Fawcett
Audrey Hepburn

How do you define “sexy”?
Sexy is confidence. Anyone who exudes confidence will naturally be sexy

What are three things people wouldn’t know about you by looking at you?
I think people would be surprised to know that even though I like dressing up and going out, I do like staying in with friends. Relaxing nights are fun and I definitely make time for them.

If you could go back in time and redo anything you’ve done in your career, what would you consider changing?
That’s difficult… I’m sure if I thought about it I could find something, but I live with no regrets. I’m happy where I am right now and it’s the choices you make that shape you.

Who would be the perfect man for you?

Well I like them muscular so I’d say either 50 cent or Ryan Reynolds.
You’ve done tons of question videos. What’s a question you’ve never been asked that you wished you were asked and answer the question.
People on the internet are psycho and will ask people anything. I have a few questions I wished people wouldn’t have asked me! Haha.

On a guy…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?

Boxers for sure.

Thanks Greg!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

*Special Thanks to Gregory Gorgeous and Stephane Pares/Talent Representative/Fisher Morris Productions
Photographs From the Gregory Gorgeous Facebook Fan Page

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken and used, with a link to our original interview, without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

Indy’s SEXIEST Power Couples…

Photo Credit: Claire Buffie

For our first post on our new blog we wanted to go back to our roots…our SEXY lists! And as we sat around brainstorming different ideas we discussed how in the last two years we had been witness to the marriage between the social, professional, political and familial relationships weaving between Indianapolis’ many different backdrops. For that reason, we thought it would be interesting to list the six couples in the Indianapolis area who WE believed were the SEXIEST Power Couples. We started with approximately 20 couples and narrowed them down based on their diversity and currently being at the top of their game We had discussed having creative photographs taken of each couple, focusing on what we believed made them sexy or powerful, but instead, thought it would be more interesting to have them submit photographs which were their favorites. All of the couples we chose are down to Earth, productive, approachable, endearing, inspiring and yes…sexy. Couples, when together ignite passion and seem unstoppable, and as individuals, interesting and intricate. Most were surprised they were picked and told us they didn’t feel they were “power couples”, but in five to ten years, these will definitely be the couples leading our city and showing that above all else…love does prevail!

Brian and Katie Stam Irk

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Brian and Katie (Stam) Irk. Brian is a personal trainer. Katie is a public speaker and Vice President of Brand Awareness at Australian Gold. (Katie is also Miss America 2009)
2. How long have you been together?
5 & 1/2 years
3. How did you meet?
In college at University of Indianapolis in the Communication Department. We were both studying television broadcasting.
4. What did you do on your first date?
Brian’s apartment. He cooked an italian dinner.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Super chic dinner at 45 Degrees on Mass Ave. Romantic stroll downtown on the canal. Dessert and movie back at home.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Bill and Hillary Clinton. We both have established careers, have great connections throughout our respective industries and both have a strong foundation on public service and leadership.
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Free time. As newlyweds we are still working on time management and we have found the best way to resolve that issue is 1. Be completely honest with each other when you need more free time or need more of the other person. And 2. Always be considerate of each others needs.
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Faith. Love. Understanding.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
a. Hands down…our 11 day honeymoon to St Martin in the Caribbean. We had the most gorgeous 9 bedroom villa on a private beach all to ourselves.
b. Sunday’s usually are our only day off so you can typically find us home enjoying each other’s company.
c. Saturday nights we spend with friends if we are at home and not working. Couples game night has become a tradition.
d. “The Luckiest” the song I sang to Brian during our first dance or “Unforgettable” the theme of our lives together.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Bobby and Sarah Cooper. Bobby owns a salon in Broad Ripple. They have two gorgeous daughters and know everything sexy about Indy!

Pat and Elizabeth Lechleiter Kelly

1. What are your names? What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Patrick Kelly: Student at IU School of Dentistry
Elizabeth Kelly: Department Manager: Men’s Sportswear/The Rail (Nordstrom @ The Fashion Mall)
(*Just a sidenote. Possibly they were “Born This Way”. Pat’s parents, Tim and Becky, are the magical, medical duo who have led people into recovery at Fairbanks Treatment Center for years. His father Tim is the Medial Director and one of the leading Addictionologists in the country. Elizabeth’s father, John Lechleiter, is the current President and Chief Executive Officer of Eli Lilly.)

2. How long have you been together?
We met our freshman year at Brebeuf, 98-99′. We started dating at the end of that year = 13 yrs!
3. How did you meet?
Elizabeth asked me to dance at freshman orientation but I said no b/c I had a girlfriend from junior high. We then had several classes throughout the year and finally got together at the end of the year party at a friends house (specifically behind the pool house (air high five)). *Pat would like us to clarify that this was no more than a goodnight kiss…in all honesty!
4. What did you do on your first date?
Since she was 14 and I was 15 her dad dropped her off at my house with a friend and we watched a movie. My dad drove them home. Probably not a 10.0 on the sexy scale.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
We live in Broadripple so we like to walk into the village when the weather is good, find a place to eat (preferably outside or with open windows), grab a bite and a drink, maybe meet some friends/family for a drink, and then walk home along the canal. We also have day dates that usually involve physical activity like biking down the tow path/green way to down town or running around the canal/monon in B.Rip.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
I’d like to think we are like Charlie and Harriette from “So I Married An Axe Murderer”, in the sense that we can have a good time joking and flirting while managing our daily lives (reference montage in butcher shop to the tune of “rush” by Big Audio Dynamite II).
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
We have similar tastes in a lot of things so most of our arguments are luckily small; usually just the little decisions like what to eat and were to go. I get after Elizabeth about being on time b/c she takes her sweet time getting ready for any occasion, but it’s always worth it!
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Friendship: we do things not just as a couple but as friends.
Space: we let each other run our own show and encourage interests that aren’t necessarily our own.
Trust: kind of goes with the first two but when you can dissolve that insecurity that goes along with most relationships and know that you have a support that will never go away, you can really concentrate on each other and ensure that everyone is happy.

9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Sexiest Vacation? Honeymoon: Paris, Geneva, Chamonix, Cote de Azur, Hilton Head: it never ended (thx parents!)
Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Go to church, Take Willis (our Boston Terrier) for a run on the canal, and end it all with a drink, and something from the grill in a set of chairs outside in our back yard, Willis in lap.
Sexiest Saturday night? reference sexiest date, question 5, We also like to entertain at our Bripple Bungalow with friends and family!
Sexiest song? We like to listen to “The Equalizer” off of the album So This Is Goodbye by Junior Boys while we are getting ready to go out and get our party on!

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
I’d have to say that I think having a project like Raannt and doing interviews/reviews and designing a creative/fun website with your partner is pretty “sexy”, so I just put Peter and Alex up near the top of the list. Our parents are also inspirational couples. They each have successful careers and are committed to great organizations that help people. They raised beautiful families and still find time for each other. If we end up 1/2 like them we will be pretty “sexy” ourselves!

Ron Miner and Gabby Love

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Ron Miner aka DJ Indiana Jones- Founder/CEO of Crush Entertainment, DJ, Promoter, Cultural Activist
Gabrielle Love aka DJ Gabby Love- DJ, Model, Horseback Riding Instructor/Trainer

2. How long have you been together?
Almost 2 Years, since July 2009
3. How did you meet?
Through mutual friends- when I (Gabby) realized I wanted to pursue and learn how to DJ, I approached (actually begged) Ron multiple times to teach me. He finally decided to teach me in March of 2009. Our friendship quickly grew and soon after we realized the feelings we had were far greater than just being friends
4. What did you do on your first date?
Flew down to Miami for a gig of Ron’s. We stayed in the penthouse suite at The Foutainebleau Hotel in South Beach. It was epic
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Sexiest date for us would be having a nice lunch or dinner downtown then heading to a Colt or Pacer game
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Jay-Z and Beyonce w/ a splash of David Bowie and Iman
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
There really isn’t one issue we argue most about and we really don’t argue very often. When we do argue though the key for us to resolve it is by not holding a grudge and being able to talk about issues open and honestly.
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
First and foremost, we developed a very strong friendship before the thought of a relationship even occurred to us. Having that strong friendship first was a key factor in the success of our relationship. To this day we are still each others closest friend and confidant.
Secondly, we don’t hold grudges and always talk about any problems/issues we have within the relationship and in our lives. Having an open line of communication between us is crucial, since we are not only in a love relationship but also have a working relationship as DJs
We are huge goofballs and super nerds. We can always make each other laugh and can find fun in almost any situation.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Sexiest Vacation- we are both so crazy busy all the time that anytime we can take a vacation, we make it sexy. We are going to the south of France this Fall. That will be a super sexy vacation
Sexiest Sunday- strolling through the grounds of the IMA and dinner in Broad Ripple
Sexiest Saturday- Stereo Love at Room 929
Sexiest Song- ‘Adore’ by Prince

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Slater Hogan and Erin Polley… Next to Peter and Alex, of course

Sam Cronk and Steve Turner

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Sam Cronk – Hair Stylist at Full Circle Hair Studio & Steve Turner – Captain with Indianapolis Metro PD
2. How long have you been together?
6 years
3. How did you meet?
On a Thursday night at Greg’s Nightclub August 11, 2005.
4. What did you do on your first date?
Dinner at Bravo Cucina Italian Restaurant in Castleton
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Dinner at an amazing restaurant like Season’s 52 followed by a Broadway Musical at The Murat Theatre.
6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Bonnie & Clyde
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Laundry or cleaning the house in general….Hired a maid!
8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Trust, Communication & Friends
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
Vacation—Maui, Sunday afternoon—Walk from the house to Mass Ave stopping off at Hoaglin To-Go for brunch then lazily walk around downtown Indy stopping by a few patios (Mesh/Metro/45 Degrees, etc) on The Ave., Saturday evening—dinner for just 2 at a R. Bistro or Recess followed by evening at Talbott Street (or other club) with good friends ,song—Kylie Minogue-All The Lovers.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
This was a tough one…..sooo, we guess Dallas and Karen Clark.

Jason and Tawny Jenkins

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.

Jason Jenkins Birthday June 10 Gemini
Subterra Lounge & Tiki Bob’s Cantina, Owner
Tawntilia Jenkins Nickname Tawny Birthday August 10
High Maintenance Salon & Nail Parlour, Owner
Also…Indianapolis 50th Anniversary Playboy Bunny(2010)
Indianapolis Playboy Girls of Golf Winner (2010)
Playboy Cyber Girl of the Week Jan. 17th 2010
A+ College Girls feature October 2010 Featuring Tawny and Erin Heidrich

2. How long have you been together?
We met 8 1/2 years ago. I was 21 & Jason was 28.
3. How did you meet?
One night my girlfriends and I went out with some guy friends that had a limo and Jason owned the Limo
Company back then. As soon a I got in the limo, I fell in love with
Jason at first sight. I knew we were soul mates. I was like “who is that guy?” we casually talked that night. The next weekend we all went out again In the limo, & we exchanged numbers. We went out the next weekend on our first date.

4. What did you do on your first date?
He picked me up, we went to Charbonos Restaraunt for dinner, then he brought me home.
We’ve been together every since. and if your wondering, we didn’t have sex on our first date. I made him wait a couple months. I’m a good girl.

5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Getting all sexy, going to Dinner downtown @ Ruth Chris Or 45
degrees, Getting a VIP room at Subterra Lounge with some Champagne, Dancing, and a suite at the Omni.

6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
I’m not sure if we are a lot alike but we admire the love and loyalty Tim McGraw & Faith Hill have for Each other. It seems like they truly love each other and have a healthy relationship. They both work hard at their jobs and still balance family life very well. They seem normal and down to earth at the same time. That’s how we try to live our lives.
7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
Well, we don’t argue or fight very often, but if we do its probably over something really small and stupid. Jason-“its
usually when Tawny has PMS and wants me to do something around the house like Clean the garage.” Tawny-“I don’t like fighting and feel bad after, so I say I’m sorry and try to make things right really quickly.” I’m really sensitive and don’t like for people to be mad at me. I’m a happy person. I’m glad we don’t really ever have issues to fight about.

8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
Our relationship works because we believe in being Faithful and 100% committed to each other.
We love each other unconditionally and are very loyal to each other. Tawny-“I cant imagine not growing old with
Jason or spending the rest of my life without him. Jason is an amazing Stepfather. Jaylen was 5 months old when
we met. So they have a very close bond with each other.” anyone that meets Jaylen instantly falls in
love with him. you can ask anyone that knows Jaylen. He is so special and loving. He always gets high honor roll
and good conduct awards. He has always been very helpful with the special needs kids at school and he told us when
he gets older he wants a job working with special needs kids. He must get that from his nanny (Tawny’s mom)
because she was a special needs teacher for the severe mentally Handicap for ten years. Tawny and Jason- ” We also have amazing, crazy, fun, sex. That’s the key to any successful relationship. We won”t go into details about our sex life, but it’s just that good.”

9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
sexiest Vacation- anywhere tropical, warm, and sunny on the beach relaxing. But the Playboy Mansion was definitely
super sexy. and Vegas is always sexy.
sexiest Sunday afternoon- Sunday Funday from our bedroom. our favorite
sexiest Saturday night- the 3 D’s…Dinner, Dancing, and Doing it.
sexiest song- King Of Leon- Sex On Fire
But we also like all of Usher’s songs. they are all sexy. Or Trey Songz and Tim McGraw

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Ron Miner and Gabby Love. we love, love, love our Ronnie and Gabby.

Melissa Elrod and Bryan Schmidt
Our Personal Favorites for SEXIEST Power Couple!!!

1. What are your names. What are your job titles or define your jobs.
Melissa Elrod and Bryan Schmidt
Job Titles: Melissa: Doctor Of Optometry Student Class of 2012, Master of Public Health 2008, Optometry Intern for Lanter Eye Care & Laser Surgery, Brand Ambassador for All State Promotions, Inc.
Bryan: Event Promotions Director for Image First: event management company & Account Executive for Cellucom Group: wireless distributor throughout the state of Indiana. Veteran of the United States Marine Corps.
2. How long have you been together?
We have been dating since August 13, 2008.
3. How did you meet?
We met at Champps Northside on a Wednesday night. My friend Tiffany saw Bryan and approached him saying “You’re hot, Are you single? You have to meet my friend.” while I was chatting with other friends across the patio deck without any idea of what she said to Bryan. Later on in the evening, he saw me talking to Tiffany and came over to
introduce himself. I thought that he was friends Tiffany. We immediately had a connection and talked the rest of the night. The next day when Bryan called I asked “How do you know my friend Tiffany?” Bryan answered “Who’s Tiffany? I had never met her before until last night.” Turns out, Tiffany played matchmaker and just had an inkling that we needed to meet.

4. What did you do on your first date?
For our first date we went to The Bodies Exhibit downtown and then had sushi at Forty-Five Degrees on Mass Ave.
5. What makes for the sexiest date in Indianapolis?
Something unique and completely different than what you’ve done in
the past…..and an extra dirty vodka martini with three blue cheese
stuffed olives would help.

6. What fictional or famous couple are you most like?
Mr. & Mrs Smith because we have separate lives when we are not
together, but when we are together, it’s explosive (minus the trying
to kill each other part).

7. What one issue do you argue most about and how do you resolve your arguments?
The issue we argue about the most is what movie/tv show to watch. Bryan prefers war and drama movies and 60 minutes, Dateline, 48 Hours Mystery, but Melissa prefers comedies and romance movies and Sex & the City and Top Chef. We resolve it by agreeing on watching Entourage or Real Housewives together or switching who gets to choose the movie
each time.

8. What are three secrets which make your relationship successful?
#1 we can’t tell you…it’s a secret. #2 We balance each otherout. #3 We don’t take anything too seriously.
9. As a couple…Sexiest Vacation? Sexiest Sunday afternoon? Sexiest Saturday night? Sexiest song?
As a couple: our sexiest vacation was to Charleston, SC: wine tasting @ Middleton Place plantation, skydiving, southern cuisine,cigar & wine tasting shops, relaxing on the beaches of Isle of Palms, hot summer nights, walking around and taking in all the beauty and history together.
our sexiest Sunday afternoon is every Sunday duh! but if we had to choose it would be sleeping in together and then riding our bikes from downtown to Broadripple for a late brunch in Brip.
our sexiest Saturday night was when we went to see the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra play the music of Led Zeppelin on the Lawn at White River State Park, laying on blankets outside, watching the sunset and
listening to great music.
our sexiest song is “You f***ing me makes me bilingual” by Jose Nunez.

10. Who do you think is the sexiest couple in Indianapolis?
Michael & Malori Wampler: Michael is the owner/president of MJW Financial LLC and Malori is a physical therapist. They are a talented, well traveled, and beautiful couple of Indianapolis.

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Let the Games Begin!!!

Ohhhh…it just gets better and better, doesn’t it? We started raannt almost two years ago and we would never have imagined, laughing and eating pizza, we would have ended up here! All we really wanted to do was encourage people to get out and attend events and make Indianapolis a better city or at least have fun trying. Now, we’re interviewing celebrities, talk daily to business owners both locally and nationally on how to improve their businesses, attending openings and events and trying to keep it all together, while planning our wedding, raising three crazy dogs and maintaining our own, separate careers.

In the last six months, you may have read a lot of info we’ve put out about websites, books and reality shows. Well folks, it’s all true as you will find in the months to come. And with that, we felt it was important to design our own website and keep raannt individualized to only doing celebrity interviews. But what about the SEXY lists? What about the reviews and the critiques? What about the events and the openings? What about all of the truth seeking reporting? Where would all of those things go if not next to our interviews?

Thus…the birth of raannt le deux! We are extremely excited about this new venture and will love and nurture it as much as we have raannt. Both blogs will also be linked to our website,, which will be “opening” soon! On here, you will find everything, and even more, that we had included on the main raannt blog. While much of the attention will be focused on Indianapolis, you will also be able to read our national reviews as well as polls, contests and lists.

And of course…be prepared for some good ole fashioned, truth seeking, shit stirring! We have been spending our quiet nights at home focusing on how to reinvent ourselves and what people, and places, in Indianapolis need a little…exposure shall we say?!

Anyway, we have a lot in store and as we take on this new venture, we just want to think all of the owners, servers, doormen, PR people, writers, celebrities, parking garage attendants, tweeters, facebookers and whoever else we’re forgetting, OH SHIT…can’t forget the DJ’s, that made the last two years a total blast! It’s just getting started folks! Let the games begin!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Nina Garcia’s Primitive Instinct

Photo Courtesy of Nina Garcia

Legs crossed tightly, pen in hand, she mentally critiques the contestants on Project Runway with a keen eye and an intricate sense of humor. We watch as she gently tucks her hair behind her ear, the other side falling in front of her eye as she chooses her words carefully and what we realize quickly is that we are in the audience of a style genius. We originally sought her out for this interview because, to us, she is the epitome of class. We only know what we have seen on our television screens and what we’ve read in her four books, the most recent, Nina Garcia’s Look Book, having just been published in 2010. Colombian born, educated in the United States at both Boston University and the Fashion Institute of Technology as well as being a world traveling connoisseur, she is a woman who apparently can float through time and space, continent to continent and yet retain the wisdom and beauty hidden in the small crook of her slight smile. Previously, she was the fashion director of Elle magazine and now holds the same position at Marie Claire magazine, allowing her to literally hold the ultimate position of directing the pulse of fashion and style to her readers. She has also been a judge on eight seasons of the award winning, fashion reality show, Project Runway. Not only does she hold hold these powerful positions, but she is also the wife of David Conrad and the mother of two sons, Lucas Alexander, born in 2007 and Alexander David born last November 29th, proving that actually, you can have it all. Her official website, Nina Garcia, presents with the same class and whimsy that she seems to carry from videos of fashion shows, notable and epic quotes, her favorite posts and of course style and fashion commentary. As she moves forward, family and fashion, we will continue to watch and relish the small intricacies, such as her hidden smirk and wildly gorgeous hair, which makes us love her so…

1. When looking at a new fashion designer, what are some things you look for that set one designer above the rest in being the next to follow?

I think there’s a word for that: “Instinct”. Somebody told me that to be old means to lose the ability to be surprised, and this, to be surprised, to see something unexpected on the runway it’s what sets one designer above the rest. As you can imagine, this is a very primitive instinct (that not only happens in fashion but also in movies, art, music), where you just feel that what’s happening in front of your eyes is something exceptional. I would have loved to be, for example, in 1863 at the Salon des Refusés where the first impressionist paintings were introduced to the world or when Picasso presented Les Demoiselles d’Avignon to the world. The same can be applied when the old Alexander McQueen presented his collections in Paris: we all went to his shows willing to be surprised.

2. How does your Colombian heritage contribute to your innate, fashion sense and success in the fashion industry?

Colombian women believe that physical presentation reflects the person you are on the inside. Women put a lot of time and effort into the way they present themselves. Growing up I was constantly surrounded by incredibly vibrant, confident, feminine women, women who knew who they were and what image they wanted to convey to the world.

3. Current fashion trends are displaying polka dots and color palettes. What are some current trends you think are overplayed and what trends have you been excited to see?

Overplayed: the 80’s!! So overplayed and done with.
Excited to see: anything except the 80’s please!

4. What do you believe will be the next, big fashion trend?

I think for Fall we will see: polka dots from spring will carry into fall, mod’s making a come back, long tail, minimalist.

5. How important do you think presenting ready to wear versus couture design in a runway show is to a fashion designers success?

It all depends on what you define as “success”. For some people success is equal to the number of sold-out items of your collection. For some other, “success” is defined by how many times your couture outfit has been seen in a magazine cover or by the blooming reviews your collection has got. “Success” as you can imagine is a very tricky word. I will say: it doesn’t matter to me if it’s couture or ready to wear if a designers conceives a great collection, that makes fashion move forward.

Photo Credit: Mark Abrahams
6. As one of the most well known fashion journalists, what is the best advice you can give to someone entering or trying to improve their career as a fashion journalist?

Always be on your toes, always be in the know. You never want to be the last person to hear about the news… always be ahead of the game.

7. In styling for a fashion show, what are the five most important things a stylist should consider?

1.) know your models: take down every measurement because you have to figure out which model should wear which look!
2.) always have a really well stock prop kit
3.) cohesive collection: there’s an inspiration so everything should all be a cohesive presentation
4.) do a pre-show run thru! Things may work out in your head but it might not always look the same in real life

8. What is essential in making an iconic, fashion model and who are three current models you would consider iconic?

unique look, recognizable face that becomes popular, personality, world renowned.

Newest ICONS: Lara Stone, Karlie Kloss, Freja Beha Erichsen, Abbey Lee Kershaw, Natasha Poly

ICONIC: Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Gisele Bundchen, Daria Werbowy, Karen Elson, Angela Lindvall, Natalia V, etc etc….

9. Who are three fashion designers who’s careers you would recommend to fashion students as impressive role models for success in the fashion industry?

Classic role models: Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent
More recent role models: Michael Kors, Prabal, Alexander Wang

10. What does a designer need to strive for to be on the cover of Marie Claire magazine?

Be daring! Be bold! Understand the woman’s body!

11. For any person, fashion noteworthy or not, what defines individual style and how can someone find their own individual style if they don’t feel they have one?

Individual style comes from within oneself. Being comfortable in your own skin, loving and owning your own body, being confident with who you are both inside and outside will help you define your own personal style. There are no rules, no seasons, it’s all about you. It’s how you feel its what you personally love and making it work for you!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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MYA Confesses Why Love is the Answer!

2011 is going to be hot year for Mya. Not that she hasn’t had a hot year every year since she started her career in the entertainment industry 12 year ago. Every year has been burning, scorching, sweating, pulsating all the way to the top as she added title after title to her resume. On her official website, her bio defines this long list as “internationally known, respected singer, songwriter, producer, dancer/choreographer, actress, designer, model, activist and philanthropist.” She’s been in several movies including the Oscar-winning Chicago, which she won a Screen Actors Guild Award, and her music has been featured in Moulin Rouge(for which she won a Grammy for Best Pop Collaboration) and the Disney film Atlantis:The Lost Empire. She has been in numerous films and television shows and was the runner up to the winner on Season 9 of Dancing with the Stars. Mya has released six albums and currently has released the dance single Love is the Answer which she mixed with legendary DJ Cedric Gervais, who is a superstar in his own right. She has been nominated and won Grammy’s, MTV awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, the list goes on and on…and so will she. In addition to her incredible entertainment career, she also is a devoted philanthropist. At 31, this amazing woman who started out years ago as a tap dancer, has tapped her way into our hearts and continues to show us why Love is the Answer!

1. What inspired your new Dance sound?

I’ve always had a variety of sounds & tempos on my albums, but I’d have to say alongside just being a girl who likes to have fun, I’d say all of the dance remixes to the singles in my career that I loved to perform have inspired some of my upcoming up tempos.

2. “Love is the Answer” has a great message and great sound! What does this track mean to you?

The track sonically feels elevating. Great production by Cedric Gervais and positive, meaningful writing by Dee Roberts. Universal love and celebration is the message.
3. How does it feel to have “Love is the Answer” be the theme song for the NOH8 campaign?

“Love Is the Answer” definitely embodies so many messages of philanthropic, global causes & concern, but still feels light enough to party and celebrate to. Positive energy and vibes from start to finish.

4. The music video was taped in Washington DC. Other than it being your home town and a great place to introduce Dance music, is there a political idea behind choosing this as the location for the video?

8112 Studios who are based in DC shot the video. A few years ago I’d call it coincidental, but now I realize it’s just all by design, because it’s time.

5. Are we also going to get some R&B/Hip Hop/Soul from you in your new CD?

Like always, I’ll be serving a variety of experiences and sounds on my upcoming albums.
6. You’ve worked with great names in the R&B/Hip Hop/Soul industry. In the Dance industry, are there any artists you would like to collaborate?

Yes, but that’s a secret, for now.

7. Does a new music style equal a new fashion style for you?

The vibe & lyrical content of a song play a huge part in the fashion inspiration, before the genre.

8. Who are three of your greatest musical inspirations?

Minnie Ripperton, Prince & my father. There are many more.

9. Cedric Gervais is a great DJ and has produced some great Dance tracks! How was working with him and how did you two connect for this project?

It was pretty darn awesome working with Cedric in Miami. Great production, cool studio setting, great mix engineer, great writers & he has the cutest dog ever.

10. Being that Cedric is a Miami resident, did you get to spend a lot of time in the sexy city and what are your feelings about Miami?

I spent a nice amount of time in Miami and I personally wouldn’t mind living there. I find it to be motivating with a reward at the end of my day. Outdoors is beautiful & weather is amazing all year around. I’m much more inspired to eat healthier & work out there.

11. One of our favorite songs of yours is “Whatever Bitch”. What is your favorite song you have ever recorded?
Among the songs that have been released,

-My favorite ballad I’ve ever recorded would be “Nothing At All”
-My favorite Queen song “Whatever Bitch”
-Favorite love making jam… “For the First Time”

12. What is the sexiest city in the world? Hotel? Club?

Give me 2 more years to answer that question. The party has just begun.

13. What are five things we would always find in your purse?

Cash/Credit, Mirror, Phone, Lipgloss, Topstick

14. What is a movie that has inspired you? Album? Book?

Movie: Sweet Charity
Album: Natural Wonder by Stevie Wonder
Books: Chelsea Handler “Are You There Vodka..It’s Me, Chelsea”

15. You are considered one of the sexiest an most beautiful women in the world. How do you define “sexy” and what is the secret to being sexy?

I’ve traveled the world & have seen “beautiful” women everywhere, so I’m not so sure about that. But “sexy” to me is what’s within… simplicity.
One who is rich without all of the accessories, but possesses all of the necessities.

16. In 2009 you were on “Dancing with the Stars”. What did you learn from that experience?

I learned that it takes 2 to Tango..hahaha!

17. Many of your songs have been in the soundtracks of films. What is it like to hear your song in a movie and which project was the most exciting for you?

To hear my songs in a film is actually much more comfortable than having to watch myself on screen as an actress. Most exciting was Atlantis “Where the Dream Takes You” as it was an animated Disney film and the song plopped during the closing credits.

18. You have been in several films, including “Chicago” for which you won a Screen Actor’s Guild Award. What was your favorite film you were in and why?

My favorite film was actually “Chicago”-an entertainer’s dream, the opportunity to act, sing and dance in one project alongside an incredible cast and superb director…simply breathtaking.
19. In your extensive bio on your website, you are listed as a huge philanthropist, including working for breast cancer and LGBT youth. Of all of the charities and foundations you have worked, which experience has been the most memorable and which would you like to be most remembered?

Every experience has been memorable & molding, but I find the causes that I dedicate personal interaction and a large bulk of time, I am most connected to. Every summer I dedicate 3 months of my time to The Mya Arts and Tech Foundation Program, becoming deeply involved with inner city youth as executive director and a teacher. It is here where I’ve been fortunate to witness first hand, progress, enthusiasm & even testimony.

20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?

It truly depends on what we are talking about here. What’s the setting?
And what’s the action? That’s my answer.

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Go to the following links to listen to MYA’s newest remixes…
Mya/Cedric Gervais “Love is the Answer” album version and Second Sun Remix.
International Dance Music Awards Performance Version.


Photographs by ReeSee of Zigga Zagga Productions
Special thanks to Mike Killmon of MYA Management and Mya herself for taking the time for this interview.

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken and used, with a link to our original interview, without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.