Midwest Fashion Week Finale…


Saturday night was the finale of the Midwest Fashion Week with the Spectrum of Fashion Runway Show(at the Scottish Rite Cathedral), displaying the collections of four designers. Ok, Ok, Berny Martin, the developer behind Midwest Fashion Week, has been so nice to the boys of raannt, but we have to be honest…we were a little bit confused.

The night started off with a poorly emcee’d fashion show to bring awareness to the Autism Society of Indiana. While we think charity is wonderful, the first emcee, well…was it her first time being on a microphone? And we were a little afraid she might trip over her gown. Not to mention, it felt a little bit like a cattle call with her yelling back stage at designers and models to come out while poking her head around the the edge of the curtain. Maybe lay off the vino sister!(If that’s not the case, we desperately apologize…especially since now you have no excuse!)
And we were just as confused by the first two designers, as well as their models…enough said. It didn’t even feel like a fashion show. In all reality, since Berny had stated he wanted to showcase the Midwest talent and show that we had just as much talent here as anywhere else, we really thought we would be privy to a first class runway show…much like anything we might see in New York, Paris or Milan. Why not, right? And as our friend whispered to us, the first collection could have been titled, “The Mother of the Bride” Collection! The wedding and bridesmaid’s dresses were not extravagant and the presentation was a little embarrassing. We are sure the designer is a nice guy, as seen by his pleasant smile throughout the evening, but Antonio Antonio…every girl wants her breasts to fill her wedding dress on her “Princess Diary” moment! These girls couldn’t hold up the dresses!

Anyway, somewhere in the third quarter, the fashion show regained some integrity, as Berny Martin’s collection from his design house, Catou, hit the stage. Absolutely amazing. Stunning in fact! He had, by far, the most beautiful clothes, models and styling. We were incredibly impressed. From the music pulling the feet of the models, to the consistency of theme throughout his collection, every detail was immaculate. And although he is from the Midwest, his clothes are high style, cutting edge and eloquently designed.
We would love for him to style us for every event we go to as his clothes and his style aesthetic are impeccable! Maybe, instead of showcasing the midwest, he should consider moving away…he might be, should we even say it…too good?!
And so…we left happy.
But next year…maybe next year Berny will ask the boys of raannt to be part of the show…who knows, we’ll see…
We can’t wait though! We know next year, it will be even better!
And…probably the BEST part of the night, was meeting our new friend Bianka Krausch, who is amazingly beautiful, hilarious and down to earth! While she chatted it up with us throughout the night, she also discussed with us at length her business ModelStore! (Check out the link) We are so excited about working with her in the future!!! Small world being that we had stood two feet away from her and her fiance the previous night at the iSorry Party! Bianka is currently planning a fashion show with designer Nikki Blaine(who was also the designer for the Moto GP fashion show/party held at Bianka and her fiance’s house), which will be held at Tru on October 30th. We’ll be writing more closer to the event! Stay tuned…

Who will we bump into next?!!! Maybe you!…

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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