Kaya Jones…The Solo Journey of a Former Pussycat Doll!

Last Sunday, we got to hang out all day with Kaya Jones, formerly of the Pussycat Dolls, at Rehab at Bella Vita! We didn’t really know what to expect but what we found was so much more. A little bit of a down home girl spun rock star, flipping through her phone and showing us pictures of stuff, while telling us about her life growing up and her life on the road. She Googled the cover of a Grace Jones album and explained to us why she loves Grace Jones’ creativity over Lady Gaga, even though she said she has much respect for Lady Gaga and loves a lot of her music. We talked a lot about the music and entertainment industry and gay rights. Kaya is a huge advocate of gay rights and wanting to get gay men and lesbians acquainted with her music. She even told us a few Hollywood secrets. But mostly, we just sat around like a bunch of old friends and swapped stories, with her performing four of her songs in between, even starting her show acapella. As she and her friend/road manager Una, equally sexy and charming, left for their flight, we made plans to take her out when she flew back in…hopeful, but understanding the busy life of performers and celebrities, not certain. But what a girl! She’s texted and tweeted us back and forth this week and while we were sitting by the pool tonight, she called us and we talked plans for the weekend, including her exciting performance at Talbott Street for gay pride in Indianapolis! Kaya told us about her songs she was recording and before long we were all laughing again, just like Sunday. And that’s who she is…an amazing musician with true heart and soul! We hope you love her as much as we do, because she’s going straight to the top!!! And watch out…because she is THE Hollywood Doll!

1. Give us a bit of background on Kaya Jones, How you came in to the industry, picked your name?
I first got into the industry by bombarding Eminem and Dr Dre’s tour bus. Proof from d12 put me in contact with R Kelly’s road mgr and R Kelly ended up signing me that year. I was 13.

I decided on Kaya because legally R Kelly owned the rights to my biological name for 3 yrs – the time frame of our recording deal. I chose to perform under the name Kaya because it was a Jamaican word which reverts back to the roots of my mother. Jones was given to me by Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols. He named me at S.I.R. rehearsal space in Hollywood. He thought it would be cool to put Jones at the end of an exotic name.

2. As a singer, model, and actor… What do you have more fun doing? And how are they different to you?
My heart will always lie with singing.. but singing is a form of acting. They’re different and yet somewhat the same. I love entertaining no matter what I’m doing.

3. While with the Pussycat Dolls, what as your favorite song you gals perform and why?
Tainted Love was my favorite song while with Pussycat Dolls. Everyone was featured and it was the beginning of our careers. That for me was a very special time with the group.

4. A lot of people may remember you as a former PCD, PussyCat Doll, What is something you want your fans to remember you by? Other than being a former PCD?
PCD will forever be a part of my past and I’m proud of that. I look forward to making new fans with my solo journey and my new music.

5. We were lucky enough to hear your 2 newest songs, Hollywood Doll and Wallflower, what has been your inspiration for your coming album?
Dance Music. And dancehall have been a big inspiration. I can’t wait to make the whole world dance!

6. The Hollywood Doll video is super sexy!! Tell us a bit about the video, what’s the story line? Who’s the snobby celeb supposed to be? And how did it feel to star on your very own solo music video?
The song Hollywood Doll is dedicated to haters. I think everyone can relate to having haters in their life or career. It felt great to be in my own video- the first step in the solo journey.

7. You get to travel all the time! What has been the sexiest city you’ve been to?
Miami Sexiest club? Rehab @ The Palms in Indy! Hotel? Chateau Marmont, LA Place you’ve perform? MGM Grand, Las Vegas

8. Tell us about your experience in Iraq and why you felt like it was important for you to go out there?
It was eye-opening and life-changing. I do not agree with this war, however I fully support our men and women serving our country. It was important for me to go to show them my support and to put a smile on their face even if only for an hour. I’m forever grateful in all that they do for our country.

9. I like to think that music is just like fashion, it comes back around; what is a music era that you would like to hear again?

10. We know you’re a big fan of Miss Madonna, who are some other artist you look up to and why?
I love Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Nina Simone, RuPaul and Grace Jones. Including Madonna, they are all pioneers in their genres and some helped mold eras of music.

11. Often we see celebrities take a turn into “crazy town”, they get into drugs, or weird believes… How do you keep yourself sane and grounded?
I keep myself grounded with solid friends and family. I too have gone through hardships in my life, including drugs. What has kept me sane and pulled me out of the darkest of days is my relationship with God.

12. Keeping in touch with love ones must be hard while traveling so much… What’s the one you always do when you get to be with the ones you love?
Hug them and tell them I love them!

13. We’re super excited that we get to show you Indy on Friday night!! What is something that you don’t get to do often that you would like to do?
Dance and enjoy a night out with new friends!

14. Pride is this weekend and you’ll be a part of it, and we wouldn’t be more excited about it!! How does it feel to have such a big gay fan base?
AMAZING! Because a lot of the fans have followed me from PCD to now, my solo efforts and I’m grateful for that! As Samantha from Sex in the City once said, “ First come the gays, then come the girls, then come the industry. The gays ALWAYS know whats gonna happen next!”

15. Taking part on the Pride movement… What does pride mean to you? And how do you relate to it?
Pride to me, means equality and rights to freedom of who you are, without judgment. Everybody deserves to be free and everyone deserves to be loved.

16. You mention that one of your family members is gay… What would you like to tell those who reject or push away their family members due to their sexual orientation?
They are missing out on time with their loved ones. Life is too short to push away your family. God did not judge you for being the way you are so what rights do we have as people to judge others?

17. We’ve seen you as a brunette and as a blonde… which one has more fun?

18. What do you think is the sexiest body part on a guy?
Hands! You know what they say..” big hands? Means… big HANDS!” lol Girls? Bootie! (You?) My smile!

19. Keeping an eye on Kaya Jones, what’s in store for this sexy bombshell? And what are some projects you have your eye on (if you can talk about them?
I’m working with some amazing writers and producers. I was just in NYC, recording with Deputy, one of RocNation’s producers so the focus right now is music. However, I am currently reading scripts as well as developing a clothing and makeup line!

20. What do you think it’s sexy on a guy…? Boxers, Briefs, Jockstraps, or nothing at all?
Boxer Briefs or nothing at all!

Kaya will be in Indianapolis on Saturday night performing at Talbott Street for Indy Gay Pride.

Thanks lover! Can’t wait to see you!!
Eyes Open, We’re watching!

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