Ok folks, this one is dear to my heart…and it is very serious to the boys of raannt, who would most likely not even be here if it weren’t for second, third and fourth chances. Teenage addiction is one of the leading and deadliest diseases in the United States. As a person in recovery from addiction and having worked for years and years with those affected by addiction, the 24 Group Inc. is a foundation I stand behind completely, especially since I have the honor of knowing almost all of those involved since the beginning.
On Saturday, October 17th, from 9am-12pm, The 24 Group Hawk Walk…First Steps to Recovery will begin at Carmel Civic Square Gazebo. In their own words, “Please join us for this years fourth annual “Hawk Walk..First Steps to recovery”. This important fundraiser is to provide recovery support for adolescents suffering from the disease of addiction. All of the proceeds from this walk go to support adolescents in treatment for substance abuse, funds that are not available elsewhere.
“The walk is a 5K family fun walk, starting from and returning to the Gazebo in front of the city building in Carmel Indiana, we walk to celebrate Recovery along the Monon Trail on a beautiful October fall morning.
Before the walk you will have an opportunity to hear some interesting speakers and to visit our exhibitors for information on addiction, addiction treatment, and life in recovery.
Please consider forming a “Walk Team” this year ask three of your friends to walk with you or to support your walk. In this way each walk team will raise $80 in support of our effort…about the cost of one day in supportive living for an adolescent or young adult in early recovery.

There is little or no coverage for substance use treatment form traditional health insurance, please help us stand in the gap for those suffering from addiction.
We need your support this year more than ever, please get involved, take a few hours out of your hectic life, walk with us on this beautiful fall morning along the tree lined Monon Trail, and give to support a young life in recovery!!
We can tell you on this morning in October, you will experience something that is life changing…for you, and for a young person struggling with substance use. Please walk with us.”
While the boys of raannt are often misconstrued as partying, absent minded characters without focus and care for others, the reality is much of our life and the people we know, is surrounded by those affected by addiction. While only one half of us is personally, biologically affected by addiction, both of us live around recovery every day and believe that all addicts and alcoholics deserve the chance for sobriety. After 15 years of my own sobriety, as well as being able to develop a relationship with my mother who was also in recovery, I believe teenagers often get lost or left behind. The boys of raannt have made it our mission to bring social awareness to Indy and to improve the social quality of our great city, but that doesn’t mean that we turn a blind eye to those who have a chance to turn their lives around.
Please join all of those involved with the Hawk Walk, or if you can’t attend, please visit The 24 Group website, read their story and mission, and consider making a small donation…And like us, don’t let your friends drink and drive, always make sure they make it home safe, confront dangerous drug use and be enough of a friend to bring awareness to those you feel have a problem.
And if you are still concerned, contact a substance abuse professional.
Or read my story “18 Degrees of Insanity” at Thoughts From The Couch!
Eyes Open…We’re Watching!