A Miracle Christmas…

The boys of raannt are currently planning an event, “A Disco Christmas”, which will benefit a family in need for Christmas. In the next few days we will post more information which will be hosted on December 19th at Forty-Five Degrees.

The family we are hosting is a single father who is currently unemployed, looking for work, raising five children and his sick mother. His children range in age from 6-18. While I was talking to him on the phone, I asked questions about what kind of work he was looking for, needs for the family, etc. Our goal being that we are trying to give this family the most magical Christmas they have ever had. “Honestly,” He said, “I just appreciate you guys doing anything. I really didn’t know how I was going to tell my children they weren’t going to have Christmas. My youngest still believe in Santa Claus.”

Most of what he asked for on his wish list were children’s clothes, books, a learning toy for his six year old son, a diary for his daughter and jewelry for his oldest daughter. Knowing we would probably be able to get all of these things, I asked him what would be one luxury item they might like which we could find a donor for, thinking he might ask for a gaming system or a new television. “We probably won’t be able to supply a Mercedes.” I laughed. His laughter filled the other end of the phone. “Honestly sir, if you could just get our gas turned back on that would be great. It’s supposed to be really cold this winter and we don’t have heat. We have a $900 outstanding bill and they won’t turn it back on unless we pay $150.” I sat stunned in my car. For years, I have worked in social services, but I had forgotten what true neediness really is for some people.

Minutes after I got off of the phone, I was calling friends and a good friend was willing to donate the $150 to get the gas turned back on. “Surely, we can find people to pay the rest?” She questioned. Three hours later and numerous, numerous calls with Citizen’s Gas has led me to believe that the gas company doesn’t really care if people freeze and don’t really want to get paid being I had to jump through tons of red tape to try and get them heat, of which they won’t have until the earliest Monday. Think about that as you sleep warm tonight. I am so frustrated with the gas company you have NO idea! Politicians, do something about that. Letting young children freeze when someone is willing to pay the bill!!!

Needless to say, Alex and I are super excited about helping this family have the most magical and miraculous Christmas ever!!! If you’d like to help in ANY way, let us know. And not just in gifts either. Years and years of social service networking have taught me we can get this family bus passes, employment, food for months to come, etc…Think outside the box. Of course, A Mercedes would be nice too!!!

If you’re interested in helping us…please either comment below or email us at raannt@gmail.com

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!

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