YouTube’s Cameron Elder of TheCamCamera is Extremely Flexible! An Interview

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We first fell in love with Cameron Elder while watching his video “I Was Born a Woman”. After that, we watched all of his previous videos and became instant fans, following his channel TheCamCamera and keeping up with his weekly videos. Since that time, he’s done hilarious videos and collaborations with some of our favorite YouTubers, establishing a name for himself as a major leaguer. Of course, he’s super cute and funny, making it feel like you’re watching someone you wished was your best friend, so it’s not hard to become easily addicted to his videos. Even though we feel like we know a lot about him, we wanted to find out a little bit more about Cameron. Check out what he told us below!

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What motivated you to begin making YouTube videos?

Well, I did make weird videos with my friends all the time. But if I’m to be completely honest, my true motivation was seeing others making videos, and then my inner bitchy-ness said that “I could do better than that.” Hahaha

What was the moment you knew you were starting to get a strong following on YouTube?

I think it first really hit me hard when I had multiple twitters tweet me, with my own face as their profile pictures. To this day, I still wonder what their faces actually look like or if they are my real life doppelganger. I guess I’ll never know…

What are five things we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I. I am extremely flexible.
II. I once ate a worm for a video and it didn’t even go up on YouTube.
III. I was a competitive gymnast and cheerleader.
IV. I hate all vegetables except corn and peas.
V. I’m highly allergic to cats and rabbits.

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Do you have a boyfriend and if not what are you looking for in a guy?

No I do not. But I am currently looking for one that can buy me a new phone and doesn’t mind paying for my car insurance on a monthly basis. If you know any…hook a brotha up!

What are your three favorite videos you’ve made?

This is a difficult one but I’m gonna have to say…
1. The Pain Challenge!!!- I did it with my good friend Nick Laws and I seriously had the best time hurting him. Great times.
2. How To Make Out!!!- I mean, i got to shove ice cream on my face while people stared at me. What more could I ask for?
3. California Hotties!!!- It was the first time meeting my ‘internet friends” in real life and it was honestly my first step into being more involved in the YouTube community. I still watch it on occasion just to reminisce.

Who are your five favorite YouTubers to watch?

Miranda Sings (MirandaSings08)-Because she is absolutely flawless and I quote her all the time!
Natalie Tran (CommunityChannel) -She is seriously one of the funniest and most witty individuals on YouTube and I completely fangirled when I got the opportunity to meet her this summer.
Lucas and Jenny- I just feel like we could be best friends! Like a threesome…of friends.
Tyler Oakley and Grace Helbig- I feel very honored to call these two my friends and they seriously inspire me so much!

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What are three misconceptions of what life is like as a YouTuber?

I. That making YouTube videos is super easy. There is so much that goes into each and every video that it’s hard to keep up with and to be very straightforward, it can be super stressful.

II. All YouTubers have to have perfect skin and teeth. Umm…It’s called teeth whitening, good lighting, and concealer.

III. If you have thousands of subscribers on YouTube, you make a lot of money. Let’s just say, I probably put more money going into my YouTube channel, than I have coming out of it. hahaha

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get a strong following on YouTube?

First and foremost, make sure you’re passionate about it. Building up an audience takes time and a lot of effort, so if you’re not passionate about it, you’ll just end up wasting your time. Secondly, use your social platforms to encourage viewers. Find other content creators around the same subscriber counts as yourself, and cross promote each other via collaborations. And lastly, remember that even though the saying is, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, people do, and thumbnails and titles are everything.

Do you think there is sexism, homophobia or agism with people watching YouTube videos, meaning do you think gender, sexual orientation or age affects following?

Of course. As humans, we surround ourselves with things and people that we like. So YouTube is essentially a giant buffet for the world to decide what kind of food options they want. And I would say that a vast majority of people usually subscribe to the YouTubers that they would want to date. This obviously can be extremely beneficial or not so much, depending on where you fall with sexual orientation, age, and gender identity.

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Is there money to be made as a YouTuber?

Of course there is money to be made. When you have the attention of thousands or even millions of people(depending on who you are) there are ways to turn a following into something monetary that doesn’t have to even go through YouTube itself. But I think people don’t realize how hard it is to get to that point.

What is one question you never ask a YouTuber?

“Will you follow me on Twitter/instagram?”

What is it like to have a large gay following?

Honestly I don’t see myself as a gay YouTuber, so I don’t talk about many LGBTQ topics. But I will say, that I do love when they can relate to my Zac Efron and Josh Hutcherson thirst.

What kind of camera and editing software do you use?

I have a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and I use Final Cut Express to edit.

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What’s a topic too personal to discuss on YouTube? What embarrasses you to talk about?

Being that I live in the south, I used to find it extremely hard to talk about being gay. Over the years YouTube has really gotten me out of that shell but there is still times when it comes back. So with that said, I find it completely out of line for viewers to ask about the sexual orientation of my siblings. I know it’s just genuine curiosity from people, but that realization is very very hard to accept where I live, and I just hate that some viewers pressure them and the situation through comments and other social media platforms. If they wanted to let you know, they would. lol As far as embarrassing, I hate talking about sexual stuff. But for some reason, I will always find myself talking about something sexual with like Davey Wavey or Matthew Lush on someone’s camera.

Have you ever received any fan mail or hate mail which really changed your perspective on the impact you have through your videos?

I get a lot of Facebook messages and Tumblr messages telling me how I completely turned their whole day around all the time. But I’ve had probably around 3 or 4 viewers say that I’ve saved their life through my videos. Honestly i find it hard to believe that me doing silly videos every week could impact them so much, but they really open up about their experiences and Its incredibly rewarding to think that I can helped someone through such hard times. When it comes to hate mail, let me just say, people can get very creative with the word “faggot”…oh wait, no they can’t.

Murder, marry, fuck: Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa and Miranda Sings

Oh god! Of all people! hahaha I would Marry Tyler cause he would kill me if I didn’t. And I do love him as well. #CamLer I would fuck Miranda cause no one could say that they’ve done that with her, except her uncle. And kill Joey. Sorry Joey, you can punch me when you see me next. hahaha

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What is the most profound YouTube video you’ve ever seen?

Very very easily “It could happen to you…” by Shane Bitney Crone HANDS DOWN!

What are your current obsessions?

Ariana Grande, Big Brother, and All Star Cheer!

Define Sexy. Who is the sexiest celebrity? Sexiest place to kiss? Sexiest city? Sexiest food? Sexiest song?

I am the least sexiest person EVER!!! But I’ll try. Sexy is a combination of confidence, humor, and aesthetics. Celebrity: Zac Efron. Place to kiss: The mouth. Sexiest City: Paris!!! It’s remarkable!!! Sexiest food: Nutella cause you can put it on anything…or anyone. Sexiest song: Partition by Beyonce!!!

What are your three simple luxuries?
Redbull, Chipotle, and classic Disney songs.

Thanks buddy!


Check out all of our other YouTuber interviews like Tyler Oakley, Jake Bley, Shane Bitney Crone, Will & Rj, Miles Jai and many more in our Interview section!

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