Shocked and Smacked by Superstar Kimberly Cole!!!

Watch out! There’s a new bitch in town and her name is Kimberly Cole! We first read about her on the pages of Perez Hilton as he blasted her music video for her single “Smack You” on the What’s Hot section of his blog Perez! Later we heard that she had opened for Katy Perry and LMFAO. We didn’t know anything about her so we started following her on Twitter and found that she had almost 1.3 Million followers on Twitter. To put that in perspective, that’s well over twice as many as Playboy Legend Hugh Hefner, 13 times as many as singer Mike Posner, about 30 times as many followers as Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and just a few less than Paula Abdul. Needless to say…someone out there was well aware of the talents of Kimberly Cole. She has been highlighted not only on but also The Huffington Post, Seventeen Magazine, Billboard, MTV, and Her single “Smack You” from her new album BAD GIRLS CLUB reached #4 on Billboard’s Dance Chart. After finding out all of these background facts AND finding out that on top of all of this she roller skates in her shows, we had to find out more about this gorgeous, singsation that is about to explode all over your world and take names!

1. Who is Kimberly Cole?
A passionate, feisty, sensitive pop recording artist.

2. Tell us about your roller skating talent, how it began and how you incorporate it into your performances?
I began skating when I was four years old and for some reason became obsessed with it and became a champion! It taught me how to train my body physically and mentally! As an artist and a dancer it’s really fun to shock people and do choreography and tricks on skates!

3. How long does it typically take you to learn/practice/choreograph a dance routine with roller skates?
Not long!! I have the best dancers and world champion skaters I work with so we knock it out pretty fast! Tricia Miranda is my choreographer and is my creative soulmate and always comes up with something fierce!!

4. What made you passionate music and desire to be a performer? Who do you identify as your influences?
I have been a performer as long as I can remember! I would dance and sing around the house all the time. I’m sure I was quite annoying! Mariah was the first cd I ever had and would pretend to be just as good as her! Lol!

5. What was it like to open and work with Katy Perry?
Amazing! I love her!

6. New Years Eve is one of the biggest nights of the year and you’ll be spending it with music super stars at the Paramount Studios… When the ball drops, will you be kissing someone special?
That’s a secret!! Ha!!

7. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
MJ, Adele, and Damien Rice

8. Perez Hilton loves your new hit single Smack You and compares you to Pop sensation Rihanna, stating that she should have come out with music like yours! What do you say to such compliment?
Best compliment ever! I love Perez and Rihanna!!!

9. Your music has been featured in a number of TV shows. What shows has your music been featured and how does it feel to hear your music on television?
There has been a lot of them and it feels amazing to have a song you created set the mood and help tell a story! My favorite was Dollhouse featuring my song Superstar because the song was such an important part of the story line!

10. Now that your music and you have hit the silver screen, will we be seeing more acting from you?
For sure! I love acting!

11. Who are some artists you would like to see yourself collaborating with in the near future?
Drake and I love Bruno Mars

12. Before going on stage, are there any “rituals” you like to do to get you ready for the show?
A lot of stretching and laughing with my team!!

13. What are three things you must have in your green room?
Cherry Diet Dr Pepper, peanut butter crackers, and Sour Patch Kids!!

14. The boys of raannt are crazy lovers of red bulls, sugar free to be exact. What is your favorite drink of choice?
For sure Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper!!!

15. What is a book you would recommend to a good friend? What is the last book you read and a book you are currently reading, if any?
Omg!!! I need to read more!! Let me get back to you on that one lol!!

16. What is the first CD you ever bought and what is the first concert you ever attended? Did they have any affect on who you are today as a performer?
Mariah Carey was the first CD I ever got! I lived for her!! I actually never went to a concert when I was little!

17. Of all the places you’ve been to and stayed, what is the sexiest city, hotel, and club?
Miami is def the hottest place!! I just came back from an appearance at Louis @ The Gansevoort Hotel and it was way sexy! 😉

18. How do you define sexy?
Confidence is everything!!!

19. What’s next for Kimberly Cole?
So much! A new album, a tour and lots of creative treats!!

20. What do you find sexy on a guy: boxers, briefs, a jockstrap, or nothing at all?
All of the above!! Lol!!

She can “Smack” This…Anytime!!!
For more information visit her website at The Official Kimberly Cole Music site!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

All photographs by Denise Mijares with approval by Kimberly Cole.

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