Men’s Guide to Sex and Relationships: Fifty Shades of Grey


On a regular basis, straight men comment to us about how we’re always surrounded by beautiful women.  What am I doing wrong? They ask.  Why don’t I have all of the hottest girls hanging all over me? The reality is that most men don’t know how to give women what they want.  This summer, the book Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James, has dominated The New York Times bestseller list.  This week, all three books in the trilogy hold the first three spots on the revered list.  We’ve seen these books stuffed into purses, folded over towels at the pool and dog eared on kitchen counter tops.  Women are eating this shit up! Why…because the main character, Christian Grey, is an enigmatic, masculine, curious, intriguing, confident man.  (The fact that he is at times dominant…shhhhh…and overbearing, seems to be quickly forgotten as fantasy abounds!)  Whether women want to admit it or not, Christian Grey, to some degree, represents their fantasy man.  If this weren’t true, the web would not be filled with speculation on who will play Christian in the film adaptation.

Women have made this book famous!

What we don’t understand is why their boyfriends and husbands aren’t reading these books? Men!!!!! These books are literally instruction guides to how to be the perfect man for your wife or girlfriend.  While Christian Grey has much to learn, he also has lots to teach.  Read the damn books.  Not only that, if you really want to make your lady happy…notice her.  Check out what she’s reading, watching on the television and wearing.  Notice when she gets her haircut.  Be the perfect combination between Christian Grey and Atticus Finch.

Be the fantasy…at least some of the time! Women deserve it!

And most importantly, to the women…

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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