Let the Games Begin!!!

Ohhhh…it just gets better and better, doesn’t it? We started raannt almost two years ago and we would never have imagined, laughing and eating pizza, we would have ended up here! All we really wanted to do was encourage people to get out and attend events and make Indianapolis a better city or at least have fun trying. Now, we’re interviewing celebrities, talk daily to business owners both locally and nationally on how to improve their businesses, attending openings and events and trying to keep it all together, while planning our wedding, raising three crazy dogs and maintaining our own, separate careers.

In the last six months, you may have read a lot of info we’ve put out about websites, books and reality shows. Well folks, it’s all true as you will find in the months to come. And with that, we felt it was important to design our own website and keep raannt individualized to only doing celebrity interviews. But what about the SEXY lists? What about the reviews and the critiques? What about the events and the openings? What about all of the truth seeking reporting? Where would all of those things go if not next to our interviews?

Thus…the birth of raannt le deux! We are extremely excited about this new venture and will love and nurture it as much as we have raannt. Both blogs will also be linked to our website, raannt.com, which will be “opening” soon! On here, you will find everything, and even more, that we had included on the main raannt blog. While much of the attention will be focused on Indianapolis, you will also be able to read our national reviews as well as polls, contests and lists.

And of course…be prepared for some good ole fashioned, truth seeking, shit stirring! We have been spending our quiet nights at home focusing on how to reinvent ourselves and what people, and places, in Indianapolis need a little…exposure shall we say?!

Anyway, we have a lot in store and as we take on this new venture, we just want to think all of the owners, servers, doormen, PR people, writers, celebrities, parking garage attendants, tweeters, facebookers and whoever else we’re forgetting, OH SHIT…can’t forget the DJ’s, that made the last two years a total blast! It’s just getting started folks! Let the games begin!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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