Kiss My VASSY!!!

Her song “History” was featured on The Hills. This year she’ll be playing at LA Pride and Long Beach Pride as well as headlining at the Milwaukee Pride Fest. Her debut album “My Affection” was nominated for best R/B album in Australia. As well as being known for her humanitarian work, she is also known for her music being featured in several other television shows and movies including Grey’s Anatomy and Ugly Betty. And this is just the beginning for the artist simply known as Vassy as she begins to take over the United States!

1. As a new artist, please tell us who Vassy is?
I’m an Australian girl from the Tropics of Greek heritage..

2. Is Vassy your stage name? And if so, how did you come up with it?
Its VASSY its short for VASILLIKI my name passed on from my grandmother

3. You’re from Australia. What brought you to the USA and what are some things you miss from your hometown?
I miss my mum and my fam and the beach and the food 🙂 I came here to pursue my dreams

4. Where in the USA have you not been to yet and would really want to go?
Oh my there are many place I would love to perform. I have mainly seen LA and New York and a bit of Miami …..I want to perform all over the gorgeous country

5. If you had to pick, what genre would your music would fall?
Dance/Pop/Soul/Electro (is that too many lol)

6. It is always very impressing when artists can do it all! Sing, write, perform… What are your favorite parts of each? And if we missed one, what is it and why is it your favorite?
Yes I write, sing, dance and play piano..i love all of them….when I’m in the studio I like to get lost and escape in another world where I write and just get caught up with that moment….And if I’m writing for someone else or a project like a movie then its more of a challenge to get into their head or character to write something that will fit for them. Then I love to sing, that is truly my favorite thins in the whole world. It transcends me to another level…..i become one with another energy, sounds crazy huh? I also love to be on stage and dance ..its fun and I get into character and can express myself in other ways…

7. With this new sound, how do you compare it to your first album My Affection and what are some things you consider part of your signature sound?
My Affection was more pop jazzy soul, this new sound is more dance pop soul…..its more for the clubs i guess plus my voice has changed and evolved over the years…..also I have experienced more things in my life that I write about in my songs. My Affection was when I was in love. This new sound is me pissed off and passionate about life,…lol haha i just mean having experienced a broken heart and so on, in order to get over it I put him in a song and make it “HISTORY”

8. When working on your new album, what were some of the things you struggled with? And what were some of the things you really wanted your album to stand for?
I am still in the process of working on it so naturally with time it will evolve and change…..In this project I really want to support human rights, speak of positive things even if its a song about hurt but empowering other women/girls and gay guys or all people for that matter to be strong and move one and be in control of their lives….But as a woman I want to help other women and well gay boys just love my songs so that makes me very happy inside :-)) I also speak of natural things that happen in life, trust, betrayal, desire, escape, frustrations and so on, missing loved ones, death of lovedones and just having a good time. A nice Balance of things

9. When it comes to writing songs, for you or in general, what are some things you do to prepare your self? And what are some things you must have when your songwriting?
Nothing I just show up in the studio and take it from there…im really spontaneous on that sense i dont really prepare…maybe i should?

10. When putting a show together, what are some steps you take to make sure your performance is up to your standers?
Thank goodness I have a very talented choreographer and a cast of talented hot dancers that all help to make me shine. We collaborate and come up with cool ideas from moves, to being more performance based, to visuals to how the songs are mixed…..depending on the venue and demographic I can change it up to fit the style of the crowd or energy of that club. Honestly allot of my ideas develop while I am jogging on the treadmill……

11. In the music industry, who are some of your current musical role models? And if you could, what advice would you ask them? There are many some who are known and others who arnt not as know who all have great advise and a role models. I like women like PINK, Annie Lennox, Mary J, people who are humanitarians…..I love U2 and what they have done to help the world, people like Michael Jackson for obvious reasons…..Alicia, Elton John and so on… many…

12. Some may say your sound is like a combination of Adele and Lady Gaga, if you had to compare you style/sound, who would it be and why?
I think its fair to say I do sound like both of them, there are elements of them….I have been told many things, I get Billie Holliday allot, Amy Winehouse, Eartha Kitt, I have even had Gil Scott Heron….lol

13. Other than your music, what are some other artistic out lets you enjoy doing?
Working out, dance, acting, voice overs……writing songs for other artists…i used to paint allot

14. A lot of artists tend to cross over onto the acting world, would you, eventually, want to do that? And if so, what kind of movies would you be interested in appearing?
Yes. I like true stories but really am open to exploring and having fun if the opportunities come my way 🙂

15. As your music and fan base grows and grows, how would you know you made it to the top?
Well i think you always set a new challenge so even if you selling millions of downloads and touring the world there is always the next thing you want to achieve, you keep setting the bar higher and higher……I will know I made it to the top once I am in power to influence change and make positive influence on the masses. I am a humanitarian at heart and really have many things I want to help, so the bigger my fan base and the more people love me and respect me as an artists will listen to me when i speak of things to increase awareness of several issues affecting many people today

16. Who are some artist you would like to work with? Perform with? Write for?
I want to write with Ferg from Black Eyed Peas, she is so gorgeous i love her. U2 i would love to work on anything with BONO he is a friggin legend.. Id like to write for Beyonce and i would like to play with Gaga…lol

17. Are you prepared for all the gossip and rumors that come with being on the spotlight?
Yes and no, i am a private person so try to keep a low profile but people will still talk no matter what….what can you do? Its just part of it I guess just stay focused and have a strong foundation and I am lucky cos I have the best family and the most beautiful mum in the world who adores me and i am blessed i have that

18. Being form the other side of the world, we can guess you’ve seen a lot of sexy places and as a performer you’ve performed at a lot of sexy venues, What do you consider the sexiest place you’ve been to and the sexiest place you’ve performed at?
Hmmmm sexy, well I would say the Sydney Opera House and one time I was touring in new Caledonia and they had a stage right on the beach so I sang with an ocean front view, it was PARADISE…..ahhhh

19. If you do make it out to INDY for some of our Pride festivities, would you give the boys of raannt a shout out and let us take you out for sexy night out in Indy?
OMG like book me a flight nooooooow and I’m there :-)))

20. On a guy, what do you like best, boxers, briefs, jockstraps, or nothing at all?
BRIEFS baby! I like to see a nice tight curved ass lol In fact I will send you a photo of a perfect example…

Thanks bunches you sexy, little tart!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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