Gregory Gorgeous is Living Like No One Is Watching!

We have spent hours upon hours watching YouTube videos, following our favorites and waiting for them to post their next video. Hell, we even started our own YouTube channel! One night we came across Gregory Gorgeous’ videos on his channel and we were instantly entranced. If you’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos you realize quickly that these “personalities” either have it…or they don’t. With over 13 million upload views and over 3.3 million channel views, Gregory Gorgeous definitely has it. But what exactly is it that makes us drawn to some YouTubers more than others. For us, his absolute sincerity, beauty, candor and especially his sense of humor made us hungry for more and by early the next day we had watched every single video. We started by watching a video on haters and we immediately fell in love with his confidence and the strong message he sent to his viewers as he almost relished in the fact that he was able to live the life he wanted, unabashed, while “haters” wrote nasty and vile comments, leaving him only to assume that they were intimidated by him. God, this was awesome! Where did this kid come from? We knew instantly he was going to one day be starring in national ad campaigns for makeup companies an fashion houses as well as starring in indie films; possibly even having his own television reality show. After five years of YouTube videos, he is currently starring in the web-based, YouTube, reality series The Avenue, produced by Fisher/Morris productions. After hours and hours of watching his videos, two things are very, very clear. One, he is absolutely infectious and contagious! We just can’t get enough. Coining the phrase, “You know what I mean?”, we find ourselves laughing about things he has said and wishing he was one of our best friends, hanging out and driving around with us. (Yes Greg, that is an invitation!) The second thing that is certain is that he is absolutely “Gorgeous”, with or without makeup. As we watched his makeup tutorial videos, we could not believe how good he looked made up, holding his favorite purse and walking in his favorite pair of shoes. But as we watched some of his older videos, we turned to each other and laughed. “He’s a really, cute guy!” One thing is sure, he exudes confidence and is self-assured in who he is, making his viewers stronger, wishing they too had the same kind of confidence. And there is much more to come from Gregory Gorgeous. Because, as he says at the end of the season finale of The Avenue, “All I know for sure is that this isn’t the end of my story. It’s just the beginning. The beginning of another chapter.”


We fell in love with you from the first video we saw of you. What compliments do you typically receive from people?

Well people often offer compliments regarding my makeup. I do spend quite a bit of time on my makeup so I always really appreciate compliments about that.

On your videos, you have stated that you get some negative comments from people. What do you do with this negativity and does it ever affect you?
There are always going to be haters honestly, I try not to let it get to me. It’s always interesting to see what people are going to say about the videos that I post and I appreciate their interest and opinions. I never let it affect me though, it’s part of being a YouTube personality.

What do you believe are three things it takes to have a successful YouTube following?
I think that the best advice I could give someone is to stay true to yourself, talk with your audience, and have fun! That is what I have done and it’s been an amazing experience overall.

Currently you’re working on a reality series on YouTube called “The Avenue”? Can you tell us about this project and where people can find it.
The Avenue is a project I was approached about almost a year ago. It’s an online reality-based TV show that follows me and four other girls around Toronto. There’s a lot of drama but it also shows my fans what I do everyday. You can catch the first season at

If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
Oh that’s tough… I would have to say: Spice Girls, Britney Spears, and 50 Cent: Get Rich or Die Tryin’!

What are your three favorite television shows, magazines and fashion designers? Movies?

The Game, America’s Next Top Model, Wendy Williams
Vanity Fair, Vogue, Glamour
Alexander McQueen, Balamari, DSquared
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Titanic, Mean Girls

If you’re here for a greater and deeper purpose, what do you think it is?
I think that ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to help people with their self esteem. Life is too short to worry about what everyone else thinks about you. I really want everyone to live like no one is watching.

What are three specific makeup items you will never throw away and are “musts” for you?

Oh God how do I pick just three… Well if I had to choose I would pick foundation, mascara, and bronzer.
Who do you believe are the three most beautiful women alive? Who are the three most beautiful women of all time?
Megan Fox
Gwen Stefani
Sofia Vergara

All time:
Marilyn Monroe
Farrah Fawcett
Audrey Hepburn

How do you define “sexy”?
Sexy is confidence. Anyone who exudes confidence will naturally be sexy

What are three things people wouldn’t know about you by looking at you?
I think people would be surprised to know that even though I like dressing up and going out, I do like staying in with friends. Relaxing nights are fun and I definitely make time for them.

If you could go back in time and redo anything you’ve done in your career, what would you consider changing?
That’s difficult… I’m sure if I thought about it I could find something, but I live with no regrets. I’m happy where I am right now and it’s the choices you make that shape you.

Who would be the perfect man for you?

Well I like them muscular so I’d say either 50 cent or Ryan Reynolds.
You’ve done tons of question videos. What’s a question you’ve never been asked that you wished you were asked and answer the question.
People on the internet are psycho and will ask people anything. I have a few questions I wished people wouldn’t have asked me! Haha.

On a guy…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?

Boxers for sure.

Thanks Greg!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

*Special Thanks to Gregory Gorgeous and Stephane Pares/Talent Representative/Fisher Morris Productions
Photographs From the Gregory Gorgeous Facebook Fan Page

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