First of all, it’s very important for our readers to understand one thing…this is NOT the type of article we normally write, but we wanted to pass on some useful knowledge we’ve learned because we’re tired of reading all of these crap articles people put up just to make money. If you look at our website, we are a men’s lifestyle magazine including celebrity interviews, music reviews and style posts! We aren’t a technology site. But we’ve figured out some things that work and we want you to get honest advice, not misleading copied and pasted advice. And we’re not going to lie…it does take some work, but we’re going to make it simple!
Let’s be honest…we all want the best possibly Alexa rank and the most post views on our website. This could be for several reasons. Maybe we’re trying to sell advertisements or click ads and finally make some money off of all of our hard work. Or maybe we’re trying to build our website resume and want others to take us seriously. Or maybe we’re just passionate about what we’re doing and we want lots and lots of people to read our content on our website. How does that happen??? Well…the higher the Alexa rank, supposedly, the higher the Google rank, which means your posts go higher to the top of Google and then…voila…more views!
For more info on Google’s ranking system, see this great article “Google’s 200 Ranking Factors” HERE!
So what is Alexa Traffic Rank??? Well, simply put it in Alexa’s words, it’s “The global traffic rank is a measure of how a website is doing relative to all other sites on the web over the past 3 months. The rank is calculated using a combination of the estimated average daily unique visitors to the site and the estimated number of pageviews on the site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.”
You should probably go to Alexa NOW and read up a little bit on it…go ahead, we’ll be here. Their information is short and it will make the rest less painful! Click HERE to go to Alexa!
Back so soon? Ok…now let’s get on with these few, simple tools take give you the best Alexa ranking possible.
1. Be honest with yourself about your website! You are not Google. You aren’t Facebook, Twitter or even Linkedin. But let’s see how some of these websites rank. Google: 1, Facebook: 2, Twitter: 11, Linkedin: 13. Ok, ok. Let’s look at some ones that are more realistic. Perez Hilton: 1112. But remember…he’s been around for a long time, a factor that plays into your score, he posts regularly and gets a lot of views. How about The Superficial? 4446 or Apple? 54! All of these are big players. Realistically, if you can get under the 200,000 rank, you’ve got a good start. Once you get there, it’s really about the content. Figure out what you want your score to be and be realistic. You are NOT Apple.com!
2. Install the Alexa Tool Bar! We can’t begin to tell you how vital this is. It will not mess up your computer and it makes browsing the web interesting because you can now see the Alexa rank of every website you visit! This is literally how easy it is: Go to Alexa.com and hit the tab at the top for Toolbar. Follow instructions. We are not technological giants and we figured it out! We’re not proof positive, but we really believe this helped us alot!
Click HERE to install the Alexa Toolbar!
3. Visit and Comment on Other Blogs and Websites! We cannot stress the importance of commenting on other blogs! It makes you appear friendly to other bloggers, you’ll meet new people, get new ideas(and often get pissed that they posted your idea first!)and realize that your voice is important. Oh…and it will drive traffic back to your blog or website especially if you include your web address and link it back!
4. Write Good Content! If you don’t write stuff anyone wants to read, no one is going to come to your website anyway. You have to write current content that is interesting. Even if you’re writing a one page website about 5 crunch exercises to build better abs make it fun and interesting. Didn’t we just take some extremely boring information and write it in our own voice? We wanted people to read it and relate because if it doesn’t, they won’t remember the important stuff.
So that’s it! If you’re still confused, Go to Alexa.com(the traffic ranking site we’ve just been talking about forever!), read up a little bit on the website, then come back and read this article. Actually, come back several times a day and recommend our site to all of your friends. We should have made that Step 5…Never be afraid to whore your website out for good return!
Anyway…we hope you enjoyed the article. If you did and you’d like us to write more technological “stuff”, which we’re very versed in now…in layman’s terms, let us know below or email us at info@raannt.com
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