This is all just too good to be true…and we couldn’t let it slide. We believe Cable network channel A&E MUST start a new series, titled “Celebrity Intervention”, in which they stop the absolutely insane behaviors of the stars we either adore or abhor. Top of our list today is Mariah Carey. For those of you who didn’t get a glimpse of acceptance speech yesterday, we thought we’d give you a little insight to the insanity…
And as we were reading the application for Intervention(yeah, there really is an application at A&E Television)we couldn’t stop laughing as we read the question, “Type of Compulsive Behavior” and “Frequency of Compulsive Behavior”. Well, for Kate Gosselin, that would appear to be every time she decides to walk into a beauty school to get the special of the week, as witnessed by her newest makeover on the cover of People Magazine…

Please, someone step in and help this poor girl out. And why…WHY, do we have to continue to see her face on the cover of People, when amazingly beautiful Carmen Ortega graces the cover of Black Men magazine(We LOVED the spread…gorgeous!) which can’t possibly sell nearly as many copies as People. But at least they know beauty when they see it, unlike People, who titles their article, “The Hedgehog is Dead”…Hilarious. Even going on to make a big deal out of the fact that Kate now has extensions. “Extensions” in italics, as if she were the first ever to weave it up! Kate…try wigs, they last much, much longer.
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!