Best of SEXY 2011!

Who will make the boys of raannt SEXY List this year??? Hmmmm…We’ll be doing a celebrity and an Indy Local Best of Sexy List…and this year we have a little surprise for you!

Do you think you made it? Check back for updates as we spin it out slowly! Subscribe to our blog for up to the minute notifications!

And never forget our rules to being sexy…

Be Yourself. Be Fearless…Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

True Blood Would Not Exist Without Charlaine Harris!

Do vampires really exist? What really goes through the mind of Sookie Stackhouse? What makes a juicy sex scene? These were all questions we desperately wanted answered by Charlaine Harris. Who is Charlaine Harris? Only one of the greatest American mystery writers of our time. But, you probably know her specifically for bringing to birth one of the most intriguing yet endearing fictional characters of all time; Sookie Stackhouse. Not only are we die hard fans of the HBO series True Blood, which is based off of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels, but we are also obsessive fans of her novels, desperately waiting for each new one to hit the bookshelves. Imagine our excitement to be able to actually interview Charlaine and find out what mysteries tick wickedly in that twisted lair of a mind. What we found was an honest to goodness, down home, wife and mother of three, who loves the craft of writing and storytelling and has had quite a success in the thirty years of her career. By the way, she just happens to be a New York Times bestselling author many times over.

Besides the Sookie Stackhouse novels, also known as the Southern Vampire Novels, she has written several other series and individual novels, all which can be found on her official website Charlaine Harris. I’m not really sure what we expected to find when interviewing her, maybe some smirks as her telepathy ran wild or china, bright fangs lurking from her smile, but instead, we found probably one of the greatest writers of our time, with a deadly imagination and otherworldly charm…

1. Your writing career has spanned more than 30 years. In that time, what has been your greatest moment of success?
Winning the Anthony for DEAD UNTIL DARK, without a doubt. Running close second is the week all the books (there were nine, then) were on the bestseller chart at the same time.

2. You have written several series circling around strong female characters. Who has been your favorite character?
They all come from different places inside me, so I simply don’t have a favorite.

3. Do you develop a strong, intimate relationship with your characters?
Sure. I don’t know how else you’d write them. But ‘strong’ and ‘intimate’ don’t always mean ‘loving.’

4. What or who inspired you to give birth to your character Sookie Stackhouse?
I decided I wanted to write about a woman who was dating a vampire. Sookie’s character and setting evolved from that first decision.

5. True Blood is an HBO series based off of your books. Have you been happy with the correlation between the books and the show?
I had to check on the definition of ‘correlation’ to make sure I was answering correctly. Yes, I am very happy. I think Alan is, too.

6. If Sookie could read into your mind on a daily basis, what would she hear?
So many petty things! I’d be part of the dreary blah-blah-blah she’s plagued with.

7. In a previous interview you have shared that some of your writing influences are Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Edgar Allen Poe and Shirley Jackson. Who are some of your modern influences?
I don’t ordinarily think of contemporary writers as influences, though I’m sure that everything we read influences us to some extent. There are some scenes in Anne Rice’s vampire novels that I read over and over. There was a wonderful book by Barbara Paul called “The Fourth Wall” that I read over and over. I also read and reread the late great Adam Hall’s Quiller novels at least three times.

8. What are three books you would recommend to a close friend.

I’m not trying to be nit-picky, but that would depend on the friend. Some of my friends have a preference for mystery over fantasy, some of friends have stronger stomachs than others, and others love non-fiction.

9. What has been your favorite book to write and why?
I loved “Shakespeare’s Champion” and “All Together Dead.” Apparently, I like writing about explosions.

10. Do you ever have fans who write to you and are upset about something you’ve done with a character in a book?
Okay, I’m laughing, here. Oh, yeah, I do.

11. In your Crescent Blues interview, you discussed your character Lily Bard as a rape survivor and shared that you were a long-term rape survivor and that your perspective of people is different because of this experience. How so?
I think any first-hand experience of violence is a life-changing one. If you’d only known theoretically that people can be evil and brutal, people who don’t know you at all, being on the receiving end of that evil will alter the way you go about your life. And, of course, the way you write about life.

12. How do you utilize writing as a medium for cathartic expression and would you recommend it to other people who have experienced trauma?

I would recommend it. I do recognize that all people can’t use their experiences in a novel, put them in publishable form, but I believe that simply the act of writing, the process of picking the right words to say precisely what you mean and how you feel about you endured, can lend remarkable clarity.

13. Since you have written so many series, are you somewhat confused or frustrated that Sookie Stackhouse is the only character receiving so much personal attention because of the television show True Blood?

You’d think so . . . but actually, since Sookie has been so popular, all the books are back in print and selling better now than they ever did when they were first released. It’s literally all good.

14. What advice would you give a young writer who wanted to make a career of writing fiction?
Two words: backup plan. No, seriously, I always advise young people who want to write to read, read, read. Good stuff and bad stuff, because you need to know what makes one book good and another book hack work. Then you have to shut yourself in a room alone and write. That’s the stumbling block for most people, in my experience.

15. You write some rather juicy sex scenes. How do you define “sexy”?
To me, a good sex scene depends on a good relationship between the people involved. I don’t find clinical sex a turn-on. I think a sense of humor has to be part of it, too, and trust. And I also think the sex has to happen naturally as part of the development of the course of the book; does that make sense? I don’t have sex scenes in books if the scene doesn’t explain something about the characters or about their relationship.

16. What are three things we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
People are always surprised when they meet me. I think they expect me to look like Laurell! Instead, I look like a favorite aunt, or a grandmother. Three things you wouldn’t know by looking at me . . . I’m a regular church-goer, I’m fascinated by Egyptology and archaeology, and I can barely add and subtract.

17. You have also shared that you had a set of fangs made especially for you. Can you tell us this story and how you used your fangs?
That was very long ago. I haven’t thought of those in ages. I found a guy who made them on-line, and got my dentist to make a mold of my teeth. They’re really great-looking, but when you’re wearing them it’s pretty hard to talk! I have sympathy with the actors on the show.

18. Do you watch True Blood or have any involvement with the show? Do you feel Anna Paquin makes a suitable Sookie and are there things you would change about the show?
I do watch the show every week. Alan’s office is really good about sending me a screener before the episode is on the air, which I greatly appreciate. I don’t have any direct involvement with the show; that’s not my area of expertise. On the other hand, Alan doesn’t tell me how to write the books. It’s Alan’s show, and it would be weird if I gave him notes on it. I think Anna is great.

19. Do vampires really exist?
Not as they’re depicted in my books, no. But I’m keeping an open mind.

20. If we asked Sookie this question, how would she answer…Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?(This is our standard question we ask at the end of every interview.)
Sookie would ask you which guy you were talking about, and then she’d remember that it’s none of your business.

Thanks Charlaine and your troop of literary spirits!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.

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WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

Our Hot and Sexy November Faves!

Our Hot and Sexy November Faves…Frances Bean, Vanity Messes in Hotel Suites, Pemovision, Traditionally Committed Gay Husbands, Reading in Bed and Tanned Belly’s of Older Husbands…All to the Soundtrack of Lady GaGa Shakira Pitbull Madonna David Guetta feat Akon Mash Up Video Remix!


Be Yourself. Be Unafraid…Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Nyasha Zimucha…Keepin’ It Real on The A-List!

In 2009, Nyasha Zimucha was listed as “One of the top 10 visionaries” by New York based African Magazine. Just to put this in perspective, the list also included Tyler Perry, Alicia Keys and President Obama. Besides being the CEO and founder of her own company, Embrace Your Hair, she is also a recording artist, reality star(having already been on 2 reality television series) and held the title of Miss Africa USA. Maybe it’s her sharp wit, her incredulous beauty or her sly smirk, but we were immediately taken with this unstoppable goddess. While watching LOGO TV’s The A-List New York, we saw her daily interactions, but we wanted to learn more about this African Queen…

1. Introduce us to Nyasha Zimucha in one sentence.
Singer/TV Personality/Businesswoman and a girl on a mission.

2. We love a beauty queen! When we learned you were Miss Africa USA we loved you even more! Tell us about the pageant and your time as Miss Africa USA.
Representing the African continent (53 countries) in the US was one of the greatest, life-changing experiences of my entire life. The amount of time, energy and resources I gave into non-profit work for Africa and the US was so humbling. I met some of the most influential and inspiring people in the WORLD – which changed my perspective on my personal ability to truly fulfill my dreams. I liked this accomplishment the most because it made my parents proud.

3. Your hair is hot! Especially since you are so open about your love of wigs. Tell us about your company and what drove you to start this business?
I LOVE hair and wanted to share my love and passion for it with women of all ethnic backgrounds and show them that hair is no different than fashion trends/accessories, there is no reason why any woman has to be tied down to one look – EMBRACE YOUR HAIR:) I don’t do anything I’m not passionate about so starting a business that allowed me to make women feel beautiful and give back to women who are suffering was a blessing.

4. What was your immediate response when you begin filming LOGO TV’s The A-List NY?
There was hesitation from some of the cast, however after a few weeks they all gave in, the walls came down and a lot of us have grown to like each other in and outside the show.

5. How does it feel to be the token girl in an all male cast?
It’s always great to be a part of “the first” to do something. Never in the history of reality television/unscripted has this been done and I like a challenge. The funny thing is I don’t FEEL like the “token” because outside of the show I have many gay friends – its important to be open minded about the social circles you choose.

6. What is some of the feedback you’ve gotten as being a straight girl in a gay show?

People are talking and my old fan base before the show has stayed loyal and some new fans have come around and supported me in such a positive way – the rest is irrelevant.

7. On the show you said that there are two kinds of people you know, the ones that can hang and that ones that can’t. What does it take to hang with you?
Always keep it real! I love genuine people who are hard working and trying to somehow impact/change the World in a small/big way. It has NOTHING to do with material/money and more to do with heart.

8. This season there seems to be more drama and arguing. How true to life is what we see in regards to this intense drama?
Anything is magnified when you see it on television – some things more magnified than others and I think if you watch the rest of the season you will see and understand exactly what I mean.

9. So far what has been your most favorite and least favorite moment on the show?
My favorite part has been the opportunity to share my music with the audience, and least favorite is anything to do with drama/fight because ultimately I truly do not enjoy conflict – no matter what you see for 5 minutes on TV.

10. Before the A-List you were a judge in “Little Miss Perfect” season 1 and 2… To the ones that don’t know, tell us what the show is about and what was your experience like?
It was a kids beauty pageant TV show inspired by the movie ‘Little Miss Sunshine’. For 2 years I got to travel across America with my best friend (Michael Galanes) and meet some very interesting families who’s main passion is competing in beauty pageants. The biggest misconception about kids pageants is that there is some “evil Mom” forcing her child to be on a stage – you would be surprised how secure and confident some of these 5 year olds were, and pushing to be on stage! Pageants have been the gateway to many stars and I love being involved in them on all age levels.

11. On you website, NyashaOnline, and on the show you talk a lot about your music. Tell us about your music career.
I’ve been performing for a long time, started singing in the recording gospel group back in 2003 and did that for years and toured all over the US. As a solo artist my last performance was in South Africa in 2009, and as an artist I wanted to re-evaluate my sound, write some new lyrics and channel my energy into the US market. I love pop-culture but I’m also socially conscious and love to dance – a strong mix of all those make up my music. Its a blessing to be able to make music, and perform and I never take it for granted. Currently working on an album, and just shot a music video for my new single “Rise Up Remix” (available on iTunes now) and looking forward to growing as an artist.

12. How did you become a cast member on The A-List. What would you recommend to someone who wanted to get on a reality show? What’s the secret?
I was asked to come on right before the show without knowing much about it – the casting director approached me, told me about the show, I went through the process of meeting the production company, the network and here I am. This is not something I went out of my way to pursue, it truly was a blessing in disguise. After many years in the entertainment industry I can say there is no “secret” its good timing, creating and sustaining good relationships with people and MOST important – BE YOURSELF!

13. How do you define sexy?
Confidence, a passionate persona and a world traveler!

14. What do you believe is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest club? Sexiest celebrity? Sexiest Reality Show Star?
Sexiest City is New York, Sexiest Hotel is the Wynn in Vegas, Sexiest Club is Dada Bar + Lounge in Hong Kong, Sexiest celebrity is Taylor Lautner!

15. Are you currently in a relationship? If so tell us how the show affects the relationship, in a good way or bad, or if not then what do you look in for the perfect partner?
Classified as “single” – no such thing as a “perfect partner” no-one is perfect its about timing and chemistry.

16. What are 5 things you must have in your purse with you at any given time?

Blackberry, 3 different kinds of lip gloss, a piece of costume jewelery and my iPod.

17. If you had to listen to one CD for the rest of your life and it couldn’t be a mixed CD, what would it be and why?

Miseducation of Lauren Hill – one of the most inspiring albums of my generation.

18. In five years, what are five dreams you would like to have accomplished?

To be doing everything I am currently doing on a bigger scale and to be doing it with health, my family first in line to share it all with and love!

19. What is sexiest on a man and you; boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?


Thanks Sexy! We Adore You!
For more information on Nyasha check out her website HERE!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Follow Us:

*Photographs courtesy of Nyasha Zimucha.

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

a REAL fashion show….

Long before Teddy got hitched on 90210, we were married at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas by our minister and dear friend, supermodel, Miss Brittany Mason…

Not only has Brittany been an amazing friend and mentor…but she’s also taught us a thing or two about the fashion industry.

In the last two weeks we have received several messages asking about our thoughts on the most recent Midwest Fashion Week. We chose not to attend.

These are our thoughts…








Good thing ole Billy, Roy Halston and Brittany didn’t make excuses by saying “we’re from Indiana”!

Push the limits, take risks and live on the edge…
Be Yourself. Be Unafraid…Be your own Unexpected Luxury!

PEMOVISION…Peter’s New YouTube Reality Show!!!!

If you haven’t seen already, Peter has started a YouTube Reality Show titled PEMOVISION!!!! Please check it out, SUBSCRIBE to it, leave comments on the videos and ask questions!!!! Yes…they happen to be a little long but they’re worth every second and you might miss something so just pause it and come back to it later! Discussed: Halloween, Indianapolis Fashion, Failure, His Mother, Elementary School, His Favorite Music, The Scariest Movies, People Who Piss Him Off…on and on and on…Check it out!!!

The channel is called PEMOVISION but here’s a few examples of the episodes aired so far!





Hope you enjoyed them…Subscribe and Keep coming back for more!
And PLEASE Subscribe, comment and ask questions for further videos…

Love ya!
Be Yourself. Be Unafraid…Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Don’t Be a Coward! Kiss a Fool!

Last week we wrote an article about hate mail we had received from a reader called Hate or Validate and followed it up with a story titled Hate…Is Not a Luxury! Since the very first email we received from a struggling, gay teenager thanking us for putting ourselves out there because it helped them not feel so alone, we have been dedicated to continuing to do what we are doing to help each person, no matter what their heritage, culture, ethnicity or background, live a life without fear…a true luxury.

We have become a society of strangers not neighbors. We’re afraid to talk to one another and walk around on each others’ front porches. Most of us have stopped being concerned with each other because we have our own agenda. And our children are suffering the most because they have very few solid, role models.

We made it. We’re on the other side. At least today. When we walk down the street and someone calls us a name we hold our heads up high because we refuse to become a victim of their oppression! But does that mean it’s ok? Absolutely not. How can we possibly change the world if we are unable to even affect one another? Why is it so difficult to just talk to each other?

On the heels of our past, two articles, we received a message from a friend about how she had recently been the recipient of some bullying:

“I know you guys are tackling the issue of bullying and it is quite interesting how we all experience it in some form throughout our life. I know I was bullied and called names when I was in grade school because of how I looked. The topic came quite timely as I experienced some of that same negativity about my ethnicity the other day. So to answer your twitter post about whether bullying continues in adulthood here’s some thoughts on it:

Bullying takes on other forms as we grow up, we just give it different names. Sexual harassment is a form of bullying. Racial commentary, bashing someone if they are gay/lesbian/bi/transgender, offhand remarks about ethnicity, etc. it still continues. You even see it with the commentary folks make about the President or the comments made towards certain ethnic groups following the 9/11 tragedy.

I even experienced it the other day at work through a very uneducated comment from a coworker (the first time ever, I felt like my ethnicity/heritage was something that bothered people).

As we grow older, we would hope that we mature enough to know what is wrong/right and act accordingly. As we grow older, we are exposed to more diverse ways of thinking and thus, we would hope, that the ignorance of bullying will be remedied.

Unfortunately, fear (of the unknown), jealousy, and the vices that hold some of these folks locked in their mental state keep “bullying” a part of adult life. As adults, we are better equipped to handle these situations. However, that does not mean we should tolerate it.

I put my situation out there on social media with a status comment on Facebook (maybe not the best of ideas, but social media is looked upon as an outlet). It got the attention of a co-worker who is a “friend” on Facebook. Which then went to my Director. My Director was not standing for it.

For those of us fortunate enough to have been taught that the beauty in and fabric of life is the diversity of people, ideas and situations we come across, tolerating narrow-mindedness is not an option.
Tolerance of bullying stops somewhere. And it stops with people like my Director, my friends, and others who take action.

The question then lies in: Who is brave enough? Who is bold enough? Who will take action? Who values diversity? Who is willing to teach tolerance to the bully and show them the errors in thinking? And, above all, who values the simplicity of humanity?”

We’re brave enough, are you?

We believe it is easier to hate than to love. We believe it is easier to hit than to hug. We believe it is easier to curse than to compliment. We believe it is easier to kill…than to kiss. For this reason we are propsing that instead of hating, cursing, hitting and killing you will love, hug, compliment and kiss! People are willing every day to take huge risks with drugs, alcohol, operations, money and violence not knowing what the possible outcome will be but they are unable to take the same risks to be brave and actually get closer to someone who is foreign or confusing to them because of their differences.

Hug someone. Compliment someone. Love someone…

Stop being a coward. Kiss a fool!

Be yourself. Be unafraid…Be your own unexpected luxury!

Hate…Is Not a Luxury!

Slamming her locker she looked at the words outlined in red, permanent marker like blood from a fresh kill. She could feel the stares from the other kids in the hallway and as tears crested the corners of her eyes, she hunched over, hands in her pockets and walked past her audience. They should yell “Dead Man Walking” she thought to herself. She walked down the main hallway, past the smirks and laughter which always tasted her back like the tongue of a vicious serpent.

Was she the words they called her? Was she really that bad? The only friend she had was someone she didn’t even really want to be friends with and even she didn’t like her that much. What had she ever done? She couldn’t even remember when it started, just some distant memory of that girl standing in the gym shouting, “Don’t pick her. We’ll lose if we have her!” Was it 4th grade? Maybe 5th? It didn’t matter. It still felt the same as that first time and even that girl haunted her wherever she went. Saddest of all was she wished she were that girl. Perfect hair and a perfect boyfriend. Everything…perfect.

Maybe even if she had parents who understood but how did you explain to your own parents that no one liked you. Especially when they were just as hard on you as everyone else. She shook her head before pushing the door open to walk outside into the sunshine, the school’s last bell ringing in her head like a million forevers. She crossed the street and walked onto the side street which would take her home. The final mile she liked to call it. It was the only place she felt truly safe. She pulled out her huge sunglasses which reminded her of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and put them on. They only cost her $2.99 but they made her feel glamorous. She pulled her iPod from her purse, put the earphones tightly in her ears and scrambled until she found the song she was looking for.


She looked behind her and smiled. No one.

Turning around, she cocked her sunglasses and then put her hands on her hips.


Instantly she was on a runway in Paris strutting her shit as the crowd went crazy and her fans applauded. She walked to the end, stopped and gave her signature pouty lipped smile. She had shown them all. She wasn’t that bad after all. She was beautiful. She was amazing. She was gorgeous. She was fabulous.
Right…Left…Right…Left…she pranced back and forth on the same stretch of sidewalk until the song ended.

Finishing her runway walk, she turned the corner of her street walking tall. She could see her house in the distance. She stopped and started the song over again.

Maybe today wasn’t the day. Maybe she should wait. She might just prove them all wrong after all. Maybe one day…she’d even prove it to herself. Maybe. It might just be worth waiting around to find out. At least for another day…

Bullying is serious. Very serious. But so is your life! DO NOT give into the bully! Shove their nose in your success! Putting together days adds up to a lifetime. It’s worth waiting around to see what excitement is in store for you. Who knows. You might even end up being a supermodel!

Be yourself. Be unafraid…Be your own unexpected luxury!

*Photographs courtesy of Velvet D’Amour.

Hate or Validate?

Today we received a hate letter via email. At first we laughed it off as we usually do and didn’t give it another thought. But the more the words sat in our heads ruminating we realized not responding would mean we were part of a greater problem. Bullying. And it reminding us of Oprah’s words on her last show.


How true.
In the last year we’ve made a personal goal to work towards anti-bullying even attempting to work with bullies to understand their motives. You see, this is a societal problem. We are quick to blame the bully but they are in pain too or they wouldn’t find joy or humor in making someone feel worse than they do themselves. At the cost of another life, we could not just sit back. Sure, we could handle the violent words of the ridiculous email but what about the 13 year old boy who is ridiculed and doesn’t have any friends because he is overweight or the 15 year old lesbian who doesn’t feel part of a “community” or “group” and walks through the halls every day at school in hopes of finding just one person who feels the same way she feels? What about the the skinny girl who everyone thinks is beautiful and smart and has it all but inside she doesn’t feel as if she can ever live up to anyone’s expectations, including her own? What about the 17 year old gay teenager who stays in his room in front of his computer looking for a life or a world where someone will make him feel like he’s good enough? We’ve made it through those days…but they haven’t. This is for them…we are here if you need us. You aren’t alone.

So…here’s the first email:


and this is the second…obviously from the same person:

my name isnt valid, just another person that cant stand your horrible. go to the gym ugly fucks commented on The boys of raannt YouTube Channel!!!

i dont know whats worse…you guys being ugly and fat or just going through a midlife crisis!!!
people hate you two in indpls, you guys are a joke, embarassing, and people shun away from you two. get a new job. you two are pathetic pieces of garbage!!!
alex, you hair is ugly, you have horrible bags under your eyes..and you FAT!! peter, your just a fat midlife crisis hairy piece of garbage with a horrible. go spend your time at the gym you two lame ass losers. you guys are a joke!!!!

Hmmmm…well, you can wait and hear our response personally tomorrow on our YouTube video HATE at our YouTube Channel

Our original thought was to respond humorously, as we always do, making tee-shirts stating MIDLIFE CRISIS and FATASS. But this is much too serious. How serious? It is illegal. If you question this check out your state’s code on harassment and intimidation.

But it is much more serious to us because of the effect it could have on someone who can’t take anymore and, as Oprah says, is simply looking for validation.

For anyone that feels that way…we love you, we’re here for you and you’re not alone. Our commitment is to never stop being ourselves until the hatred stops. We’re not going anywhere!

Be fearless…Be your own unexpected luxury!

If anyone is looking for help or just needs someone to listen to them please email us at