Long Live the King…

On Sunday night, Madonna gave an award speech to Michael Jackson. In her speech she talked about her kinship with Michael and defined him as a “hero”. She also explained how we let him, “slip through our cracks.” We began talking about this speech and about our experiences since starting raannt. We’ve met a lot of wonderful people, been exposed to a lot of wonderful experiences, but the flip side is true as well. For every article we write, we receive just as much praise as we do hate mail, not necessarily for us, but mostly for the people or the establishments we write about in our blog. This past weekend, we discussed how our motive had been to bring this community, not of straight or gay, black or white, young or old…but the community of Indianapolis together and to help everyone enjoy what our great city has to offer. So, with this video clip, we hope to inspire all of our readers to do great things, come together in our kinship, try to understand one another, critique helpfully and love more, and not let what we have here in Indy slip through our cracks…

We love you Indy…
Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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