Our friends at Frank & Oak have introduced a killer athletic line that will not only motivate anyone to work out, but actually make everyone want to work out, because you’ll look so good doing it! The new line includes workout tees, shorts, and athletic jackets with dry-force. Our fave is the Mock Athletic Jacket with Dry-Force in Neon. This super cool jacket also comes in this neon color, black and also in blue. For $55 you get a work out jacket that:
- You can feel cool in
- Feels light but protective enough for running outside during the cool fall or cold winter weather
- You can pretty much wear by itself
- Or it can be paired with:

1. Short sleeve tee with dry-force in black
2. Athletic sweat-shorts in heather
3. Nike Flyknit Lunar1+
4. Men’s HeatGear® boot sock
Check out our friends at Frank & Oak and buy buy buy! We love their stuff and we love it for good quality fashionable reasons!
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*Item provided by Frank & Oak for review.