Author Christy Pastore Weaves Together Fashion, Passion & Intrigue into Fifteen Weekends! An Interview

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We met author Christy Pastore years ago when she first launched her fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up. Through the years, we were lucky enough to collaborate with her on a few projects and follow her dream as an up and coming contemporary romance author. With the debut of her book Fifteen Weekends, Christy has woven together her love of fashion, passion and intrigue and has set a solid name for herself in the up and rising genre loved by so many. Christy took time off between Tweeting and finishing her next novel Unscripted, to talk to us and fill us in on the life of a romance novelist.

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Describe your writing style in five words.
Descriptive. Bold. Fluid. Sexy. Twisty.

How would you describe Fifteen Weekends in one sentence?
“Fifteen Weekends” is a captivating book combining three intriguing stories into one.

Where did you get the idea for Fifteen Weekends?
The story of “Fifteen Weekends” was something I developed fairly quickly. I had put some notes on paper about the order of events. The backstories of the characters flowed through my mind to the keyboard effortlessly. I wrote the book in less than four weeks. However, that was just expressing the story and getting it out in a fashioned order.

Which character do you most relate to in the book?
It’s easy to say I relate to each of the main characters in some fashion, but probably I am most like Emily or she is a lot like me.

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What will surprise readers while reading Fifteen Weekends?
So far readers are telling me they are surprised by the twists and turns that you don’t see coming, which is good for me. It means I did my job of not being too obvious with plot development.

What three things would your readers be surprised to know about you?
I picked up and moved to Hawaii six months after graduating college with no job. I just wanted to live somewhere exotic and warm. I recently found out I have a dairy allergy. I used to absolutely hate reading books.

What is the next book you’re working on and will there be a sequel to Fifteen Weekends?
“Unscripted” is my next book. It will debut later this year. What can I tell you about “Unscripted”? It’s a steamy and romantic love story set in Manhattan. Twenty-six year old Holliday Prescott finds herself in the throes of passion with Ronan Connolly, Hollywood’s most coveted leading man . (Oh did I mention, Ronan is Irish?) Holliday wasn’t looking for anything at all, but it’s funny how fate sweeps in with other plans.I guarantee Ronan Connolly will be your next book boyfriend.

Honestly, I would LOVE nothing more than to write a sequel to Fifteen Weekends! However, I am an Author under contract with a publishing house. The reality is that it’s a business, and numbers will determine that outcome along with determining Ashleigh, Emily and Amanda’s fate in storybook history.

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How did you start writing and what was your motivation?
Writing has been a constant in my life. It led me to create a fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up, which was my full-time career along with running a boutique marketing and media company until I decided to become a full-time writer. I helped fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands with their marketing and branding. I worked on the sets of photo shoots helping to create the themes or just assist with production. Ultimately, a move to Saint Louis was the reason I decided to publish. Feeling a little burned out from the corporate grind, I just wasn’t having fun any longer, and I told myself when it stops being enjoyable it’s time to move on to other passions, goals and dreams. I still love to blog, and I do every so often, but I no longer work on a daily basis with clients. I have been writing full-time for nearly a year now. I love it because every day is different and exciting!

You often refer to your “writing cave”. What does your writing space actually look like?
Right now the writing cave is a little messy. It’s filled with boxes of Fifteen Weekends swag, that I need to find a place for, and because I am in the editing process things get a little crazy here in the cave. I have an L-shaped glass desk where my laptop sits and I have bigger screen that sits to the right… I NEED to have dual screens when I am working. I have a large cork board with all kinds of notes pinned up… action words, descriptive words, words to describe emotion and facial expressions. Not to mention inspirational quotes. File folders, index cards, post it notes everywhere and in the corner of course, there is a flat screen TV for “research” purposes. The walls are cream colored and there are two guest chairs facing opposite my desk.

What are your writing rituals?
I write when an idea sparks… mostly I am freshest for writing in morning. However as you know, writing is not a 9-5 job. It’s a 24/7, 7 days a week constant. If I am working on a new book I find that 10pm to 3am is usually the best time to write… the sounds of silence are best.

What advice would you give someone who wants to be a published author?
Dream Big! Do your research and never ever give up. Don’t take the first no or rejection as any kind of sign. Everyone has a story to tell, and every story needs a voice to tell it.

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Who are three of your favorite writers?
The list grows every day! Emma Chase, Sylvia Day and J. Kenner. I am in love with so many Indie Authors right now too!

What is one book you would recommend to a friend?
Depends on the friend, but I seem to be recommending Perfect Plans by C.J. Wells to everyone!

How do you define sexy?
Confidence. There is nothing sexier than confidence.

What is the Sexiest City?
Since I value confidence as sexy then of all the cities I think London is the sexiest.

Christopher Bailey of Burberry – the man can seem to do no wrong.

Shoe brand?
Brian Atwood.

It’s a tie for me between 9 ½ Weeks, Color of Night and Sliver.

Vodka and club soda with a twist of lime. A man who drinks scotch is very sexy though!

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If Fifteen Weekends was made into a movie, who would you want to play the main characters?
All of my muses of course! Karl Urban as Ethan Carlson, Sarah Lancaster as Emily Greene, Odette Annable as Ashleigh Preston, Rachael Taylor as Amanda Parsons, Steve Jones as Liam Frost and Julian McMahon as Vince Everett

Since you are a contemporary romance novelist, what advice would you give women to spice up their relationships?
Ha! Well I am no romance sex expert by any means. I can tell you that most CR Novelists will never share their bedroom secrets. That would put us in an entirely different career. If there is anything I have learned – don’t be afraid to tell your partner what you like and don’t like. Communicate your desires and passions.

What three items are on your wish list?
A Burberry Trench Coat, a Tod’s Handbag and a diamond ring from Graziela Gems, it’s called “White Stackable Pizza Ring.” Kate Bosworth wore the ring to an event and I was like “WANT”!

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Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
Hmmm that is a tough one….sitting at the top of the Best Seller’s List… Hosting Saturday Night Live?

What are your three simple luxuries?
San Pelligrino, eye-cream and pedicures.

Check out Christy on Goodreads and buy her book on Amazon!

Also check out her Twitter and Facebook pages! She’s pretty active on both!



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*Images courtesy of Christy Pastore


“Best New Book of 2014! Emotionally endearing and hilarious!”

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